FreeFOAM The Cross-Platform CFD Toolkit
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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
absorptionCoeffsAbsorption coefficients class used in greyMeanAbsorptionEmission and wideBandAbsorptionEmission
absorptionEmissionModelModel to supply absorption and emission coefficients for radiation modelling
AC3DsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of reading/writing AC3D format
AC3DsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the AC3DsurfaceFormat
accessOp< T >
activeBaffleVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldBoundary condition that modifies mesh areas based on velocity
actuationDiskSourceActuation disk zone definition. Constant values for momentum source for actuation disk
addPatchCellLayerAdds layers of cells to outside of polyPatch
addSubtractAdds/subtracts a field or value to/from a base field
topoSetSource::addToUsageTableClass with constructor to add usage string to table
advectiveFvPatchField< Type >Advective outflow boundary condition based on solving DDt(psi, U) = 0 at the boundary
algebraicSimple algebraic model for Xi based on Gulders correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for Xi. See report TR/HGW/10 for details on the Weller two equations model. See XiModel.H for more details on flame wrinkling modelling
algebraicPairGAMGAgglomerationAgglomerate using the pair algorithm
alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarFieldAbstract base class for alphaContactAngle boundary conditions
alphaFixedPressureFvPatchScalarFieldA fixed-pressure alphaContactAngle boundary
alphaSgsJayatillekeWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldThermal wall function for turbulent thermal diffusivity based on the Jayatilleke thermal wall function
alphaSgsWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for thermal diffusivity when using wall functions

  • replicates OpenFOAM v1.5 (and earlier) behaviour
alphatWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent thermal diffusivity when using wall functions

  • replicates OpenFOAM v1.5 (and earlier) behaviour
  • Turbulent Prandtl number defaults to 0.85 if unspecified
Analytical< Type >Analytical integration
andEqOp< T >
andEqOp2< T1, T2 >
andOp< T >
andOp2< T1, T2 >
andOp3< T, T1, T2 >
anisotropicFilterAnisotropic filter
APIdiffCoefFuncAPI function for vapour mass diffusivity
ArLiquid Ar
arcEdgeDefines the arcEdge of a circle in terms of 3 points on its circumference
argListExtract command arguments and options from the supplied argc and argv parameters
ArrheniusReactionRateArrhenius reaction rate
ashCoal ash
atmBoundaryLayerInletEpsilonFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition specifies a epsilon inlet for the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). This boundaty is to be used in conjunction with ABLInletVelocity
atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldBoundary condition specifies a atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) velocity inlet profile given the friction velocity value, flow direction n and direction of the parabolic coordinate z
atomicWeightTable::atomicWeightStructure to hold the element name and atomic weight pair
atomicWeightTableA table of atomic weights for all the elements
atomizationModelBase class for selecting the atomization model
attachDetachAttach/detach boundary mesh modifier. This modifier takes a set of internal faces and converts them into boundary faces and vice versa based on the given activation switch
attachPolyTopoChangerThis class is derived from polyMesh and serves as a tool for statically connecting pieces of a mesh by executing the mesh modifiers and cleaning the mesh
autoHexMeshDriverMain meshing driver
autoLayerDriverAll to do with adding layers
autoPtr< T >An auto-pointer similar to the STL auto_ptr but with automatic casting to a reference to the type and with pointer allocation checking on access
autoSnapDriverAll to do with snapping to surface
AverageIOField< Type >A primitive field + average with IO
backwardDdtScheme< Type >Second-order backward-differencing ddt using the current and two previous time-step values
barotropicCompressibilityModelAbstract class for barotropic compressibility models
basicBasic sub-grid obstacle drag model. Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06
basicChemistryModelBase class for chemistry models
basicKinematicCloudCloud class to introduce kinematic parcels
basicMultiComponentMixtureCombustion mixture
basicPsiThermoBasic thermodynamic properties based on compressibility
BasicReactingMultiphaseParcel< ThermoType >
BasicReactingParcel< ThermoType >
basicRhoThermoBasic thermodynamic properties based on density
basicSourceBasic source abtract class
basicSourceListList of explict sources
basicSubGridBasic sub-grid obstacle flame-wrinking enhancement factor model. Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06
XiGModel::basicSubGridBasic sub-grid obstacle flame-wrinking generation rate coefficient model. Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06
basicSymmetryFvPatchField< Type >A symmetry patch
basicSymmetryPointPatchField< Type >A Symmetry boundary condition for pointField
basicThermoBasic thermodynamic properties
basicThermoCloudCloud class to introduce thermodynamic parcels
BICCGDiagonal incomplete LU preconditioned BiCG solver derived from the general preconditioned BiCG solver PBiCG but with the choice of preconditioner pre-selected
BiIndirectList< T >Indexes into negList (negative index) or posList (zero or positive index)
biLinearFitPolynomialBiLinear polynomial for interpolation fitting
binaryAbsorptionEmissionRadiation coefficient based on two absorption models
BinaryCollisionModel< CloudType >Templated DSMC particle collision class
BirdCarreauAn incompressible Bird-Carreau non-Newtonian viscosity model
blackBodyEmissionClass black body emission
blended< Type >Linear/upwind blended differencing scheme
blobsSheetAtomizationPrimary Breakup Model for pressure swirl atomizers
blobsSwirlInjectorModel for parcels injection in pressure Swirl Atomizers
blockCreates a single block of cells from point coordinates, numbers of cells in each direction and expansion ratio
blockDescriptorBlock descriptor. Takes the description of the block and the list of curved edges and creates a list of points on edges together with the weighting factors
booleanSurfaceSurface-surface intersection. Given two surfaces construct combined surface
boundaryCutterDoes modifications to boundary faces
boundaryMeshAddressing for all faces on surface of mesh. Can either be read from polyMesh or from triSurface. Used for repatching existing meshes
boundaryPatchLike polyPatch but without reference to mesh. patchIdentifier::index is not used. Used in boundaryMesh to hold data on patches
boundaryRegionThe boundaryRegion persistent data saved as a Map<dictionary>
boundaryToFaceA topoSetSource to select all external (boundary) faces
boundBoxA bounding box defined in terms of the points at its extremities
boundedBackwardDdtSchemeSecond-order bounded-backward-differencing ddt using the current and two previous time-step values
boxToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside box
boxToFaceA topoSetSource to select faces based on face centres inside box
boxToPointA topoSetSource to select points based on whether they are inside box
breakupModelBase class for selecting a breakup model
BSplineAn implementation of B-splines
bufferedAccumulator< Type >
buoyantPressureFvPatchScalarFieldSet the pressure gradient boundary condition appropriately for buoyant flow
CaCO3Calcium carbonate (limestone)
calcTypeBase class for post-processing calculation functions
calculatedFvPatchField< Type >Foam::calculatedFvPatchField
calculatedFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::calculatedFvsPatchField
calculatedPointPatchField< Type >A calculated boundary condition for pointField
Callback< CallbackType >Abstract class to handle automatic call-back registration with the CallbackRegistry. Derive from this class and extend by adding the appropriate callback functions
CallbackRegistry< CallbackType >Base class with which callbacks are registered
CatmullRomSplineAn implementation of Catmull-Rom splines (sometimes known as Overhauser splines)
CECCellToFaceStencilCombined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour
cellA cell is defined as a list of faces with extra functionality
cellClassification'Cuts' a mesh with a surface
cellCutsDescription of cuts across cells
cellDistFuncsCollection of functions used in wall distance calculation
meshReader::cellFaceIdentifierIdentify cell faces in terms of cell Id and face Id
cellFeaturesCell analysis class
cellInfoHolds information regarding type of cell. Used in inside/outside determination in cellClassification
cellLimitedGrad< Type >CellLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme
cellLooperAbstract base class. Concrete implementations know how to cut a cell (i.e. determine a loop around the circumference)
cellMapperThis object provides mapping and fill-in information for cell data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from mapPolyMesh
cellMatcherBase class for cellshape matchers (hexMatch, prismMatch, etc.). These are classes which given a mesh and cell number find out the orientation of the cellShape and construct cell-vertex to mesh-vertex mapping and cell-face to mesh-face mapping
cellMDLimitedGrad< Type >CellMDLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme
cellModelMaps a geometry to a set of cell primitives, which enables geometric cell data to be calculated without access to the primitive geometric level. This means mapping a 3D geometry to a set of pyramids which are each described by a cell face and the cell centre point
cellModellerA static collection of cell models, and a means of looking them up
cellMotionFvPatchField< Type >Foam::cellMotionFvPatchField
cellQualityClass calculates cell quality measures
cellSetA collection of cell labels
cellShapeAn analytical geometric cellShape
cellSourceCell source variant of field value function object. Values of user- specified fields reported for collections of cells
cellSplitterDoes pyramidal decomposition of selected cells. So all faces will become base of pyramid with as top a user-supplied point (usually the cell centre)
cellTableThe cellTable persistent data saved as a Map<dictionary>
cellToCellA topoSetSource to select the cells from another cellSet
cellToCellStencilBaseclass for extended cell centred addressing. Contains per cell a list of neighbouring cells and/or boundaryfaces in global addressing
cellToFaceA topoSetSource to select a faceSet from cells
cellToFaceStencilBaseclass for extended cell-to-facel stencils (face values from neighbouring cells)
cellToPointA topoSetSource to select points based on usage in cells
cellZoneA subset of mesh cells
cellZoneSetLike cellSet but updates cellZone when writing
CentredFitData< Polynomial >Data for the quadratic fit correction interpolation scheme
CentredFitScheme< Type, Polynomial, Stencil >Centred fit surface interpolation scheme which applies an explicit correction to linear
CFCCellToFaceStencilCombined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour
CH4N2OUrea, note that some of the properties are unavailable in the literature and have been copied from water
channelIndexDoes averaging of fields over layers of cells. Assumes layered mesh
ChemicallyActivatedReactionRate< ReactionRate, ChemicallyActivationFunction >General class for handling chemically-activated bimolecular reactions
chemistryReader< ThermoType >Abstract class for reading chemistry
chemistrySolver< CompType, ThermoType >An abstract base class for solving chemistry
ChomiakInjectorInjector model based on an idea of Jerzy Chomiak
ChungChung compressibility model
clippedLinear< Type >Central-differencing interpolation scheme using clipped-weights to improve stability on meshes with very rapid variations in cell size
clockRead access to the system clock with formatting
clockTimeStarts timing (using rtc) and returns elapsed time from start. Better resolution (2uSec instead of ~20mSec) than cpuTime
clockTimeImplStarts timing (using rtc) and returns elapsed time from start. Better resolution (2uSec instead of ~20mSec) than cpuTime
Cloud< ParticleType >
cloudA cloud is a collection of lagrangian particles
cloudAbsorptionEmissionRetrieves absorption/emission data from a cloud object
cloudScatterCloud radiation scatter model
cmptDivideOp< T >
cmptDivideOp2< T1, T2 >
cmptDivideOp3< T, T1, T2 >
cmptMultiplyOp< T >
cmptMultiplyOp2< T1, T2 >
cmptMultiplyOp3< T, T1, T2 >
CoalParcel< ThermoType >
CoEulerDdtScheme< Type >Courant number limited first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt
collisionModelBase case for selecting a collision model
combineFacesCombines boundary faces into single face. The faces get the patch of the first face ('the master')
combustionModelBase class for all non-premixed combustion models
commonRailInjectorCommon-rail injector
commScheduleDetermines the order in which a set of processors should communicate with one another
Pstream::commsStructStructure for communicating between processors
CompactListList< T >A packed storage unstructured matrix of objects of type <T> using an offset table for access
CompactListList_dev< T, Container >A packed storage unstructured matrix of objects of type <T> using an offset table for access
complexExtension to the c++ complex library type
componentsWrites scalar fields corresponding to each component of the supplied field (name) for each time
CompositionModel< CloudType >Templated reacting parcel composition model class Consists of carrier species (via thermo package), and additional liquids and solids
token::compoundAbstract base class for complex tokens
token::Compound< T >A templated class for holding compound tokens
CompoundTokenAn abstract base class for managing compound tokens
compressibleAuto creation of fields to provide backwards compatibility with runtime selectable wall functions
ConeInjection< CloudType >Cone injection
ConeInjectionMP< CloudType >Cone injection multi-point
octree< Type >::const_iteratorAn STL const_iterator for octree
HashTable< T, Key, Hash >::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
LPtrList< LListBase, T >::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
LList< LListBase, T >::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
UILList< LListBase, T >::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
DLListBase::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
SLListBase::const_iteratorAn STL-conforming const_iterator
PackedList< nBits >::const_iteratorThe const_iterator for PackedList
Constant< Type >Templated basic entry that holds a constant value
constantConstant laminar flame speed model
constantAbsorptionEmissionConstant radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase
constantAlphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarFieldA constant alphaContactAngle scalar boundary condition (alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField)
DsmcParcel< ParcelType >::constantPropertiesClass to hold DSMC particle constant properties
KinematicParcel< ParcelType >::constantPropertiesClass to hold kinematic particle constant properties
ReactingMultiphaseParcel< ParcelType >::constantPropertiesClass to hold reacting multiphase particle constant properties
ReactingParcel< ParcelType >::constantPropertiesClass to hold reacting particle constant properties
ThermoParcel< ParcelType >::constantPropertiesClass to hold thermo particle constant properties
molecule::constantPropertiesClass to hold molecule constant properties
ConstantRateDevolatilisation< CloudType >Constant rate devolatisation model

