FreeFOAM The Cross-Platform CFD Toolkit
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Table of Contents

This file describes the most important changes made between FreeFOAM versions. It does not include changes made by the upstream developers (i.e. OpenFOAM®). For the detailed changes refer to the log provided by the GIT repository.

1. Changes in FreeFOAM 0.1.0rc5

  • Merged with upstream (OpenFOAM-1.6.x and OpenFOAM-1.7.x), up to revision linkrepo:openfoam17[d08d3c].

  • Changed API-doc URL to be versioned.

  • Updated the design of the API-doc to match the homepage.

  • Generate a doc-index mapping application names to HTML file names.

  • Removed obsolete shell scripts.

  • Create manpages from the header comments.

  • Updated/fixed/extended header comments.

  • Added manpages for the scripts.

  • Translated all scripts to Python.

  • foamCalc accepts options properly.

  • Added work-arounds for old GCC compilers (pre-4.4).

  • Removed the ParaView plugins.

  • Reworked build system.

  • metisDecomp and scotchDecomp were extracted into separate libraries.

  • zlib can now be auto-downloaded and built if not available.

  • Print a spiffy feature summary after the configuration finished.

  • Added a rudimentary wmake compatibility layer and a simplistic wmake-to-CMake conversion script.

  • Drive the tutorial-cases using CTest.

  • Added template script for setting up a CDash client.

  • Removed gammaPstream as Gamma appears to be dead.

  • Ported the online OpenFOAM-UserGuide to AsciiDoc source and create XHTML and PDF documents from it.

  • Fixed various static initialization issues.

  • Fixed many minor bugs and added numerous small improvements.

2. Changes in FreeFOAM 0.1.0rc4

  • Improved building of METIS and ParMetis (no non-standard headers and feature detection of mallinfo).

  • Improved detection of backtrace() and backtrace_symbols() availability.

  • Improved detection of SIGFPE handling capabilities.

  • More flexible -doc and -srcDoc options using an index file. It is now possible to use the online documentation and have FreeFOAM output the location of the documentation file instead of trying to open it using a browser.

  • Fixed some bugs in the build system and some utility scripts.

  • Merged with upstream (OpenFOAM-1.5.x), up to revision linkrepo:openfoam[5f9a16].

3. Changes in FreeFOAM 0.1.0rc3

  • Fixed typo in new dummyPrintStack.C.

4. Changes in FreeFOAM 0.1.0rc2

  • Only print stack trace if the system supports it and then only don’t try to shell-escape and use addr2line for file/line information.

  • Use full version number for default installation directory names and use the hyphen to separate it from the directory name instead of creating a subdirectory.

  • Configure global.C instead of using preporcessor defines. This solves unnecessary recompiles of the complete OpenFOAM library.

5. Changes in FreeFOAM 0.1.0rc1

  • CMake based build system

  • New, automatically created include-structure in the build tree, corresponding to the install tree:

          Scalar.H -> includes <source_dir>/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/Scalar/Scalar.H
          Scalar.C -> includes <source_dir>/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/Scalar/Scalar.C
  • All source files (with a few exceptions) use the new #include <libname/filename> scheme

  • Renamed files/directories with ambiguous names (distinguish only through capitalization)

  • Applied B. Gschaider’s Mac OS X Patches versions 1 and 3

  • Made the interfaces of sig{Fpe,Int,Quit,Segv} OS-agnostic

  • Moved Pstream implementations into loadable modules

  • Configurable search path for plugins

  • Removed all dependencies on environment variables

  • Removed wmake build system and shell init scripts

  • Removed obsolete, useless and black-magick scripts from bin/

  • Adapted Doxygen creation to FreeFOAM

  • Use a user-configurable template string for running parallel jobs with foamJob

  • Moved non-essential utility scripts to data/utilities

  • Moved bin/tools into data/shellFunctions

  • Turned bin/{newSource,newSourceTemplate} into shell-functions

  • Added ~FreeFOAM/ to be expanded like ~OpenFOAM/

  • Improved dotFoam() search for config files

  • Rebranded source templates, Doxygen doc, IOobject::writeBanner() and the scripts in bin/

  • Do not run XiFoam/moriyoshiHomogeneousPart2 when testing

OpenFOAM® is a registered trademark of OpenCFD® Ltd.