  • need to set vapourisation temperature to 600 K
constantScatterConstant radiation scatter coefficient
constInjectorInjector model with specified Constant values for the droplet diameter and spray cone angle
constTransport< thermo >Constant properties Transport package. Templated into a given thermodynamics package (needed for thermal conductivity)
convectionScheme< Type >Abstract base class for convection schemes
coordinateRotationA coordinate rotation specified per local axes and the base class for other rotation specifications
coordinateSystemA cartesian coordinate system and the base class for other coordinate system specifications
coordinateSystemsProvides a centralized coordinateSystem collection
coordSetHolds list of sampling positions
correctedSnGrad< Type >Simple central-difference snGrad scheme with non-orthogonal correction
correlationFunction< Type >
coupledFacePairData associated with a pair of coupled faces
coupledFacePointPatchCoupled patch for post-processing. Used as the base class for processor and cyclic pointPatches
coupledFvPatchAn abstract base class for patches that couple regions of the computational domain e.g. cyclic and processor-processor links
coupledFvPatchField< Type >Foam::coupledFvPatchField
coupledFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::coupledFvsPatchField
coupledPointPatchCoupled patch for post-processing. Used as the base class for processor and cyclic pointPatches
coupledPointPatchField< Type >A Coupled boundary condition for pointField
coupledPolyPatchThe coupledPolyPatch is an abstract base class for patches that couple regions of the computational domain e.g. cyclic and processor-processor links
COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate< CloudType >
COxidationDiffusionLimitedRateDiffusion limited rate surface reaction model for coal parcels. Limited to:
COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate< CloudType >
COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRateKinetic/diffusion limited rate surface reaction model for coal parcels. Limited to:
COxidationMurphyShaddix< CloudType >
COxidationMurphyShaddixLimited to C(s) + O2 -> CO2
CPCCellToFaceStencilCombined corresponding cellToCellStencil of owner and neighbour
cpuTimeStarts timing CPU usage and return elapsed time from start
cpuTimeImplStarts timing CPU usage and return elapsed time from start
CrankNicholsonDdtScheme< Type >Second-oder CrankNicholson implicit ddt using the current and previous time-step fields as well as the previous time-step ddt
CrossPowerLawAn incompressible Cross-Power law non-Newtonian viscosity model
crossProduct< arg1, arg2 >
csvSetWriter< Type >
csvTableReader< Type >
cubeRootVolDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in LES models
cubic< Type >Cubic interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction
cubicUpwindFitPolynomialCubic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting
curveA single curve in a graph
curvedEdgeDefine a curved edge that is parameterized for 0<lambda<1 between the start and end point
curve::curveStyleThe style (line, symbol, etc) of a curve
cuttingPlaneConstructs plane through mesh
cvsTableReaderReads an interpolation table from a file - CSV-format
cyclicFvPatchCyclic-plane patch
cyclicFvPatchField< Type >Foam::cyclicFvPatchField
cyclicFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::cyclicFvsPatchField
cyclicGAMGInterfaceGAMG agglomerated cyclic interface
cyclicGAMGInterfaceFieldGAMG agglomerated cyclic interface field
cyclicLduInterfaceAn abstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces
cyclicLduInterfaceFieldAbstract base class for cyclic coupled interfaces
cyclicPointPatchCyclic patch for post-processing
cyclicPointPatchField< Type >Cyclic front and back plane patch field
cyclicPolyPatchCyclic plane patch
cylinderAnnulusToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a cylinder annulus
cylinderToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside a cylinder
cylindricalCSCylindrical coordinate system
cylindricalInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldDescribes an inlet vector boundary condition in cylindrical coordinates given a central axis, central point, rpm, axial and radial velocity
d2dt2Scheme< Type >Abstract base class for d2dt2 schemes
DataEntry< Type >Top level data entry class for use in dictionaries. Provides a mechanism to specify a variable as a certain type, e.g. constant or table, and provide functions to return the (interpolated) value, and integral between limits
ddtScheme< Type >Abstract base class for ddt schemes
DeardorffDiffStressDifferential SGS Stress Equation Model for compressible flows
DeardorffDiffStressDifferential SGS Stress Equation Model for incompressible flows
decompositionMethodAbstract base class for decomposition
definedHollowConeInjectorAn injector model for hollow/solid cone injection
definedInjectorUser specified MFR vs time and velocity vs time
definedPressureSwirlInjectorPressure swirl injector model with user-defined cone-angle/interval vs. time
degenerateMatcherCollection of all hex degenerate matchers (hex, wedge, prism etc.) Has static member function to match a shape
DevolatilisationModel< CloudType >Templated devolatilisation model class
DiagonalMatrix< Type >DiagonalMatrix<Type> is a 2D diagonal matrix of objects of type Type, size nxn
diagonalPreconditionerDiagonal preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices
DiagTensor< Cmpt >Templated 3D DiagTensor derived from VectorSpace
DICGaussSeidelSmootherCombined DIC/GaussSeidel smoother for symmetric matrices in which DIC smoothing is followed by GaussSeidel to ensure that any "spikes" created by the DIC sweeps are smoothed-out
DICPreconditionerSimplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky preconditioner for symmetric matrices (symmetric equivalent of DILU). The reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal is calculated and stored
DICSmootherSimplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky smoother for symmetric matrices
Dictionary< T >Gerneral purpose template dictionary class which manages the storage associated with it
dictionaryA list of keyword definitions, which are a keyword followed by any number of values (e.g. words and numbers). The keywords can represent patterns which are matched using Posix regular expressions. The general order for searching is as follows:

  • exact match
  • pattern match (in reverse order)
  • optional recursion into the enclosing (parent) dictionaries
DictionaryBase< IDLListType, T >Base dictionary class templated on both the form of doubly-linked list it uses as well as the type it holds
dictionaryEntryA keyword and a list of tokens is a 'dictionaryEntry'
dieselMixture< ThermoType >Foam::dieselMixture
DILUGaussSeidelSmootherCombined DILU/GaussSeidel smoother for asymmetric matrices in which DILU smoothing is followed by GaussSeidel to ensure that any "spikes" created by the DILU sweeps are smoothed-out
DILUPreconditionerSimplified diagonal-based incomplete LU preconditioner for asymmetric matrices. The reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal is calculated and stored
DILUSmootherSimplified diagonal-based incomplete LU smoother for asymmetric matrices
dimensioned< Type >Generic dimensioned Type class
DimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >Field with dimensions and associated with geometry type GeoMesh which is used to size the field and a reference to it is maintained
SlicedGeometricField< Type, PatchField, SlicedPatchField, GeoMesh >::DimensionedInternalFieldThe internalField of a SlicedGeometricField
dimensionSetDimension set for the base types. This type may be used to implement rigorous dimension checking for algebraic manipulation
directionalDiffusivityDirectional finite volume mesh motion diffusivity
directionInfoHolds direction in which to split cell (in fact a local coordinate axes). Information is a label and a direction
directionMixedFvPatchField< Type >Foam::directionMixedFvPatchField
directionsSet of directions for each cell in the mesh. Either uniform and size=1 or one set of directions per cell
directMappedFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >Recycles the value at a set of cells or patch faces back to *this. Can not sample internal faces (since volField not defined on faces)
directMappedPatchBaseDetermines a mapping between patch face centres and mesh cell or face centres and processors they're on
directMappedPointPatchDirectMapped patch
directMappedPolyPatchDetermines a mapping between patch face centres and mesh cell or face centres and processors they're on
directMappedVelocityFluxFixedValueFvPatchFieldRecycles the velocity and flux at a patch to this patch
directMappedWallPointPatchDirectMapped patch
directMappedWallPolyPatchDetermines a mapping between patch face centres and mesh cell or face centres and processors they're on
DispersionModel< CloudType >
DispersionRASModel< CloudType >
dispersionRASModelDispersion RAS model
displacementComponentLaplacianFvMotionSolverMesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the given component of the motion displacement
displacementFvMotionSolverBase class for fvMotionSolvers which calculate displacement
displacementInterpolationFvMotionSolverMesh motion solver for an fvMesh
displacementLaplacianFvMotionSolverMesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion displacement
displacementSBRStressFvMotionSolverMesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre solid-body rotation stress equations for the motion displacement
distanceSurfaceA sampledSurface defined by a distance to a surface
distributedTriSurfaceMeshIOoject and searching on distributed triSurface. All processor hold (possibly overlapping) part of the overall surface. All queries are distributed to the processor that can answer it and the result sent back
divWrites scalar fields corresponding to the divergence of the supplied field (name) for each time
divideEqOp< T >
divideEqOp2< T1, T2 >
divideOp< T >
divideOp2< T1, T2 >
divideOp3< T, T1, T2 >
divScheme< Type >Abstract base class for div schemes
dlLibraryTableA table of dynamically loaded libraries
DLList< T >Non-intrusive doubly-linked list
DLListBaseBase doubly-linked list
DLPtrList< T >Non-intrusive doubly-linked pointer list
domainDecompositionAutomatic domain decomposition class for FOAM meshes
downwind< Type >Downwind differencing scheme class
DragModel< CloudType >Templated drag model class
DsmcBaseCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated DsmcCloud
DsmcCloud< ParcelType >Templated base class for dsmc cloud
dsmcFieldsCalculate intensive fields:

  • UMean
  • translationalT
  • internalT
  • overallT from averaged extensive fields from a DSMC calculation
DsmcParcel< ParcelType >DSMC parcel class
dummyIPstreamImplDummy implementation of the IPstreamImpl abstract base class
dummyOPstreamImplDummy implementation of the OPstreamImpl abstract base class
dummyPstreamImplDummy implementation of the PstreamImpl abstract base class
duplicatePointsDuplicate points
dxSurfaceWriter< Type >
dynamicAlphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarFieldA dynamic alphaContactAngle scalar boundary condition (alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField)
DynamicField< T, SizeInc, SizeMult, SizeDiv >Dynamically sized Field
dynamicFvMeshAbstract base class for geometry and/or topology changing fvMesh
dynamicInkJetFvMeshMesh motion specifically for the "pumping" system of an ink-jet injector
DynamicList< T, SizeInc, SizeMult, SizeDiv >A 1D vector of objects of type <T> that resizes itself as necessary to accept the new objects
dynamicMotionSolverFvMeshThe dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh
dynamicRefineFvMeshA fvMesh with built-in refinement
dynOneEqEddyOne Equation Eddy Viscosity Model for compressible flows
dynOneEqEddyOne Equation Eddy Viscosity Model for incompressible flows
eConstThermo< equationOfState >Constant properties thermodynamics package templated on an equation of state
edgeAn edge is a list of two point labels. The functionality it provides supports the discretisation on a 2-D flat mesh
edgeCollapserDoes polyTopoChanges to remove edges. Can remove faces due to edge collapse but can not remove cells due to face removal! Also removes unused points
edgeFaceCirculatorWalks from starting face around edge
edgeIntersectionsHolder of intersections of edges of a surface with another surface. Optionally shuffles around points on surface to resolve any 'conflicts' (edge hitting triangle edge, edge hitting point etc.)
EdgeMap< T >Map from edge (expressed as its endpoints) to value
edgeMeshPoints connected by edges
edgeStatsHelper class to calculate minimum edge length on mesh
edgeSurfaceDescription of surface in form of 'cloud of edges'
edgeVertexCombines edge or vertex in single label. Used to specify cuts across cell circumference
egrMixture< ThermoType >Foam::egrMixture
emptyFvPatchA patch which will not exist in the fvMesh. Typical example is a front and back plane of a 2-D geometry
emptyFvPatchField< Type >Foam::emptyFvPatchField
emptyFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::emptyFvsPatchField
emptyPointPatchEmpty plane patch
emptyPointPatchField< Type >An empty boundary condition for pointField
emptyPolyPatchEmpty front and back plane patch. Used for 2-D geometries
engineTimeManage time in terms of engine RPM and crank-angle
enrichedPatchThe enriched patch contains a double set of faces from the two sides of the sliding interface before the cutting
ensightFileEnsight output with specialized write() for strings, integers and floats. Correctly handles binary write as well
ensightGeoFileSpecialized Ensight output with extra geometry file header
ensightPartBase class for ensightPartCells and ensightPartFaces
ensightPartCellsAn implementation of ensightPart to hold volume mesh cells
ensightPartFacesAn implementation of ensightPart to hold volume mesh faces
ensightPartsA collection of several ensightPart elements
entryA keyword and a list of tokens is an 'entry'
epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for epsilon when using wall functions

  • calculates epsilon and G
  • epsilon values added directly into the matrix to act as a constraint
epsilonWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for epsilon when using wall functions

  • calculates epsilon and G
  • epsilon values added directly into the matrix to act as a constraint
ePsiThermo< MixtureType >Internal energy for a mixture based on compressibility
eqEqOp< T >
eqEqOp2< T1, T2 >
eqEqOp3< T, T1, T2 >
eqMagOp< T >
eqMagOp2< T1, T2 >
eqMinusOp< T >
eqMinusOp2< T1, T2 >
eqOp< T >
eqOp2< T1, T2 >
ErgunH, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 104, p. 42
errorClass to handle errors and exceptions in a simple, consistent stream-based manner
errorDrivenRefinementRefines and coarsens based on error estimate
errorEstimate< Type >Residual error estimation
errorManip< Err >Error stream manipulators for exit and abort which may terminate the program or throw an exception depending if the exception handling has been switched on (off by default)
errorManipArg< Err, T >ErrorManipArg
ETABThe Enhanced TAB model
Euler< Type >Euler-implicit integration
EulerCoordinateRotationA coordinateRotation defined in the z-x-y Euler convention
EulerD2dt2Scheme< Type >First-order Euler implicit d2dt2 using the current and two previous time-step values
EulerDdtScheme< Type >Basic first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt using only the current and previous time-step values
EulerImplicit< CompType, ThermoType >An Euler implicit solver for chemistry
evaporationModelBase class for selecting an evaporation model
ExactParticle< ParticleType >Special version of Particle to do tracking on non-convex cells
explicitSourceExplicit source
exponentialExponential pdf
exponentialDiffusivityMesh motion diffusivity maipulator which returns the exp(-alpha/D) of the given diffusivity D
extendedCellToFaceStencilCalculates/constains the extended cell-to-face stencil
extendedFaceToCellStencilNote: transformations on coupled patches not supported. Problem is the positions of cells reachable through these patches
extendedLeastSquaresGrad< Type >Second-order gradient scheme using least-squares
extendedLeastSquaresVectorsExtended molecule least-squares gradient scheme vectors
extendedUpwindCellToFaceStencilCreates upwind stencil by shifting a centred stencil to upwind and downwind faces and optionally removing all non-(up/down)wind faces ('pureUpwind')
extrude2DMeshGiven 2D mesh insert all the topology changes to extrude. Does not work in parallel
extrudeModelTop level extrusion model class
faceA face is a list of labels corresponding to mesh vertices
faceAreaPairGAMGAgglomerationAgglomerate using the pair algorithm
FaceCellWave< Type >Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of cells. Templated on information that is transferred
faceCollapserCollapses faces into edges. Used to remove sliver faces (faces with small area but non-zero span)
faceCoupleInfoContainer for information needed to couple to meshes. When constructed from two meshes and a geometric tolerance finds the corresponding boundary faces
faceLimitedGrad< Type >FaceLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme
faceMapperThis object provides mapping and fill-in information for face data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from mapPolyMesh
faceMDLimitedGrad< Type >FaceMDLimitedGrad gradient scheme applied to a runTime selected base gradient scheme
faceMeshStorage for surface mesh i.e. points and faces
facePointPatchA pointPatch based on a polyPatch
faceSetA list of face labels
faceSourceFace source variant of field value function object. Values of user- specified fields reported for collections of faces
faceToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on usage in faces
faceToCellStencilBaseclass for extended cell centred addressing. Contains per cell a list of neighbouring faces in global addressing
faceToFaceA topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in another faceSet
faceToPointA topoSetSource to select points based on usage in faces
faceTriangulationTriangulation of faces. Handles concave polygons as well (inefficiently)
faceZoneA subset of mesh faces organised as a primitive patch
faceZoneSetLike faceSet but updates faceZone when writing
faceZoneToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on side of faceZone
faceZoneToFaceZoneA topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in another faceSet
FallOffReactionRate< ReactionRate, FallOffFunction >General class for handling unimolecular/recombination fall-off reactions
fanFvPatchField< Type >Foam::fanFvPatchField
FDICPreconditionerFaster version of the DICPreconditioner diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky preconditioner for symmetric matrices (symmetric equivalent of DILU) in which the the reciprocal of the preconditioned diagonal and the upper coefficients divided by the diagonal are calculated and stored
featureEdgeMeshFeatures (lines), readable from file
FECCellToFaceStencilAll cells connected via edge to face
fftFast fourier transform derived from the Numerical Recipes in C routine
Field< Type >Generic templated field type
FieldActivatedInjection< CloudType >Injection at specified positions, with the conditions:
fieldAverageCalculates the field averages given list of fieldAverageItems, e.g
fieldAverageItemHelper class to describe what form of averaging to apply. A set will be applied to each base field in Foam::fieldAverage, of the form:
fieldDictionaryRead field as dictionary (without mesh)
FieldField< Field, Type >Generic field type
probes::fieldGroup< Type >Class used for grouping field types
FieldMapperAbstract base class to hold the Field mapping addressing and weights
fieldMinMaxCalculates scalar minimim and maximum field values
multivariateScheme< Type, Scheme >::fieldSchemeSurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field)
multivariateSelectionScheme< Type >::fieldSchemeSurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field)
multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme< Type >::fieldSchemeSurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field)
multivariateUpwind< Type >::fieldSchemeSurfaceInterpolationScheme sub-class returned by operator(field)
multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme< Type >::fieldTableFieldTable
fieldToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on field values
fieldValueBase class for field value -based function objects
FIFOStack< T >A FIFO stack based on a singly-linked list. Operations are push(), pop(), top(), bottom() and empty()
fileDiffusivityMotion diffusivity read from given file name
fileNameA class for handling file names
fileStatWrapper for stat() system call
filteredLinear2Limiter< LimiterFunc >Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear2 differencing scheme
filteredLinear2VLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear2V differencing scheme
filteredLinear3Limiter< LimiterFunc >Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear differencing scheme
filteredLinear3VLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear3V differencing scheme
filteredLinearLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class to generate weighting factors for the filteredLinear differencing scheme
FitData< FitDataType, ExtendedStencil, Polynomial >Data for the upwinded and centred polynomial fit interpolation schemes. The linearCorrection_ determines whether the fit is for a corrected linear scheme (first two coefficients are corrections for owner and neighbour) or a pure upwind scheme (first coefficient is correction for owner ; weight on face taken as 1)
fixedFixed value model for Xi. See XiModel.H for more details on flame wrinkling modelling
fixedAxisSixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint. Body may only rotate around an axis fixed in global space
fixedBlended< Type >Two-scheme fixed-blending differencing scheme
fixedEnthalpyFvPatchScalarFieldA fixed boundary condition for enthalpy
fixedGradientFvPatchField< Type >Foam::fixedGradientFvPatchField
fixedInternalEnergyFvPatchScalarFieldA fixed boundary condition for internal energy
fixedInternalValueFvPatchField< Type >Boundary condition providing mechanism to set boundary (cell) values directly into a matrix, i.e. to set a constraint condition. Default behaviour is to act as a zero gradient condition
fixedLineSixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint. Reference point may only move along a line
FixedList< T, Size >A 1D vector of objects of type <T> with a fixed size <Size>
fixedNormalSlipFvPatchField< Type >Foam::fixedNormalSlipFvPatchField
fixedNormalSlipPointPatchField< Type >Slip with user-specified normal
fixedOrientationSixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint. Orientation of body fixed global space. Only valid where the predicted deviation from alignment is < 90 degrees
fixedPlaneSixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint. Reference point may only move along a plane
fixedPointSixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraint. Point fixed in space
fixedPressureCompressibleDensityFvPatchScalarFieldCalculate compressible density as a function of pressure and fluid properties
fixedShearStressFvPatchVectorFieldSet a constant shear stress as tau0 = -nuEff dU/dn
fixedUnburntEnthalpyFvPatchScalarFieldFixed boundary condition for unburnt
fixedValueReturns a fixed value
fixedValueFvPatchField< Type >Foam::fixedValueFvPatchField
fixedValueFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::fixedValueFvsPatchField
fixedValuePointPatchField< Type >A FixedValue boundary condition for pointField
flowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldDescribes a volumetric/mass flow normal vector boundary condition by its magnitude as an integral over its area
flux< Type >
flux< scalar >
fluxCorrectedVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity outlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. The outflow velocity is obtained by "zeroGradient" and then corrected from the flux. If reverse flow is possible or expected use the "pressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField" BC instead
foamChemistryReader< ThermoType >Chemistry reader for OpenFOAM format
foamFileSurfaceWriter< Type >A surfaceWriter for foamFiles
forceCoeffsDerived from the forces function object, creates a specialisation to calculate lift and drag forces
forcesCalculates the forces and moments by integrating the pressure and skin-friction forces over a given list of patches
fourthGrad< Type >Second-order gradient scheme using least-squares
FreeStream< CloudType >Inserting new particles across the faces of a all patched of type "patch" for a free stream. Uniform values number density, temperature and velocity sourced face-by-face from the boundaryT and boundaryU fields of the cloud
freestreamFvPatchField< Type >Foam::freestreamFvPatchField
FTRsurfaceFormat< Face >Reading of the (now deprecated and infrequently used) Foam Trisurface Format
functionEntryA functionEntry causes entries to be added/manipulated on the specified dictionary given an input stream
functionObjectAbstract base-class for Time/database function objects
functionObjectListList of function objects with start(), execute() and end() functions that is called for each object
fvDOMFinite Volume Discrete Ordinates Method. Solves the RTE equation for n directions in a participating media, not including scatter
fvFieldDecomposerFinite Volume volume and surface field decomposer
fvFieldReconstructorFV volume and surface field reconstructor
fvMatrix< Type >A special matrix type and solver, designed for finite volume solutions of scalar equations. Face addressing is used to make all matrix assembly and solution loops vectorise
fvMeshMesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation
fvMeshAdderAdds two fvMeshes without using any polyMesh morphing. Uses fvMeshAdder
fvMeshDistributeSends/receives parts of mesh+fvfields to neighbouring processors. Used in load balancing
fvMeshMapperClass holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with fvMesh
fvMeshSubsetPost-processing mesh subset tool. Given the original mesh and the list of selected cells, it creates the mesh consisting only of the desired cells, with the mapping list for points, faces, and cells
fvMotionSolverVirtual base class for finite volume mesh motion solvers
fvPatchField< Type >Abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which they might be used
fvPatchMapperMapping class for a fvPatchField
fvSchemesSelector class for finite volume differencing schemes. fvMesh is derived from fvShemes so that all fields have access to the fvSchemes from the mesh reference they hold
fvSolutionSelector class for finite volume solution solution. fvMesh is derived from fvSolution so that all fields have access to the fvSolution from the mesh reference they hold
fvMatrix< Type >::fvSolverSolver class returned by the solver function
fvsPatchField< Type >An abstract base class with a fat-interface to all derived classes covering all possible ways in which they might be used
fvSurfaceMapperFV surface mapper
GAMGAgglomerationGeometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid agglomeration class
GAMGInterfaceAbstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interfaces
GAMGInterfaceFieldAbstract base class for GAMG agglomerated interface fields
GAMGPreconditionerGeometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid preconditioner
GAMGSolverGeometric agglomerated algebraic multigrid solver
GammaLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Gamma differencing scheme based on phict obtained from the LimiterFunc class
gaussConvectionScheme< Type >Basic second-order convection using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem
gaussDivScheme< Type >Basic second-order div using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem
gaussGrad< Type >Basic second-order gradient scheme using face-interpolation and Gauss' theorem
gaussLaplacianScheme< Type, GType >Basic second-order laplacian using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem
GaussSeidelSmootherA lduMatrix::smoother for Gauss-Seidel
GenEddyViscGeneral base class for all compressible models that can be implemented as an eddy viscosity, i.e. algebraic and one-equation models
GenEddyViscGeneral base class for all incompressible models that can be implemented as an eddy viscosity, i.e. algebraic and one-equation models
generalGeneral pdf
genericFvPatchFV variant of the genericPolyPatch
genericFvPatchField< Type >Foam::genericFvPatchField
genericPointPatchDirectMapped patch
genericPointPatchField< Type >Foam::genericPointPatchField
genericPolyPatchDetermines a mapping between patch face centres and mesh cell centres and processors they're on
GenSGSStressGeneral base class for all compressible models that directly solve for the SGS stress tensor B
GenSGSStressGeneral base class for all incompressible models that directly solve for the SGS stress tensor B
geomCellLooperImplementation of cellLooper. Does pure geometric cut through cell
geomDecompGeometrical domain decomposition
GeoMesh< MESH >Generic mesh wrapper used by volMesh, surfaceMesh, pointMesh etc
GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >::GeometricBoundaryField
GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh >Generic GeometricField class
geometricOneFieldA class representing the concept of a GeometricField of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time
geometricSurfacePatchThe geometricSurfacePatch is like patchIdentifier but for surfaces. Holds type, name and index
GibilaroH, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 106, p. 43
GidaspowErgunWenYuD. Gidaspow, Multiphase flow and fluidization, Academic Press, New York, 1994
GidaspowSchillerNaumannH, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 86-87, p. 40
globalIndexCalculates a unique integer (label so might not have enough room - 2G max) for processor + local index. E.g
globalMeshDataVarious mesh related information for a parallel run. Upon construction constructs all info by using parallel communication
globalPointPatchField< Type >Foam::globalPointPatchField
globalPointsCalculates points shared by more than two processor patches or cyclic patches
gnuplotGraphOutput in gnuplot ( format
gnuplotSetWriter< Type >
GradientDispersionRAS< CloudType >The velocity is perturbed in the direction of -grad(k), with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below
gradientDispersionRASThe velocity is perturbed in the direction of -grad(k), with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below
gradientEnthalpyFvPatchScalarFieldGradient boundary condition for enthalpy
gradientInternalEnergyFvPatchScalarFieldGradient boundary condition for internal energy
gradientUnburntEnthalpyFvPatchScalarFieldGradient boundary condition for unburnt
gradScheme< Type >Abstract base class for gradient schemes
graphClass to create, store and output qgraph files
greyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarFieldRadiation temperature specified
greyMeanAbsorptionEmissionGreyMeanAbsorptionEmission radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase
GTSsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of reading/writing GTS format. The output is never sorted by zone and is only written if it consists entirely of triangles
GulderSimple Gulder model for XiEq based on Gulders correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for XiEq
GuldersLaminar flame speed obtained from Gulder's correlation
GuldersEGRLaminar flame speed obtained from Gulder's correlation with EGR modelling
harmonicHarmonic-mean differencing scheme class
Hash< PrimitiveType >Hash function class for primitives. All non-primitives used to hash entries on hash tables likely need a specialized version of this class
string::hashHashing function class, shared by all the derived classes
FixedList< T, Size >::Hash< HashT >Hashing function class
Hash< Foam::label >Hash specialization for hashing labels
Hash< void * >Hash specialization for hashing pointer addresses
HashPtrTable< T, Key, Hash >A HashTable specialization for hashing pointers
HashSet< Key, Hash >A HashTable with keys but without contents
hashSignedLabelHash for signed integers (Hash<label> only works for unsigned ints)
HashTable< T, Key, Hash >An STL-conforming hash table
hConstThermo< equationOfState >Constant properties thermodynamics package templated into the equationOfState
HeatTransferModel< CloudType >Templated heat transfer model class
HerschelBulkleyHerschel-Bulkley non-Newtonian viscosity model
hexBlockHex block definition used in the cfx converter
hexCellLooperImplementation of cellLooper
hexMatcherA cellMatcher for hex cells
hexRef8Refinement of (split) hexes using polyTopoChange
hhuMixtureThermo< MixtureType >Foam::hhuMixtureThermo
hierarchGeomDecompDoes hierarchical decomposition of points. Works by first sorting the points in x direction into equal sized bins, then in y direction and finally in z direction
Histogram< List >Calculates the counts per bin of a list
hollowConeInjectorA hollow cone injector with randomly distributed parcels between the inner and outer cone angle
homogeneousDynSmagorinskyThe Isochoric homogeneous dynamic Smagorinsky Model for incompressible flows
homogeneousMixture< ThermoType >Foam::homogeneousMixture
hPolynomialThermo< EquationOfState, PolySize >Thermodynamics package templated on the equation of state, using polynomial functions for cp, h and s
hPsiMixtureThermo< MixtureType >Foam::hPsiMixtureThermo
hPsiThermo< MixtureType >Enthalpy for a mixture based on compressibility
hRhoMixtureThermo< MixtureType >Foam::hRhoMixtureThermo
hRhoThermo< MixtureType >Enthalpy for a mixture based on density
hsCombustionThermoSensible enthalpy variant of combustionThermo
hsPsiMixtureThermo< MixtureType >Foam::hsPsiMixtureThermo
hsPsiThermo< MixtureType >Sensible enthalpy for a mixture based on compressibility
hsReactionThermoSensible enthalpy variant for reactionThermo
hsRhoMixtureThermo< MixtureType >Foam::hsRhoMixtureThermo
hsRhoThermo< MixtureType >Sensible enthalpy for a mixture based on density
ICCGIncomplete Cholesky preconditioned CG solver derived from the general preconditioned CG solver PCG but with the choice of preconditioner pre-selected
icoPolynomial< PolySize >Incompressible, polynomial form of equation of state, using a polynomial function for density
IDDESDeltaIDDESDelta used by the IDDES (improved low Re Spalart-Allmaras DES model) The min and max delta are calculated using the double distance of the min or max from the face centre to the cell centre
IDEAThe IDEA fuel is constructed by adding 30% alphaMethylNaphthalene with 70% n-decane
IDLList< T >Intrusive doubly-linked list
ifEqEqOp< value >Reduction class. If x and y are not equal assign value
IFstreamInput from file stream
IFstreamAllocatorA std::istream with ability to handle compressed files
ILList< LListBase, T >Template class for intrusive linked lists
Imanip< T >
includeEntrySpecify an include file when reading dictionaries, expects a single string to follow
includeIfPresentEntrySpecify a file to include if it exists. Expects a single string to follow
incompressibleIncompressible gas/liquid equation of state
indexedOctree< Type >Non-pointer based hierarchical recursive searching
indexedParticleCloudA Cloud of particles carrying an additional index
IndirectList< T >A List with indirect addressing
ignitionSite::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
ExactParticle< ParticleType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for parallel transfer
basicSource::iNewReturn pointer to new basicSource object created
TimeActivatedExplicitSource< Type >::iNewReturn pointer to new TimeActivatedExplicitSource object created
MRFZone::iNewReturn a pointer to a new MRFZone created on freestore
porousZone::iNewReturn pointer to new porousZone created on freestore from Istream
sampledSet::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
sampledSurface::iNewClass used for the PtrLists read-construction
searchableSurface::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
topoSetSource::iNewClass used for the read-construction of
Reaction< ReactionThermo >::iNewClass used for the read-construction of PtrLists of reaction
functionObject::iNewReturn a pointer to a new functionObject created on freestore
INew< T >A helper class when constructing from an Istream
Particle< ParticleType >::iNewFactory class to read-construct particles used for
injector::iNewReturn a pointer to a new injector created on freestore
phase::iNewReturn a pointer to a new phase created on freestore
infinitelyFastChemistrySimple infinitely fast chemistry combustion model based on the principle mixed is burnt. Additional parameter C is used to distribute the heat release time
InflowBoundaryModel< CloudType >Templated inflow boundary model class
InfoProxy< T >A helper class for outputting values to Ostream
inhomogeneousMixture< ThermoType >Foam::inhomogeneousMixture
InjectionModel< CloudType >Templated injection model class
injectorSpray injector
injectorModelThe injectormodel is used to set initial droplet size and the velocity direction
injectorTypeBase class for injectors
inletOutletFvPatchField< Type >Foam::inletOutletFvPatchField
innerProduct< arg1, arg2 >
innerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Vector< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, Vector2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Vector2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
innerProduct< Vector< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
inputModeEntrySpecify the input mode when reading dictionaries, expects a single word to follow
instabilityThis is the equilibrium level of the flame wrinkling generated by instability. It is a constant (default 2.5). It is used in XiModel.H
instabilityGFlame-surface instabilityG flame-wrinking generation rate coefficient model used in XiModel.H
instantAn instant of time. Contains the time value and name
IntegrationScheme< Type >::integrationResultHelper class to supply results of integration
IntegrationScheme< Type >Top level model for Integration schemes
interfaceCompressionLimiterInterface compression scheme currently based on the generic limited scheme although it does not use the NVD/TVD functions
interfacePropertiesContains the interface properties
internalWriterWrite fields (internal)
interpolateInterpolates volume fields to surface fields for each time
interpolation< Type >Abstract base class for interpolation
interpolationCell< Type >Foam::interpolationCell
interpolationCellPatchConstrained< Type >Uses the cell value for any point in the cell apart from a boundary face where it uses the boundary value directly. Note: will not work on an empty patch
interpolationCellPoint< Type >Foam::interpolationCellPoint
interpolationCellPointFace< Type >Foam::interpolationCellPointFace
interpolationCellPointWallModified< Type >Same as interpolationCellPoint, but if interpolating a wall face, uses cell centre value instead
interpolationLookUpTable< Type >A list of lists. Interpolates based on the first dimension. The values must be positive and monotonically increasing in each dimension
interpolationTable< Type >A list of times and values. The time values must be positive and monotonically increasing
intersectedSurfaceGiven triSurface and intersection creates the intersected (properly triangulated) surface. (note: intersection is the list of points and edges 'shared' by two surfaces)
inverseDistanceDiffusivityInverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity
inverseFaceDistanceDiffusivityInverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity
inversePointDistanceDiffusivityInverse distance to the given patches motion diffusivity
inverseVolumeDiffusivityInverse cell-volume motion diffusivity
IOdictionaryIOdictionary is derived from dictionary and IOobject to give the dictionary automatic IO functionality via the objectRegistry. To facilitate IO, IOdictioanry is provided with a constructor from IOobject and writeData and write functions
IOerrorReport an I/O error
IOField< Type >A primitive field of type <T> with automated input and output
IOList< T >A List of objects of type <T> with automated input and output
IOMap< T >A Map of objects of type <T> with automated input and output
IOobjectIOobject defines the attributes of an object for which implicit objectRegistry management is supported, and provides the infrastructure for performing stream I/O
IOobjectListList of IOobjects with searching and retrieving facilities
IOOutputFilter< OutputFilter >IOdictionary wrapper around OutputFilter to allow them to read from their associated dictionaries
IOPosition< ParticleType >Helper IO class to read and write particle positions
IOPtrList< T >A PtrList of objects of type <T> with automated input and output
IOstreamAn IOstream is an abstract base class for all input/output systems; be they streams, files, token lists etc
IPstreamInput inter-processor communications stream
IPstreamImplAbstract base class for IPstream operations that depend on the parallel library used. Foam::IPstreamImpl::New will lookup the entry "PstreamImplementation" in the global controlDict file (i.e. the one found by Foam::dotFoam) and tries to first load a library named lib<PstreamImplementation>, and then instantiate the class <PstreamImplementation>IPstreamImpl
IrreversibleReaction< ReactionThermo, ReactionRate >Simple extension of Reaction to handle reversible reactions using equilibrium thermodynamics
ISLList< T >Intrusive singly-linked list
isNotEqOp< T >Comparison operator for probes class
isoSurfaceA surface formed by the iso value. After "Regularised Marching Tetrahedra: improved iso-surface extraction", G.M. Treece, R.W. Prager and A.H. Gee
isoSurfaceCellA surface formed by the iso value. After "Polygonising A Scalar Field Using Tetrahedrons", Paul Bourke and "Regularised Marching Tetrahedra: improved iso-surface extraction", G.M. Treece, R.W. Prager and A.H. Gee
ISstreamGeneric input stream
IstreamAn Istream is an abstract base class for all input systems (streams, files, token lists etc). The basic operations are construct, close, read token, read primitive and read binary block
IStringStreamInput from memory buffer stream
octree< Type >::iteratorAn STL iterator for octree
HashTable< T, Key, Hash >::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
StaticHashTable< T, Key, Hash >::Iterator< TRef, TableRef >An STL iterator
LList< LListBase, T >::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
LPtrList< LListBase, T >::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
UILList< LListBase, T >::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
DLListBase::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
SLListBase::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
PackedList< nBits >::iteratorUsed for PackedList
PtrList< T >::iteratorAn STL-conforming iterator
UPtrList< T >::iteratorAn STL iterator
PackedList< nBits >::iteratorBaseThe iterator base for PackedList
ITstreamInput token stream
janafThermo< equationOfState >JANAF tables based thermodynamics package templated into the equationOfState
JanevReactionRateJanev, Langer, Evans and Post reaction rate
JobInfoHelper class for recording information about run/finished jobs
jplotGraphJplot graph output
jplotSetWriter< Type >
jumpCyclicFvPatchField< Type >Foam::jumpCyclicFvPatchField
kappatJayatillekeWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for (kinematic) turbulent thermal conductivity when using wall functions, using Jayatilleke P function
kEpsilonStandard k-epsilon turbulence model for compressible flows
kEpsilonStandard k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
Keyed< T >A container with an integer key attached to any item
keyTypeA class for handling keywords in dictionaries
kinematicCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated KinematicCloud
KinematicCloud< ParcelType >Templated base class for kinematic cloud
KinematicLookupTableInjection< CloudType >Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site
KinematicParcel< ParcelType >Kinematic parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase
kinematicParcelInjectionDataContainer class to provide injection data for kinematic parcels
KmeshCalculate the wavenumber vector field corresponding to the space vector field of a finite volume mesh;
kOmegaStandard high Reynolds-number k-omega turbulence model for incompressible flows
kOmegaSSTImplementation of the k-omega-SST turbulence model for compressible flows
kOmegaSSTImplementation of the k-omega-SST turbulence model for incompressible flows
kOmegaSSTSASKOmegaSSTSAS LES turbulence model for incompressible flows
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< Type >Boundary condition for turbulence k, Q, and R when using wall functions. Simply acts as a zero gradient condition
kqRWallFunctionFvPatchField< Type >Boundary condition for turbulence k, Q, and R when using wall functions. Simply acts as a zero gradient condition
KTSSimple Kolmogorov time-scale (KTS) model for the flame-wrinling generation rate
KunzKunz cavitation model slightly modified so that the condensation term is switched off when the pressure is less than the saturation vapour pressure. This change allows the condensation term to be formulated as a coefficient multiplying (p - p_sat) so that it can be included as an implicit term in the pressure equation
labelBitsA 29bits label and 3bits direction packed into single label
labelledTriTriangle with additional region number
labelToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on explicitly given labels
labelToFaceA topoSetSource to select faces given explicitly provided face labels
labelToPointA topoSetSource to select points given explicitly provided labels
lagrangianFieldDecomposerLagrangian field decomposer
lagrangianWriterWrite fields (internal)
LamBremhorstKELam and Bremhorst low-Reynolds number k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
laminarDummy turbulence model for laminar compressible flow
laminarTurbulence model for laminar compressible flow
laminarLES model for laminar incompressible flow. It simply returns laminar properties
laminarDummy turbulence model for laminar incompressible flow
incompressible::laminarTurbulence model for laminar incompressible flow
laminarFlameSpeedAbstract class for laminar flame speed
LandauTellerReactionRateLandau-Teller reaction rate
LangmuirHinshelwoodReactionRatePower series reaction rate
laplaceFilterLaplace filter for LES
laplacianScheme< Type, GType >Abstract base class for laplacian schemes
LarsenBorgnakkeVariableHardSphere< CloudType >Variable Hard Sphere BinaryCollision Model with Larsen Borgnakke internal energy redistribution. Based on the INELRS subroutine in Bird's DSMC0R.FOR
LaunderGibsonRSTMLaunder-Gibson Reynolds stress turbulence model for compressible flows
LaunderGibsonRSTMLaunder-Gibson Reynolds stress turbulence model for incompressible flows
LaunderSharmaKELaunder and Sharma low-Reynolds k-epsilon turbulence model for compressible and combusting flows
LaunderSharmaKELaunder and Sharma low-Reynolds k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
layerAdditionRemovalCell layer addition mesh modifier
layerParametersSimple container to keep together layer specific information
lduAddressingThe class contains the addressing required by the lduMatrix: upper, lower and losort
lduInterfaceAn abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interfaces e.g. processor and cyclic patches
lduInterfaceFieldAn abstract base class for implicitly-coupled interface fields e.g. processor and cyclic patch fields
lduMatrixLduMatrix is a general matrix class in which the coefficients are stored as three arrays, one for the upper triangle, one for the lower triangle and a third for the diagonal
lduMeshAbstract base class for meshes which provide LDU addressing for the construction of lduMatrix and LDU-solvers
lduPrimitiveMeshSimplest contrete lduMesh which stores the addressing needed bu lduMatrix
lduScheduleEntryStruct to hold the patch index and the initialisation flag for the patch schedule
leastSquaresGrad< Type >Second-order gradient scheme using least-squares
leastSquaresVectorsLeast-squares gradient scheme vectors
LESdeltaAbstract base class for LES deltas
LESfilterAbstract class for LES filters
LESModelBase class for all compressible flow LES SGS models
incompressible::LESModelBase class for all incompressible flow LES SGS models
UList< T >::lessLess function class that can be used for sorting
instant::lessLess function class used in sorting instants
LienCubicKELien cubic non-linear k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
LienCubicKELowReLien cubic non-linear low-Reynolds k-epsilon turbulence models for incompressible flows
LienLeschzinerLowReLien and Leschziner low-Reynolds k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
LIFOStack< T >A LIFO stack based on a singly-linked list. Operations are push(), pop(), top(), bottom() and empty()
Limited01Limiter< LimitedScheme >A LimitedLimiter with the range 0-1
limitedCubicLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the TVD limited centred-cubic differencing scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class
limitedCubicVLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the limitedCubicV differencing scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class
LimitedLimiter< LimitedScheme >Foam::LimitedLimiter
limitedLinearLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the TVD limited linear differencing scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class
LimitedScheme< Type, Limiter, LimitFunc >Class to create NVD/TVD limited weighting-factors
limitedSnGrad< Type >Central-difference snGrad scheme with limited non-orthogonal correction
limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme< Type >Abstract base class for limited surface interpolation schemes
LimitFuncsClass to create NVD/TVD limited weighting-factors
limitWith< Type >LimitWith differencing scheme limits the specified scheme with the specified limiter
LindemannFallOffFunctionLindemann fall-off function
line< Point, PointRef >A line primitive
linearLinear compressibility model
linear< Type >Central-differencing interpolation scheme class
linearAxialAngularSpringSixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Linear axial angular spring
linearFitPolynomialLinear polynomial for interpolation fitting
linearNormalExtrudes by transforming points normal to the surface by a given distance
linearSpringSixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Linear spring
linearUpwind< Type >LinearUpwind interpolation scheme class derived from upwind and returns upwind weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction
linearUpwindV< Type >LinearUpwindV interpolation scheme class derived from upwind and returns upwind weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction
linearValveFvMeshA sliding linear valve
linearValveLayersFvMeshA sliding linear valve with layers
lineDivideDivides a line into segments
lineEdgeA straight edge between the start point and the end point
LList< LListBase, T >::linkLink structure
DLListBase::linkLink structure
SLListBase::linkLink structure
liquidThe thermophysical properties of a liquid
LiquidEvaporation< CloudType >Liquid evaporation model

  • uses ideal gas assumption
liquidMixtureA mixture of liquids
LISAPrimary Breakup Model for pressure swirl atomizers
List< T >A 1D array of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc
listEqCombineReduce operator for lists. Used for counting
listUpdateOp< Type >List update operation
LList< LListBase, T >Template class for non-intrusive linked lists
localBlended< Type >Two-scheme localBlended differencing scheme
localEulerDdtScheme< Type >Local time-step first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt. The reciprocal of the local time-step field is looked-up from the database with the name provided
LocalInteraction< CloudType >Patch interaction specified on a patch-by-patch basis
localMax< Type >LocalMax-mean differencing scheme class
localMin< Type >LocalMin-mean differencing scheme class
localPointRegionTakes mesh with 'baffles' (= boundary faces sharing points). Determines for selected points on boundary faces the 'point region' it is connected to. Each region can be visited by a cell-face-cell walk. Used in duplicating points after splitting baffles
ensightPart::localPointsTrack the points used by the part and map global to local indices
locDynOneEqEddyLocalised Dynamic One Equation Eddy Viscosity Model for incompressible flows
lowReOneEqEddyOne Equation Eddy Viscosity Model for compressible flow
LPtrList< LListBase, T >Template class for non-intrusive linked PtrLists
LRRLaunder, Reece and Rodi Reynolds-stress turbulence model for compressible flows
LRRLaunder, Reece and Rodi Reynolds-stress turbulence model for incompressible flows
LRRDiffStressDifferential SGS Stress Equation Model for incompressible flows
magCalculates and writes the magnitude of a field for each time
magGradWrites scalar fields corresponding to the magnitude ot the gradient of the supplied field (name) for each time
magSqr< Type >
magSqrCalculates and writes the magnitude-sqaured of a field for each time
manualDecompDecomposition given a cell-to-processor association in a file
ManualInjection< CloudType >Manual injection
Map< T >A HashTable to objects of type <T> with a label key
mapAddedPolyMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh addition where we add a mesh ('added mesh') to an old mesh, creating a new mesh
mapDistributeClass containing processor-to-processor mapping information
mapDistributeLagrangianClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information for particles
mapDistributePolyMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a mesh distribution where we send parts of meshes (using subsetting) to other processors and receive and reconstruct mesh
MapFvSurfaceFieldMap Surface internal field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation, see MapGeometricFields
MapFvVolFieldMap volume internal field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation, see MapGeometricFields
MapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, GeoMesh >Generic internal field mapper. For "real" mapping, add template specialisations for mapping of internal fields depending on mesh type
MapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, pointMesh >
MapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, surfaceMesh >
MapInternalField< Type, MeshMapper, volMesh >
mapPatchChangeClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a patch change operation
MapPointFieldMap point field on topology change. This is a partial template specialisation for GeoMesh=pointMesh
mapPolyMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change in polyMesh topology
mapSubsetMeshClass containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a subset operation
MarshakRadiationFixedTMixedFvPatchScalarFieldMarshak boundary for radiation G field

  • radiation temperature specified
MarshakRadiationFvPatchScalarFieldMarshak boundary for radiation G field

  • radiation temperature taken from patch value
Matrix< Form, Type >A templated 2D matrix of objects of <T>, where the n x m matrix dimensions are known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc
maxDeltaxyzMaxDeltaxyz takes the maximum of the three dimensions per cell: max(hx, hy, hz). Valid for structures hexahedral cells only
maxEqOp< T >
maxEqOp2< T1, T2 >
maxhxhyhzDeltaMaxhxhyhzDelta takes the maximum of the three dimensions per cell: max(hx, hy, hz). Valid for structures hexahedral cells only
maxOp< T >
maxOp2< T1, T2 >
maxOp3< T, T1, T2 >
MaxwellianThermal< CloudType >Wall interaction setting microscopic velocity to a random one drawn from a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to a specified temperature
maxwellSlipUFvPatchVectorFieldMaxwell slip boundary condition including thermal creep and surface curvature terms that can be optionally switched off
MBLiquid nC3H7COOCH3 or (MB) methyl butyrate (used for biodiesel surrogate)
memberFunctionSelectionTablesMacros to enable the easy declaration of member function selection tables
mergePolyMeshAdd a given mesh to the original mesh to create a single new mesh
MerkleMerkle cavitation model
meshCutAndRemoveLike meshCutter but also removes non-anchor side of cell
meshCutterCuts (splits) cells
meshDualiserCreates dual of polyMesh. Every point becomes a cell (or multiple cells for feature points), a walk around every edge creates faces between them
MeshedSurface< Face >A surface geometry mesh with zone information, not to be confused with the similarly named surfaceMesh, which actually refers to the cell faces of a volume mesh
MeshedSurfaceIOAllocatorA helper class for storing points, faces and zones
MeshedSurfaceProxy< Face >A proxy for writing MeshedSurface, UnsortedMeshedSurface and surfMesh to various file formats
MeshObject< Mesh, Type >Templated abstract base-class for dynamic mesh objects used to automate their allocation to the mesh database and the mesh-modifier event-loop
meshReaderThis class supports creating polyMeshes with baffles
meshRefinementHelper class which maintains intersections of (changing) mesh with (static) surfaces
meshSearchVarious (local, not parallel) searches on polyMesh; uses (demand driven) octree to search
meshToMeshMesh to mesh interpolation class
meshTriangulationTriangulation of mesh faces. Generates (multiply connected) trisurface
MeshWave< Type >FaceCellWave plus data
meshWriterWrite OpenFOAM meshes and/or results to another CFD format

  • currently just STAR-CD
messageStreamClass to handle messaging in a simple, consistent stream-based manner
metisDecompMetis domain decomposition
midPoint< Type >Mid-point interpolation (weighting factors = 0.5) scheme class
minEqOp< T >
minEqOp2< T1, T2 >
MinmodLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Minmod differencing scheme
minModOp< T >
minModOp2< T1, T2 >
minModOp3< T, T1, T2 >
minOp< T >
minOp2< T1, T2 >
minOp3< T, T1, T2 >
minusEqOp< T >
minusEqOp2< T1, T2 >
minusOp< T >
minusOp2< T1, T2 >
minusOp3< T, T1, T2 >
MixedDiffuseSpecular< CloudType >Wall interaction setting microscopic velocity to a random one drawn from a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to a specified temperature
mixedEnthalpyFvPatchScalarFieldMixed boundary conditions for enthalpy
mixedFixedValueSlipFvPatchField< Type >A mixed boundary type that blends between fixedValue and slip, as opposed to the standard mixed condition that blends between fixedValue and fixedGradient; required to implement maxwellSlipU condition
mixedFvPatchField< Type >Foam::mixedFvPatchField
mixedInternalEnergyFvPatchScalarFieldMixed boundary conditions for internal energy
mixedPointPatchField< Type >A mixed FixedValue / ZeroGradient boundary condition for pointField
mixedSmagorinskyThe mixed Isochoric Smagorinsky Model for incompressible flows
mixedUnburntEnthalpyFvPatchScalarFieldMixed boundary condition for unburnt
mixerFvMeshA rotating slider mesh
morphFieldMapperAbstract base class to hold the Field mapping for mesh morphs
motionDiffusivityAbstract base class for cell-centre mesh motion diffusivity
motionDirectionalDiffusivityMotionDirectional finite volume mesh motion diffusivity
motionSmootherGiven a displacement moves the mesh by scaling the displacement back until there are no more mesh errors
motionSolverVirtual base class for mesh motion solver
movingConeTopoFvMeshSample topoChangerFvMesh that moves an object in x direction and introduces/removes layers
mpiIPstreamImplMPI implementation of the IPstreamImpl abstract base class
mpiOPstreamImplMPI implementation of the OPstreamImpl abstract base class
mpiPstreamImplMPI implementation of the PstreamImpl abstract base class
MRFZoneMRF zone definition based on cell zone and parameters obtained from a control dictionary constructed from the given stream
MRFZonesContainer class for a set of MRFZones with the MRFZone member functions implemented to loop over the functions for each MRFZone
multiComponentMixture< ThermoType >Foam::multiComponentMixture
multiDirRefinementDoes multiple pass refinement to refine cells in multiple directions
multiHoleInjectorThe unit injector
multiNormalA multiNormal pdf
multiphaseMixtureIncompressible multi-phase mixture with built in solution for the phase fractions with interface compression for interface-capturing
multiplyEqOp< T >
multiplyEqOp2< T1, T2 >
multiplyOp< T >
multiplyOp2< T1, T2 >
multiplyOp3< T, T1, T2 >
multivariateGaussConvectionScheme< Type >Basic second-order convection using face-gradients and Gauss' theorem
multivariateScheme< Type, Scheme >Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class which may be instantiated for any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes
multivariateSelectionScheme< Type >Generic multi-variate discretisation scheme class for which any of the NVD, CNVD or NVDV schemes may be selected for each variable
multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme< Type >Abstract base class for multi-variate surface interpolation schemes
multivariateUpwind< Type >Upwind-difference form of the multivariate surfaceInterpolationScheme
MUSCLLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the van Leer's MUSCL differencing scheme
muSgsWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldSpalart Allmaas wall function boundary condition for compressible flows
mutkWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when using wall functions, based on turbulence kinetic energy.

  • replicates OpenFOAM v1.5 (and earlier) behaviour
mutLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when for use with low Reynolds number models
mutRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when using wall functions for rough walls
mutSpalartAllmarasStandardRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldWall function boundary condition for rough walls
mutSpalartAllmarasStandardWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldWall function boundary condition for walls
mutSpalartAllmarasWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldWall function boundary condition for walls
mutWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when using wall functions

  • replicates OpenFOAM v1.5 (and earlier) behaviour
N2Liquid N2
NamedEnum< Enum, nEnum >Initialise the NamedEnum HashTable from the static list of names
NASsurfaceFormat< Face >Nastran surface reader
NASsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the NASsurfaceFormat
nbrToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on number of neighbouring cells (i.e. number of internal or coupled faces)
nearestToCellA topoSetSource to select cells nearest to points
nearestToPointA topoSetSource to select points nearest to points
nearWallDistDistance calculation for cells with face on a wall. Searches pointNeighbours to find closest
nearWallDistNoSearchDistance calculation for cells with face on a wall. Does not search anything, just takes normal component of distance
NewtonianAn incompressible Newtonian viscosity model
nilA zero-sized class without any storage. Used, for example, in HashSet
noAbsorptionEmissionDummy absorption-emission model for 'none'
noAtomizationSecondary atomization model for the spray
noBreakupSpray breakup "off"
noCollisionNo collisions between parcels All parcels move independently of eachother
combustionModel::noCombustionNo combustion
indexedOctree< Type >::node
NoDevolatilisation< CloudType >Dummy devolatilisation model for 'none'
NoDispersion< CloudType >Place holder for 'none' option
noDispersionNo turbulent dispersion of the parcels
NoDrag< CloudType >Dummy drag model for 'none'
noDragModelStandard drag law model with a lower limit on the Cd-value
noEvaporationSet the relaxation-times to something negative. this will disable evaporation
noHeatTransferNo heat transfer. return a negative value to prevent the liquid being heated up
NoHeatTransfer< CloudType >Dummy heat transfer model for 'none'
NoInflow< CloudType >Not inserting any particles
NoInjection< CloudType >Place holder for 'none' option
noiseFFTFFT of the pressure field
NonEquilibriumReversibleReaction< ReactionThermo, ReactionRate >Simple extension of Reaction to handle reversible reactions using equilibrium thermodynamics
NonlinearKEShihShih's quadratic non-linear k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
NoPhaseChange< CloudType >Dummy phase change model for 'none'
NoPostProcessing< CloudType >Place holder for 'none' option
noPreconditionerNull preconditioner for both symmetric and asymmetric matrices
noRadiationNo radiation - does nothing to energy equation source terms (returns zeros)
normalA normal pdf
normalToFaceA topoSetSource to select faces based on normal
NoSurfaceReaction< CloudType >Dummy surface reaction model for 'none'
NSRDSfunc0NSRDS function number 100
NSRDSfunc1NSRDS function number 101
NSRDSfunc14NSRDS function number 114
NSRDSfunc2NSRDS function number 102
NSRDSfunc3NSRDS function number 103
NSRDSfunc4NSRDS function number 104
NSRDSfunc5NSRDS function number 105
NSRDSfunc6NSRDS function number 106
NSRDSfunc7NSRDS-AICHE function number 107
null< Type >
nullSurfaceWriter< Type >
nuSgsWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldSpalart Allmaras wall function boundary condition for incompressible flows
nutkWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when using wall functions, based on turbulence kinetic energy.

  • replicates OpenFOAM v1.5 (and earlier) behaviour
nutLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when for use with low Reynolds number models
nutRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when using wall functions for rough walls
nutSpalartAllmarasStandardRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldWall function boundary condition for rough walls
nutSpalartAllmarasStandardWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldWall function boundary condition for walls
nutSpalartAllmarasWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldWall function boundary condition for walls
nutWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldBoundary condition for turbulent (kinematic) viscosity when using wall functions

  • replicates OpenFOAM v1.5 (and earlier) behaviour
objectHitThis class describes a combination of target object index and success flag
objectMapAn objectMap is a pair of labels defining the mapping of an object from another object, e.g. a cell mapped from a point
objectRegistryRegistry of regIOobjects
OBJsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of reading/writing Alias/Wavefront OBJ format
octree< Type >Octree, templated on type of shapes it refers to
octreeDataCellEncapsulation of data needed to search in/for cells
octreeDataEdgesHolds data for octree to work on an edges subset
octreeDataFaceHolds data for octree to work on mesh faces
octreeDataFaceListHolds data for octree to work on list of faces on a bMesh (= PrimitivePatch which holds faces, not references them) Same as octreeDataFace except for that
octreeDataPointEncapsulation of data needed for octree searches
octreeDataPointTreeLeafTemplate specialisation for octreeDataPoint
octreeDataTriSurfaceEncapsulates data for octree searches on triSurface
octreeDataTriSurfaceTreeLeafTemplate specialisation for octreeDataTriSurfaceTreeLeaf
octreeLine< Type >Iterates over intersections of line with octree leaf elements
ode< CompType, ThermoType >An ODE solver for chemistry
ODEAbstract base class for the ODE solvers
ODEChemistryModel< CompType, ThermoType >Extends base chemistry model by adding a thermo package, and ODE functions. Introduces chemistry equation system and evaluation of chemical source terms
ODESolverSelection for ODE solver
offsetOp< T >
offsetOp< face >Used to offset faces in Pstream::combineOffset
OFFsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of reading/writing Geomview OFF polyList format
OFSsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of reading/writing the single-file OpenFOAM surface format
OFSsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the OFSsurfaceFormat
OFstreamOutput to file stream
OFstreamAllocatorA std::ostream with ability to handle compressed files
Omanip< T >
omegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldProvides a wall function boundary condition/constraint on omega
omegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarFieldProvides a wall function boundary condition/constraint on omega
oneA class representing the concept of 1 (scalar(1.0)) used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time
oneEqEddyOne Equation Eddy Viscosity Model for incompressible flows
oneEqEddyOne Equation Eddy Viscosity Model for incompressible flows
oneFieldA class representing the concept of a field of 1 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time
oneFieldFieldA class representing the concept of a field of oneFields used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be one at compile-time
openFoamTableReader< Type >Reads an interpolation table from a file - OpenFOAM-format
oppositeFaceClass containing opposite face for a prismatic cell with addresing and a possibility of failure
OPstreamOutput inter-processor communications stream
OPstreamImplAbstract base class for OPstream operations that depend on the parallel library used. Foam::OPstreamImpl::New will lookup the entry "PstreamImplementation" in the global controlDict file (i.e. the one found by Foam::dotFoam) and tries to first load a library named lib<PstreamImplementation>, and then instantiate the class <PstreamImplementation>OPstreamImpl
orEqOp< T >
orEqOp2< T1, T2 >
orientedSurfaceGiven point flip all faces such that normals point in same direction
orOp< T >
orOp2< T1, T2 >
orOp3< T, T1, T2 >
ORourkeCollisionModelCollision model by P.J. O'Rourke
oscillatingFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >Foam::oscillatingFixedValueFvPatchField
osha1streamA basic output stream for calculating SHA1 digests
OSHA1streamThe output stream for calculating SHA1 digests
OSPRELimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the OSPRE differencing scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class
OSstreamGeneric output stream
OstreamAn Ostream is an abstract base class for all output systems (streams, files, token lists, etc)
OStringStreamOutput to memory buffer stream
outerProduct< arg1, arg2 >
outerProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
outerProduct< Cmpt, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
outerProduct< Cmpt, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
outerProduct< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
outerProduct< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
outerProduct< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Cmpt >
outletInletFvPatchField< Type >Foam::outletInletFvPatchField
outletMappedUniformInletFvPatchField< Type >Averages the field over the "outlet" patch specified by name "outletPatchName" and applies this as the uniform value of the field over this patch
outletStabilised< Type >Outlet-stabilised interpolation scheme which applies upwind differencing to the faces of the cells adjacent to outlets
OutputFilterFunctionObject< OutputFilter >A functionObject wrapper around OutputFilter to allow them to be created via the functions list within controlDict
P1Works well for combustion applications where optical thickness, tau is large, i.e. tau = a*L > 3 (L = distance between objects)
PackedList< nBits >A dynamically allocatable list of packed unsigned integers
Pair< Type >An ordered pair of two objects of type <T> with first() and second() elements
pairGAMGAgglomerationAgglomerate using the pair algorithm
parabolicCylindricalCSParabolic cylindrical coordinate system
parcelA parcel of particles
ParRunControlHelper class for initializing parallel jobs from the command arguments
ParSortableList< Type >Implementation of PSRS parallel sorting routine
partialSlipFvPatchField< Type >Foam::partialSlipFvPatchField
partialWriteAllows some fields/registered objects to be written more often than others
Particle< ParticleType >
particleForcesProvides a mechanism to calculate particle forces Note: forces are force per unit mass (accelerations)
passiveParticleCloudA Cloud of passive particles
patchCloudSetLike cloudSet but samples nearest patch face
patchDataWave< TransferType >Takes a set of patches to start MeshWave from
pointFieldDecomposer::patchFieldDecomposerPoint patch field decomposer class
fvFieldDecomposer::patchFieldDecomposerPatch field decomposer class
meshToMesh::patchFieldInterpolatorPatch-field interpolation class
fvMeshSubset::patchFieldSubsetPatch-field subset interpolation class
patchIdentifierIdentifies patch by name, patch index and physical type
PatchInjection< CloudType >Patch injection
patchInteractionDataHelper class for the LocalInteraction patch interaction model
PatchInteractionModel< CloudType >Templated patch interaction model class
PatchPostProcessing< CloudType >Standard post-processing
patchProbesSet of locations to patches
patchToFaceA topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in patches
PatchToolsA collection of tools for searching, sorting PrimitivePatch information
PatchToPatchInterpolation< FromPatch, ToPatch >Interpolation class dealing with transfer of data between two primitivePatches
patchWaveTakes a set of patches to start MeshWave from. After construction holds distance at cells and distance at patches. Is e.g. used by wallDist to construct volScalarField with correct distance to wall
patchWriterWrite patch fields
patchZonesCalculates zone number for every face of patch
PBiCGPreconditioned bi-conjugate gradient solver for asymmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditiioner
PCGPreconditioned conjugate gradient solver for symmetric lduMatrices using a run-time selectable preconditioner
pdfA library of runtime-selectable PDF's
PDRDragModelBase-class for sub-grid obstacle drag models. The available drag model is at basic.H
PDRkEpsilonStandard k-epsilon turbulence model with additional source terms corresponding to PDR basic drag model (basic.H)
perfectGasPerfect gas equation of state
perfectInterfaceHack of attachDetach to couple patches when they perfectly align. Does not decouple. Used by stitchMesh app. Does geometric matching
phaseSingle incompressible phase derived from the phase-fraction. Used as part of the multiPhaseMixture for interface-capturing multi-phase simulations
PhaseChangeModel< CloudType >Templated phase change model class
phasePropertiesHelper class to manage multi-component phase properties
phasePropertiesListSimple container for a list of phase properties
PhiLimiterClass with limiter function which returns the limiter for the Phi differencing scheme
PhiScheme< Type, PhiLimiter >Class to create the weighting-factors based on the face-flux
planeGeometric class that creates a 2D plane and can return the intersection point between a line and the plane
plusEqMagSqrOp< T >
plusEqMagSqrOp2< T1, T2 >
plusEqOp< T >
plusEqOp2< T1, T2 >
plusOp< T >
plusOp2< T1, T2 >
plusOp3< T, T1, T2 >
pointConstraintAccumulates point constraints through successive applications of the applyConstraint function
pointDataHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in pointEdgeWave. (so not standard meshWave)
pointEdgePointHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in pointEdgeWave. (so not standard meshWave) To be used in wall distance calculation
PointEdgeWave< Type >Wave propagation of information through grid. Every iteration information goes through one layer of edges. Templated on information that is transferred
pointFieldDecomposerPoint field decomposer
pointFieldReconstructorPoint field reconstructor
PointHit< Point >This class describes the interaction of a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point
pointHitSortContainer for sorting intersections
PointIndexHit< Point >This class describes the interaction of (usually) a face and a point. It carries the info of a successful hit and (if successful), returns the interaction point
pointLinearFace-point interpolation scheme class derived from linear and returns linear weighting factors but also applies an explicit correction
pointLinear< Type >
pointMapperThis object provides mapping and fill-in information for point data between the two meshes after the topological change. It is constructed from mapPolyMesh
pointMeshMesh representing a set of points created from polyMesh
pointMeshMapperClass holds all the necessary information for mapping fields associated with pointMesh
pointPatchBasic pointPatch represents a set of points from the mesh
pointPatchField< Type >Abstract base class for point-mesh patch fields
fvMeshSubset::pointPatchFieldSubsetPatch-field subset interpolation class
pointPatchMapperMapping class for a pointPatchField
pointSetA set of point labels
pointToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on usage of points
pointToFaceA topoSetSource to select faces based on use of points
pointToPointA topoSetSource to select points based on usage in pointSet
pointZoneA subset of mesh points. The labels of points in the zone can be obtained from the addressing() list
pointZoneSetLike pointSet but updates pointZone when writing
polyAddCellClass containing data for cell addition
polyAddFaceA face addition data class. A face can be inflated either from a point or from another face and can either be in internal or a boundary face
polyAddPointClass containing data for point addition
polyDualMeshCreates dual of polyMesh
polyLineA series of straight line segments, which can also be interpreted as a series of control points for splines, etc
polyLineEdgeA curvedEdge defined in terms of a series of straight line segments
polyMeshMesh consisting of general polyhedral cells
polyMeshAdderAdds two meshes without using any polyMesh morphing
polyMeshGeometryUpdateable mesh geometry and checking routines
polyMeshModifierVirtual base class for mesh modifiers
polyModifyCellClass describing modification of a cell
polyModifyFaceClass describing modification of a face
polyModifyPointClass describing modification of a point
polynomialPolynomial container data entry for scalars. Items are stored in a list of Tuple2's. Data is input in the form, e.g. for an entry <entryName> that describes y = x^2 + 2x^3
Polynomial< PolySize >Polynomial templated on size (order):
polynomialTransport< Thermo, PolySize >Transport package using polynomial functions for mu and kappa
polyPatchA patch is a list of labels that address the faces in the global face list
polyPatchIDA class holds the data needed to identify a patch in a dynamic mesh
polyRemoveCellClass containing data for cell removal
polyRemoveFaceClass containing data for face removal
polyRemovePointClass containing data for point removal
polyTopoChangeDirect mesh changes based on v1.3 polyTopoChange syntax
polyTopoChangerList of mesh modifiers defining the mesh dynamics
porousZonePorous zone definition based on cell zones
porousZonesA centralized porousZone collection
PostProcessingModel< CloudType >Templated post-processing model class
powerLawStandard power-law non-Newtonian viscosity model
powerSeriesReactionRatePower series reaction rate
powProduct< arg1, arg2 >
PrandtlDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in LES models
lduMatrix::preconditionerAbstract base-class for lduMatrix preconditioners
prefixOSstreamVersion of OSstream which prints a prefix on each line
pressureDirectedInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet/outlet boundary condition for pressure boundary where the pressure is specified. zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux) and for inflow the velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified `inletDirection'
pressureDirectedInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. The inflow velocity is obtained from the flux with the specified "inletDirection" direction. If reverse flow is possible or expected use the "pressureDirectedInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField" BC instead
pressureGradientExplicitSourceCreates a cell set pressure gradient source
pressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet/outlet boundary condition patches for where the pressure is specified. zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux) and for inflow the velocity is obtained from the patch-face normal component of the internal-cell value
pressureInletUniformVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. The uniform inflow velocity is obtained by averaging the flux over the patch and apply it in the direction normal to the patch faces
pressureInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. The inflow velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces. If reverse flow is possible or expected use the "pressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField" BC instead
pressureNormalInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet/outlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux) and for inflow the velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces
pressureSwirlInjectorRandomly distribute the parcels between the inner and outer cone angle
primitiveEntryA keyword and a list of tokens is a 'primitiveEntry'. An primitiveEntry can be read, written and printed, and the types and values of its tokens analysed
primitiveMeshCell-face mesh analysis engine
primitiveMeshGeometryUpdateable mesh geometry + checking routines
PrimitivePatch< Face, FaceList, PointField, PointType >A list of faces which address into the list of points
PrimitivePatchInterpolation< Patch >Interpolation class within a primitive patch. Allows interpolation from points to faces and vice versa
prismMatcherA cellMatcher for prism cells
probesSet of locations to sample
processorFvPatchProcessor patch
processorFvPatchField< Type >Foam::processorFvPatchField
processorFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::processorFvsPatchField
processorGAMGInterfaceGAMG agglomerated processor interface
processorGAMGInterfaceFieldGAMG agglomerated processor interface field
processorLduInterfaceAn abstract base class for processor coupled interfaces
processorLduInterfaceFieldAbstract base class for processor coupled interfaces
processorMeshesContainer for processor mesh addressing
processorPointPatchProcessor patch boundary needs to be such that the ordering of points in the patch is the same on both sides
processorPointPatchField< Type >Foam::processorPointPatchField
processorPolyPatchNeighbour processor patch
fvFieldDecomposer::processorSurfacePatchFieldDecomposerProcessor patch field decomposer class. Surface field is assumed
ProcessorTopology< Patch, ProcPatch >Determines processor-processor connection. After instantiation contains on all processors the processor-processor connection table
fvFieldDecomposer::processorVolPatchFieldDecomposerProcessor patch field decomposer class. Maps either owner or
proxySurfaceWriter< Type >
psiChemistryModelChemistry model for compressibility-based thermodynamics
PstreamInter-processor communications stream
PstreamBaseHelper class
PstreamImplAbstract base class for Pstream operations that depend on the parallel library used. Foam::PstreamImpl::New will lookup the entry "PstreamImplementation" in the global controlDict file (i.e. the one found by Foam::dotFoam) and tries to first load a library named lib<PstreamImplementation>, and then instantiate the class <PstreamImplementation>PstreamImpl
pTraits< PrimitiveType >Traits class for primitives
pTraits< bool >
pTraits< label >Template specialization for pTraits<label>
pTraits< Scalar >
pTraits< uLabel >Template specialization for pTraits<uLabel>
PtrDictionary< T >Template dictionary class which does not manages the storage associated with it
PtrList< T >A templated 1D list of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc
PtrMap< T >A HashTable of pointers to objects of type <T> with a label key
pureMixture< ThermoType >Foam::pureMixture
PureUpwindFitScheme< Type, Polynomial, Stencil >Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to upwind
pyramid< Point, PointRef, polygonRef >A geometric pyramid primitive with a base of 'n' sides: i.e. a parametric pyramid. A pyramid is constructed from a base polygon and an apex point
pyrMatcherA cellMatcher for pyr cells
quadraticDiffusivityMesh motion diffusivity maipulator which returns the sqr of the given diffusivity
quadraticFitPolynomialQuadratic polynomial for centred interpolation fitting
quadraticFitSnGrad< Type >
quadraticFitSnGradSimple central-difference snGrad scheme with quadratic fit correction from a larger stencil
quadraticFitSnGradDataData for the quadratic fit correction snGrad scheme
quadraticLinearFitPolynomialQuadratic/linear polynomial for interpolation fitting: quadratic normal to the face, linear in the plane of the face for consistency with 2nd-order Gauss
quadraticLinearUpwindFitPolynomialQuadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting
quadraticUpwindFitPolynomialQuadratic polynomial for upwind biased interpolation fitting
quaternionQuaternion class used to perform rotations in 3D space
QUICKLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the quadratic-upwind differencing scheme
QUICKVLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the quadratic-upwind differencing scheme
qZetaGibson and Dafa'Alla's q-zeta two-equation low-Re turbulence model for incompressible flows
radiationModelTop level model for radiation modelling
radiativeIntensityRayRadiation intensity for a ray in a given direction
RandomSimple random number generator
randomiseAdds a random component to a field, with a given perturbation magnitude
RanzMarshall< CloudType >The Ranz-Marshal correlation for heat transfer
RASModelAbstract base class for turbulence models for compressible and combusting flows
incompressible::RASModelAbstract base class for incompressible turbulence models
rawGraphA raw xy graph output
rawSetWriter< Type >
rawSurfaceWriter< Type >
rawTopoChangerFvMeshTopoChangerFvMesh without any added functionality
plane::rayA direction and a reference point
reactingCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated ReactingCloud
ReactingCloud< ParcelType >Templated base class for reacting cloud
ReactingLookupTableInjection< CloudType >Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site
reactingMixture< ThermoType >Foam::reactingMixture
reactingMultiphaseCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated reactingMultiphaseCloud
ReactingMultiphaseCloud< ParcelType >Templated base class for multiphase reacting cloud
ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection< CloudType >Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site
ReactingMultiphaseParcel< ParcelType >Multiphase variant of the reacting parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase
reactingMultiphaseParcelInjectionDataContainer class to provide injection data for reacting multiphase parcels
reactingParcelBase class for reacting parcel - simply used to set the contiguous flag
ReactingParcel< ParcelType >Reacting parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase
reactingParcelInjectionDataContainer class to provide injection data for reacting parcels
Reaction< ReactionThermo >Simple extension of ReactionThermo to handle reaction kinetics in addition to the equilibrium thermodynamics already handled
dlLibraryTable::readDlLibraryClass whose construction causes the reading of dynamic libraries
readerDatabaseSingleton caching Foam database and mesh and various. Used in Fv reader to keep track of data inbetween callbacks
readFieldsReads fields from the time folders and adds them to the mesh database for further post-processing
realizableKERealizable k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
realizableKERealizable k-epsilon turbulence model for compressible flows
Rebound< CloudType >Simple rebound patch interaction model
RectangularMatrix< Type >A templated 2D rectangular matrix of objects of <T>, where the n x n matrix dimension is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc
refCountReference counter for tmp<field>
refineCellContainer with cells to refine. Refinement given as single direction
refinementDataTransfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in meshWave
refinementDistanceDataTransfers refinement levels such that slow transition between levels is maintained. Used in FaceCellWave
refinementHistoryAll refinement history. Used in unrefinement
refinementIteratorUtility class to do iterating meshCutter until all requests satisfied
refinementParametersSimple container to keep together refinement specific information
refinementSurfacesContainer for data on surfaces used for surface-driven refinement. Contains all the data about the level of refinement needed per surface
reflectionVectorsContainer for reflection vectors (= unit normal of nearest wall)
reflectParcelThe parcels are reflected back from the wall in an inelastic collision
regExpWrapper around POSIX extended regular expressions
regionPropertiesSimple class to hold region information for coupled region simulations
regionSideDetermines the 'side' for every face and connected to a singly-connected (through edges) region of faces. Gets set of faces and a list of mesh edges ('fenceEdges') which should not be crossed. Used in splitting a mesh region
regionSplitThis class separates the mesh into distinct unconnected regions, each of which is then given a label
regionToCellTopoSetSource. Select cells belonging to topological connected region (that contains given point)
regIOobjectRegIOobject is an abstract class derived from IOobject to handle automatic object registration with the objectRegistry
reitzDiwakarSecondary breakup model for the spray
reitzKHRTSecondary breakup model which uses the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability theory to predict the 'stripped' droplets... and the Raleigh-Taylor instability as well
removeCellsGiven list of cells to remove insert all the topology changes
removeEntryRemove a dictionary entry
removeFacesGiven list of faces to remove insert all the topology changes. Contains helper function to get consistent set of faces to remove
removeParcelRemove parcel, regardless of boundary type
removePointsRemoves selected points from mesh and updates faces using these points
repatchPolyTopoChangerA mesh which allows changes in the patch distribution of the boundary faces. The change in patching is set using changePatchID. For a boundary face, a new patch ID is given
reuseTmp< TypeR, Type1 >
reuseTmp< TypeR, TypeR >
reuseTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1 >
reuseTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR >
reuseTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, PatchField, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmp< TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2 >
reuseTmpTmp< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR >
reuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 >
reuseTmpTmp< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR >
reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmpDimensionedField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2 >
reuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR >
reuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2 >
reuseTmpTmpFieldField< Field, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR >
reuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, Type2, PatchField, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, Type1, Type12, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, Type2, PatchField, GeoMesh >
reuseTmpTmpGeometricField< TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, TypeR, PatchField, GeoMesh >
reverseLinear< Type >Inversed weight central-differencing interpolation scheme class
ReversibleReaction< ReactionThermo, ReactionRate >Simple extension of Reaction to handle reversible reactions using equilibrium thermodynamics
rhoChemistryModelChemistry model for density-based thermodynamics
rhoMagSqr< Type >
RNGkEpsilonRenormalisation group k-epsilon turbulence model for compressible flows
RNGkEpsilonRenormalisation group k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible flows
RosinRammlerRosin-Rammler pdf
rotatedBoxToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside rotated/skewed box (parallelopiped?)
rotatingPressureInletOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet/outlet boundary condition in a rotating frame for patches where the pressure is specified. zero-gradient is applied for outflow (as defined by the flux) and for inflow the velocity is obtained from the flux with a direction normal to the patch faces
rpmBasic SRF model whereby angular velocity is specified in terms of a (global) axis and revolutions-per-minute [rpm]
runTimeSelectionTablesMacros to enable the easy declaration of run-time selection tables
RutlandFlashBoilEvaporation model with flash boiling
sammMeshA messy mesh class which supports the possibility of creating a shapeMesh for regular Samm meshes (no arbitrary interfaces or collapsed SAMM cells). If any of these special feateres exist, the mesh is created as polyMesh
sampledCuttingPlaneA sampledSurface defined by a plane
sampledIsoSurfaceA sampledSurface defined by a surface of iso value. Always triangulated. To be used in sampleSurfaces / functionObjects. Recalculates iso surface only if time changes
sampledIsoSurfaceCellA sampledSurface defined by a surface of iso value. Always triangulated. To be used in sampleSurfaces / functionObjects. Recalculates iso surface only if time changes
sampledPatchA sampledSurface on a patch. Non-triangulated by default
sampledPlaneA sampledSurface defined by a cuttingPlane. Always triangulated
sampledSetHolds list of sampling points which is filled at construction time. Various implementations of this base class to e.g. get sampling points at uniform distance along a line (uniformSet) or directly specified (cloudSet)
sampledSetsSet of sets to sample. Call sampledSets.write() to sample&write files
sampledSurfaceAn abstract class for surfaces with sampling
sampledSurfacesSet of surfaces to sample
sampledThresholdCellFacesA sampledSurface defined by the cell faces corresponding to a threshold value
sampledTriSurfaceMeshA sampledSurface from a triSurfaceMesh. It samples on the points/triangles of the triSurface
saturateEvaporationModelSaturate evaporation model. Characteristic time is calculated to immediately saturate the cell It should be mentioned that this is coupled with the (implicit) way evaporation is done in parcel, since the evaporation time depends on the integration step
scalarMatricesScalar matrices
scalarProduct< arg1, arg2 >
scalarRangeA scalar range specifier
scalarRangesA List of scalarRange
scaleSimilarityGeneral base class for all scale similarity models for incompressible flows
scatterModelBase class for radiation scattering
SchnerrSauerSchnerrSauer cavitation model
SCOPELaminar flame speed obtained from the SCOPE correlation
SCOPEBlendSimple SCOPEBlendXiEq model for XiEq based on SCOPEXiEqs correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for XiEq. See SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H for details on the SCOPE laminar flame speed model
XiEqModel::SCOPEXiEqSimple SCOPEXiEq model for XiEq based on SCOPEXiEqs correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for XiEq. See SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H for details on the SCOPE laminar flame speed model
scotchDecompScotch domain decomposition
SDAShip design analysis (SDA) 3DoF motion function
searchableBoxSearching on bounding box
searchableCylinderSearching on cylinder
searchablePlaneSearching on (infinite) plane. See plane.H
searchablePlateSearching on finite plate. Plate has to be aligned with coordinate axes. Plate defined as origin and span. One of the components of span has to be 0 which defines the normal direction. E.g
searchableSphereSearching on sphere
searchableSurfaceBase class of (analytical or triangulated) surface. Encapsulates all the search routines. WIP
searchableSurfaceCollectionSet of transformed searchableSurfaces. Does not do boolean operations. So when meshing might find parts 'inside'
searchableSurfacesContainer for searchableSurfaces
searchableSurfacesQueriesA collection of tools for searchableSurfaces
searchableSurfaceWithGapsSearchableSurface using multiple slightly shifted underlying surfaces to make sure pierces don't go through gaps:

  • shift test vector with two small vectors (of size gap_) perpendicular to the original. Test with + and - this vector. Only if both register a hit is it seen as one.
  • extend the test vector slightly (with SMALL) to account for numerical inaccuracies
septernionSepternion class used to perform translations and rotations in 3D space
sequential< CompType, ThermoType >Foam::sequential
setsToFaceZoneA topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet and cellSet
setToCellZoneA topoSetSource to select cells based on usage in a cellSet
setToFaceZoneA topoSetSource to select faces based on usage in a faceSet. Sets flipMap to true
setToPointZoneA topoSetSource to select points based on usage in a pointSet
setUpdaterKeeps cell/face/vertex sets uptodate. Both the ones loaded and the ones on disk
SFCDLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the SFCD differencing scheme based on phict obtained from the LimiterFunc class
SHA1Functions to compute SHA1 message digest according to the NIST specification FIPS-180-1
SHA1DigestThe SHA1 message digest
sha1streambufA streambuf class for calculating SHA1 digests
shapeToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on cell shape
shellSurfacesEncapsulates queries for volume refinement ('refine all cells within shell')
SHFSecondary Breakup Model to take account of the different breakup regimes, bag, molutimode, shear...
sigFpeSet up trapping for floating point exceptions (signal FPE)
sigFpeImplSet up trapping for floating point exceptions (signal FPE)
sigIntSignal handler for INT interupt
sigIntImplSignal handler for INT interupt
sigQuitSignal handler for QUIT interupt
sigQuitImplSignal handler for QUIT interupt
sigSegvSignal handler for SEGV interupt
sigSegvImplSignal handler for SEGV interupt
simpleFilterSimple top-hat filter used in dynamic LES models
simpleMatrix< Type >A simple square matrix solver with scalar coefficients
SingleKineticRateDevolatilisation< CloudType >Single kinetic rate devolatisation model
SingleMixtureFraction< CloudType >Templated parcel multi-phase, multi-component class
SinglePhaseMixture< CloudType >Templated parcel single phase, multi-component class
singlePhaseTransportModelA simple single-phase transport model based on viscosityModel
sixDoFRigidBodyMotionSix degree of freedom motion for a rigid body. Angular momentum stored in body fixed reference frame. Reference orientation of the body (where Q = I) must align with the cartesian axes such that the Inertia tensor is in principle component form
sixDoFRigidBodyMotionConstraintBase class for defining constraints for sixDoF motions
sixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraintBase class for defining restraints for sixDoF motions
sixDoFRigidBodyMotionStateHolds the motion state of sixDoF object. Wrapped up together to allow rapid scatter to other processors. The processors must all maintain exactly the same state data to avoid any drift or inconsistency
SKASea Keeping Analysis (SKA) 6DoF motion function
skewCorrected< Type >Skewness-corrected interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to given scheme
skewCorrectionVectorsSkew-correction vectors for the skewness-corrected interpolation scheme
slicedFvPatchField< Type >Specialization of fvPatchField which creates the underlying fvPatchField as a slice of the given complete field
slicedFvsPatchField< Type >Specialization of fvsPatchField which creates the underlying fvsPatchField as a slice of the given complete field
SlicedGeometricField< Type, PatchField, SlicedPatchField, GeoMesh >Specialization of GeometricField which holds slices of given complete fields in a form that they act as a GeometricField
slidingInterfaceSliding interface mesh modifier. Given two face zones, couple the master and slave side using a cutting procedure
slipFvPatchField< Type >Foam::slipFvPatchField
slipPointPatchField< Type >Foam::slipPointPatchField
SLList< T >Non-intrusive singly-linked list
SLListBaseBase singly-linked list
SLPtrList< T >Non-intrusive singly-linked pointer list
SLTSDdtScheme< Type >Stabilised local time-step first-order Euler implicit/explicit ddt. The time-step is adjusted locally so that an advective equations remains diagonally dominant
SmagorinskyThe choric Smagorinsky Model for compressible flows
SmagorinskyThe Isochoric Smagorinsky Model for incompressible flows
Smagorinsky2The Isochoric Smagorinsky Model for incompressible flows
Smanip< T >
SMESHsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of writing tetgen SMESH format
smoluchowskiJumpTFvPatchScalarFieldSmoluchowski temperature jump boundary condition
smoothDeltaSmoothed delta which takes a given simple geometric delta and applies smoothing to it such that the ratio of deltas between two cells is no larger than a specified amount, typically 1.15
lduMatrix::smootherAbstract base-class for lduMatrix smoothers
smoothSolverIterative solver for symmetric and assymetric matrices which uses a run-time selected smoother e.g. GaussSeidel to converge the solution to the required tolerance
snapParametersSimple container to keep together snap specific information
snGradScheme< Type >Abstract base class for snGrad schemes
solidThe thermophysical properties of a solid
solidBodyMotionFunctionBase class for defining solid-body motions
solidBodyMotionFvMeshSolid-body motion of the mesh specified by a run-time selectable motion function
solidParticleSimple solid spherical particle class with one-way coupling with the continuous phase
solidParticleCloudA Cloud of solid particles
solidWallHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarFieldHeat flux boundary condition for temperature on solid region
solidWallMixedTemperatureCoupledFvPatchScalarFieldMixed boundary condition for temperature, to be used by the conjugate heat transfer solver. Both sides use a mix of zeroGradient and neighbourvalue
solutionSelector class for relaxation factors, solver type and solution
lduMatrix::solverAbstract base-class for lduMatrix solvers
lduMatrix::solverPerformanceClass returned by the solver, containing performance statistics
SortableList< T >A list that is sorted upon construction or when explicitly requested with the sort() method
sortLabelledTriHelper class which when constructed with a triSurface sorts the faces according to region number (or rather constructs a mapping)
SpalartAllmarasSpalart-Allmaras 1-eqn mixing-length model for incompressible external flows
SpalartAllmarasSpalartAllmaras for compressible flows
SpalartAllmarasSpalart-Allmaras one-eqn mixing-length model for compressible external flows
SpalartAllmarasSpalartAllmaras DES (SA + LES) turbulence model for incompressible flows
SpalartAllmarasDDESSpalartAllmaras DDES LES turbulence model for incompressible flows
SpalartAllmarasIDDESSpalartAllmarasIDDES LES turbulence model for incompressible flows
specieBase class of the thermophysical property types
Reaction< ReactionThermo >::specieCoeffsClass to hold the specie index and its coefficients in the
chemkinReader::specieElementSpecies element
speciesTableA table of species
speciesTransportBasic species transport type based on the use of a fitting function for nu
specieThermo< thermo >Basic thermodynamics type based on the use of fitting functions for cp, h, s obtained from the template argument type thermo. All other properties are derived from these primitive functions
spectEddyViscThe Isochoric spectral Eddy Viscosity Model for incompressible flows
SpecularReflection< CloudType >Reversing the wall-normal component of the particle velocity
SphereDrag< CloudType >Drag model based on assumption of solid spheres
sphereToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on cell centres inside sphere
sphericalAngularSpringSixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Spherical angular spring
sphericalCSSpherical coordinate system
SphericalTensor< Cmpt >Templated 3D SphericalTensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 1 component, element access using th ii() member function and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product operators
SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >Templated 2D sphericalTensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 1 component, element access using ii() member function and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product operators
splineEdgeA curvedEdge interface for Catmull-Rom splines
splitCellDescription of cell after splitting. Contains cellLabel and pointers to cells it it split in. See directedRefinement
sprayA spray is a cloud of parcels
SquareMatrix< Type >A templated 2D square matrix of objects of <T>, where the n x n matrix dimension is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc
SRFFreestreamVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldFreestream velocity patch to be used with SRF model to apply the appropriate rotation transformation in time and space
SRFModelTop level model for single rotating frame

  • Steady state only - no time derivatives included
SRFVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity patch to be used with SRF model
SRIFallOffFunctionThe SRI fall-off function
stabiliseOp< T >
stabiliseOp2< T1, T2 >
stabiliseOp3< T, T1, T2 >
standardDragModelStandard drag law model with a lower limit on the Cd-value
standardEvaporationModelStandard evaporation model based on the logarithmic expression of the ration of pressure differences
StandardWallInteraction< CloudType >Wall interaction model. Three choices:

  • rebound - optionally specify elasticity and resitution coefficients
  • stick - particles assigined zero velocity
  • escape - remove particle from the domain
STARCDWrites polyMesh in pro-STAR (v4) bnd/cel/vrt format
STARCDRead pro-STAR vrt/cel/bnd files. The protected data in meshReader are filled
STARCDCoordinateRotationA coordinateRotation defined by the STAR-CD convention
STARCDsurfaceFormat< Face >Read/write the surface shells from pro-STAR vrt/cel files
STARCDsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the STARCDsurfaceFormat
starMeshA messy mesh class which supports the possibility of creating a shapeMesh for regular Star meshes (no arbitrary interfaces or collapsed SAMM cells). If any of these special feateres exist, the mesh is created as polyMesh
StaticAssertionFailedMacros and classes to provide static (compile-time) assertions
StaticAssertionFailed< true >Specialization for successful assertions
StaticAssertionTest< Test >Helper class for handling static assertions
StaticHashTable< T, Key, Hash >STL conforming hash table
staticPressureConverts kinematic pressure to static pressure, from the name of the pressure field, and density, i.e
steadyStateD2dt2Scheme< Type >SteadyState d2dt2 which returns 0
steadyStateDdtScheme< Type >SteadyState implicit/explicit ddt which returns 0
STLpointA vertex point representation for STL files
STLsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of reading/writing STL files (ASCII and binary)
STLsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the STLsurfaceFormat
STLtriangleA triangle representation for STL files
StochasticDispersionRAS< CloudType >The velocity is perturbed in random direction, with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below
stochasticDispersionRASThe velocity is perturbed in random direction, with a Gaussian random number distribution with variance sigma. where sigma is defined below
stringA class for handling character strings derived from std::string
subCycle< GeometricField >Perform a subCycleTime on a field
subCycleTimeA class for managing sub-cycling times
SubDimensionedField< Type, GeoMesh >SubDimensionedField is a DimensionedField obtained as a section of another DimensionedField
SubField< Type >SubField is a Field obtained as a section of another Field
SubList< T >A List obtained as a section of another List
forces::sumOpSum operation class to accumulate the pressure, viscous forces and moments
sumOp< T >
sumOp2< T1, T2 >
sumOp3< T, T1, T2 >
SuperBeeLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the SuperBee differencing scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class
supersonicFreestreamFvPatchVectorFieldSupersonic free stream condition
surfaceDisplacementPointPatchVectorFieldDisplacement fixed by projection onto triSurface. Use in a displacement fvMotionSolver as a bc on the pointDisplacement field
surfaceFeaturesHolds feature edges/points of surface
surfaceFormatsCoreA collection of helper functions for reading/writing surface formats
surfaceInterpolateFieldsReads fields from the time folders and adds them to the mesh database for further post-processing
surfaceInterpolationCell to surface interpolation scheme. Included in fvMesh
surfaceInterpolationScheme< Type >Abstract base class for surface interpolation schemes
surfaceIntersectionBasic surface-surface intersection description. Constructed from two surfaces it creates a description of the intersection
surfaceLocationContains information about location on a triSurface:
surfaceMeshMesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation
surfaceNormalFixedValueFvPatchVectorFieldDescribes a surface normal vector boundary condition by its magnitude. Note: The value is positive for outward-pointing vectors
surfacePatch'Patch' on surface as subset of triSurface
surfacePatchIOListIOobject for a surfacePatchList
SurfaceReactionModel< CloudType >Templated surface reaction model class
surfaceRegistryWraps the normal objectRegistry with a local instance for surfaces
surfaceSetsVarious utilities to handle sets relating mesh to surface. Note: work in progress. Used in meshing tools
surfaceSlipDisplacementFvPatchField< Type >FvPatchField corresponding to surfaceSlipDisplacementPointPatchField. Is just a slip type since all hard work (projection) is done in the pointPatch field
surfaceSlipDisplacementPointPatchVectorFieldDisplacement follows a triSurface. Use in a displacement fvMotionSolver as a bc on the pointDisplacement field. Following is done by calculating the projection onto the surface according to the projectMode

  • NEAREST : nearest
  • POINTNORMAL : intersection with point normal
  • FIXEDNORMAL : intersection with fixed vector
surfaceToCellA topoSetSource to select cells based on relation to surface
surfaceToPointA topoSetSource to selects points based on relation to surface
surfaceWriter< Type >
surfAndLabelHold surface and label
surfFieldsFields for surfMesh
surfGeoMeshThe surfMesh GeoMesh (for holding fields)
surfMeshA surface mesh consisting of general polygon faces
surfPointFieldsPoint fields for surfMesh
surfPointGeoMeshThe surfMesh GeoMesh (for holding fields)
surfZoneA surface zone on a MeshedSurface
surfZoneIdentifierAn identifier for a surface zone on a meshed surface
surfZoneIOListIOobject for a surfZoneList
sutherlandTransport< thermo >Transport package using Sutherland's formula
SVDSingular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix
swirlFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldDescribes a volumetric/mass flow normal vector boundary condition by its magnitude as an integral over its area with a swirl component determined by the RPM
swirlInjectorThe swirl injector
SwitchA simple wrapper around bool so that it can be read as a word: true/false, on/off, yes/no or y/n or none
SyamlalOBrienSyamlal, M., Rogers, W. and O'Brien, T. J. (1993) MFIX documentation, Theory Guide. Technical Note DOE/METC-94/1004. Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
symmetryFvPatchSymmetry-plane patch
symmetryFvPatchField< Type >Foam::symmetryFvPatchField
symmetryFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::symmetryFvsPatchField
symmetryPointPatchSymmetry-plane patch
symmetryPointPatchField< Type >A Symmetry boundary condition for pointField
symmetryPolyPatchSymmetry-plane patch
SymmTensor< Cmpt >Templated 3D symmetric tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 6 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators
symmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, rank >
symmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 >
symmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 >
symmTypeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 >
syncToolsVarious tools to aid synchronizing lists across coupled patches
syringePressureFvPatchScalarFieldPressure boundary condition obtained from a 0-D model of the cylinder of a syringe
systemCallExecutes system calls, entered in the form of a string list
TABThe TAB Method for Numerical Calculation of Spray Droplet Breakup
Table< Type >Templated table container data entry. Items are stored in a list of Tuple2's. First column is always stored as scalar entries. Data is read in the form, e.g. for an entry <entryName> that is (scalar, vector):
tableReader< Type >Base class to read table data for the interpolationTable
tabulatedAxialAngularSpringSixDoFRigidBodyMotionRestraints model. Axial angular spring with moment values drawn from an interpolation table. Linear damping
Tensor< Cmpt >Templated 3D tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 9 components, element access using xx(), xy() etc. member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vectors (tensor-product) operators
Tensor2D< Cmpt >Templated 2D tensor derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 4 components, element access using xx(), xy(), yx() and yy() member functions and the iner-product (dot-product) and outer-product of two Vector2Ds (tensor-product) operators
tetCellA tetrahedral cell primitive
tetMatcherA cellMatcher for tet cells
tetrahedron< Point, PointRef >A tetrahedron primitive
tetWedgeMatcherA cellMatcher for tetWedge cells
ThermoCloud< ParcelType >Templated base class for thermodynamic cloud
thermoCloudVirtual abstract base class for templated ThermoCloud
ThermoLookupTableInjection< CloudType >Particle injection sources read from look-up table. Each row corresponds to an injection site
ThermoParcel< ParcelType >Thermodynamic parcel class with one/two-way coupling with the continuous phase. Includes Kinematic parcel sub-models, plus:

  • heat transfer
thermoParcelInjectionDataContainer class to provide injection data for thermodynamic parcels
thermophysicalFunctionAbstract base class for thermo-physical functions
thirdBodyArrheniusReactionRateArrhenius reaction rate enhanced by third-body interation
thirdBodyEfficienciesThird body efficiencies
threePhaseInterfacePropertiesProperties to aid interFoam : 1. Correct the alpha boundary condition for dynamic contact angle. 2. Calculate interface curvature
thresholdCellFacesSelects the mesh cell faces specified by a threshold value. Non-triangulated by default
TimeClass to control time during OpenFOAM simulations that is also the top-level objectRegistry
TimeActivatedExplicitSource< Type >Time activated explicit source
TimeActivatedExplicitSourceList< Type >List of time activeted explict sources
TimePathsA class for addressing time paths without using the Time class
timerImplements a timeout mechanism via sigalarm
timeSelectorA List of scalarRange for selecting times
TimeStateThe time value with time-stepping information, user-defined remapping, etc
timeVaryingAlphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarFieldA time-varying alphaContactAngle scalar boundary condition (alphaContactAngleFvPatchScalarField)
timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldA time-varying form of a flow normal vector boundary condition
timeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >Foam::timeVaryingMappedFixedValueFvPatchField
timeVaryingMappedPressureDirectedInletVelocityFvPatchVectorFieldVelocity inlet boundary condition for patches where the pressure is specified. The inflow velocity is obtained from the flux with the "inletDirection" direction mapped from a time/space-varying table
timeVaryingUniformFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >A time-varying form of a uniform fixed value boundary condition
timeVaryingUniformFixedValuePointPatchField< Type >A time-varying form of a uniform fixed value boundary condition
timeVaryingUniformInletOutletFvPatchField< Type >A time-varying form of a uniform fixed value boundary condition
timeVaryingUniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarFieldA time-varying form of a uniform total pressure boundary condition
tmp< T >A class for managing temporary objects
tokenA token holds items read from Istream
tolerancesSelector class for solution tolerances
topoActionA virtual base class for topological actions
topoCellLooperImplementation of cellLooper. This one recognizes splitHexes and tries to make a cut such that if the neighbour was split (in a previous iteration) this one also gets split in the same direction so that the result will be a mesh without splitHexes
topoChangerFvMeshAbstract base class for a topology changing fvMesh
topoSetGeneral set of labels of mesh quantity (points, cells, faces)
topoSetSourceBase class of a source for a topoSet
toroidalCSToroidal coordinate system, always in degrees
KinematicParcel< ParcelType >::trackDataClass used to pass kinematic tracking data to the trackToFace function
ThermoParcel< ParcelType >::trackDataClass used to pass thermo tracking data to the trackToFace function
ReactingMultiphaseParcel< ParcelType >::trackDataClass used to pass reacting tracking data to the trackToFace function
DsmcParcel< ParcelType >::trackDataClass used to pass kinematic tracking data to the trackToFace function
Particle< ParticleType >::trackDataClass used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function
solidParticle::trackDataClass used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function
trackedParticle::trackDataClass used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function
ReactingParcel< ParcelType >::trackDataClass used to pass reacting tracking data to the trackToFace function
molecule::trackDataClass used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function
trackedParticleParticle class that marks cells it passes through. Used to mark cells visited by feature edges. Uses ExactParticle tracking class so will work on concave cells
tractionDisplacementFvPatchVectorFieldFixed traction boundary condition for the standard linear elastic, fixed coefficient displacement equation
trajectoryCollisionModelCollision model by P.J. O'Rourke. Implemented as described in the KIVA manual
transformFvPatchField< Type >Foam::transformFvPatchField
transportSimple transport model for Xi based on Gulders correlation with a linear correction function to give a plausible profile for Xi. See report TR/HGW/10 for details on the Weller two equations model. See XiModel.H for more details on flame wrinkling modelling
transportModelBase-class for all transport models used by the incompressible turbulence models
treeBoundBoxStandard boundBox + extra functionality for use in octree
treeDataCellEncapsulation of data needed to search in/for cells. Used to find the cell containing a point (e.g. cell-cell mapping)
treeDataEdgeHolds data for octree to work on an edges subset
treeDataFaceEncapsulation of data needed to search for faces
treeDataPointHolds (reference to) pointField. Encapsulation of data needed for octree searches. Used for searching for nearest point. No bounding boxes around points. Only overlaps and calcNearest are implemented, rest makes little sense
treeDataPrimitivePatch< Face, FaceList, PointField, PointType >Encapsulation of data needed to search on PrimitivePatches
treeDataTriSurfaceEncapsulates data for (indexedOc)tree searches on triSurface
treeElem< Type >Common functionality of treeNode and treeLeaf
treeLeaf< Type >An octree treeLeaf
treeNode< Type >Class to implement octree
triangle< Point, PointRef >A triangle primitive used to calculate face normals and swept volumes
triangleFuncsVarious triangle functions
triFaceA triangle face primitive using a FixedList
triSurfaceTriangulated surface description with patch information
TRIsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of reading/writing .tri format
TRIsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the TRIsurfaceFormat
triSurfaceGeoMeshThe triSurface GeoMesh (for holding fields)
triSurfaceMeshIOoject and searching on triSurface
triSurfaceSearchHelper class to search on triSurface
triSurfaceToolsA collection of tools for triSurfaceMesh
TroeFallOffFunctionThe Troe fall-off function
Tuple< Type1, Type2 >A 2 Tuple. Differs from Tuple in that the two elements can be different type
Tuple2< Type1, Type2 >A 2-tuple
turbGenGenerate a turbulent velocity field conforming to a given energy spectrum and being divergence free
turbulenceModelAbstract base class for compressible turbulence models (RAS, LES and laminar)
incompressible::turbulenceModelAbstract base class for incompressible turbulence models (RAS, LES and laminar)
turbulentHeatFluxTemperatureFvPatchScalarFieldFixed heat flux boundary condition for temperature
turbulentInletFvPatchField< Type >Generate a fluctuating inlet condition by adding a random component to a reference (mean) field. Input: referenceField Mean field. fluctuationScale RMS fluctuation, provided as the fraction of the mean field. alpha temporal correlation factor; the fraction of the new random component added to the previous time-step (defaults to 0.1)
turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInletFvPatchScalarFieldCalculate turbulent kinetic energy from the intensity provided as a fraction of the mean velocity
turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInletFvPatchScalarFieldCalculate epsilon via the mixing length [m]
incompressible::turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInletFvPatchScalarFieldCalculate epsilon via the mixing length [m]
incompressible::turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInletFvPatchScalarFieldCalculate omega via the mixing length
turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInletFvPatchScalarFieldCalculate omega via the mixing length
turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleFvPatchScalarFieldHarmonic fixed value boundary condition for temperature, to be used for heat-transfer on back-to-back baffles
turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleMixedFvPatchScalarFieldMixed boundary condition for temperature, to be used for heat-transfer on back-to-back baffles
twoDPointCorrectorClass applies a two-dimensional correction to mesh motion point field
twoPhaseMixtureA two-phase incompressible transportModel
typeOfRank< Cmpt, rank >
typeOfRank< Cmpt, 0 >
typeOfRank< Cmpt, 1 >
typeOfRank< Cmpt, 2 >
typeOfSum< arg1, arg2 >
typeOfSum< SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt >, Tensor2D< Cmpt > >
typeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
typeOfSum< SphericalTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
typeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
typeOfSum< SymmTensor< Cmpt >, Tensor< Cmpt > >
typeOfSum< Tensor2D< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor2D< Cmpt > >
typeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SphericalTensor< Cmpt > >
typeOfSum< Tensor< Cmpt >, SymmTensor< Cmpt > >
UDictionary< T >Template dictionary class which does not manages the storage associated with it
UIDLList< T >Intrusive doubly-linked list
UILList< LListBase, T >Template class for intrusive linked lists
UIndirectList< T >A List with indirect addressing. Like IndirectList but does not store addressing
UList< T >A 1D vector of objects of type <T>, where the size of the vector is known and can be used for subscript bounds checking, etc
UMISTLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the UMIST differencing scheme
uncorrectedSnGrad< Type >Simple central-difference snGrad scheme without non-orthogonal correction
undoableMeshCutterThe main refinement handler. Gets cellCuts which is structure that describes which cells are to be cut and in what way. Maintains an undo list (if told so during construction). Apart from undo list is just wrapper around meshCutter
uniformUniform pdf
uniformDensityHydrostaticPressureFvPatchScalarFieldHydrostatic pressure boundary condition calculated as
uniformDiffusivityUniform uniform finite volume mesh motion diffusivity
UniformDimensionedField< Type >Dimensioned<Type> registered with the database as a registered IOobject which has the functionality of a uniform field and allows values from the top-level code to be passed to boundary conditions etc
uniformFixedValueFvPatchField< Type >Foam::uniformFixedValueFvPatchField
uniformFixedValuePointPatchField< Type >Foam::uniformFixedValuePointPatchField
cellToCellStencil::unionEqOpCombine operator for labelLists
cellToFaceStencil::unionEqOpCombine operator for labelLists
unitInjectorThe unit injector
UnsortedMeshedSurface< Face >A surface geometry mesh, in which the surface zone information is conveyed by the 'zoneId' associated with each face
UOprocessRandom UO process
UPtrDictionary< T >Template dictionary class which does not manages the storage associated with it
UPtrList< T >A 1D array of pointers to objects of type <T>, where the size of the array is known and used for subscript bounds checking, etc
upwind< Type >Upwind differencing scheme class
UpwindFitData< Polynomial >Data for the quadratic fit correction interpolation scheme to be used with upwind biased stencil.

  • linearCorrection = true : fit calculated for corrected linear scheme
  • linearCorrection = false : fit calculated for corrected upwind scheme
UpwindFitScheme< Type, Polynomial, Stencil >Upwind biased fit surface interpolation scheme that applies an explicit correction to linear
valuePointPatchField< Type >Foam::valuePointPatchField
valveBankA list of valves
vanAlbadaLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the vanAlbada differencing scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class
vanDriestDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in incompressible LES models
vanDriestDeltaSimple cube-root of cell volume delta used in compressible LES models
vanLeerLimiter< LimiterFunc >Class with limiter function which returns the limiter for the vanLeer differencing scheme based on r obtained from the LimiterFunc class
VariableHardSphere< CloudType >Variable Hard Sphere BinaryCollision Model
Vector< Cmpt >Templated 3D Vector derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 3 components, element access using x(), y() and z() member functions and the inner-product (dot-product) and cross product operators
Vector2D< Cmpt >Templated 2D Vector derived from VectorSpace adding construction from 2 components, element access using x() and y() member functions and the inner-product (dot-product)
VectorSpace< Form, Cmpt, nCmpt >Templated vector space
VectorSpaceOps< N, I >
VectorSpaceOps< 0, 0 >
velocityComponentLaplacianFvMotionSolverMesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the given component of the motion velocity
velocityLaplacianFvMotionSolverMesh motion solver for an fvMesh. Based on solving the cell-centre Laplacian for the motion velocity
IOstream::versionNumberVersion number type
veryInhomogeneousMixture< ThermoType >Foam::veryInhomogeneousMixture
viscosityModelAn abstract base class for incompressible viscosityModels
volMeshMesh data needed to do the Finite Volume discretisation
vtkMeshEncapsulation of VTK mesh data. Holds mesh or meshsubset and polyhedral-cell decomposition on it
VTKsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of writing VTK legacy format. The output is never sorted by zone
VTKsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the VTKsurfaceFormat
vtkSurfaceWriter< Type >
vtkTopoPolyhedral cell decomposition for VTK
walkPatchCollection of static functions to do various simple patch related things
wallDistCalculation of distance to nearest wall for all cells and boundary. Uses meshWave to do actual calculation
wallDistData< TransferType >Wall distance calculation. Like wallDist but also transports extra data (template argument)
wallDistReflectionWall distance and reflection vector calculation. See wallDist.H
wallHeatTransferFvPatchScalarFieldEnthalpy boundary conditions for wall heat transfer
WallInteractionModel< CloudType >Templated wall interaction model class
WallisWallis compressibility model
wallLayerCellsAfter construction is a list of <refineCell> of cells within a certain distance to the wall and with the wall normal direction
wallModelA wall interaction model
wallNormalInfoHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall refinement
wallPointHolds information regarding nearest wall point. Used in wall distance calculation
wallPointData< Type >Holds information (coordinate and normal) regarding nearest wall point
wallPointYPlusHolds information (coordinate and yStar) regarding nearest wall point
waveTransmissiveFvPatchField< Type >Foam::waveTransmissiveFvPatchField
wedgeExtrudes by rotating a surface around an axis

  • extrusion is opposite the surface/patch normal so inwards the source mesh
  • axis direction has to be consistent with this.
  • use -mergeFaces option if doing full 360 and want to merge front and back
  • note direction of axis. This should be consistent with rotating against the patch normal direction. If you get it wrong you'll see all cells with extreme aspect ratio and internal faces wrong way around in checkMesh
wedgeFvPatchWedge front and back plane patch
wedgeFvPatchField< Type >Foam::wedgeFvPatchField
wedgeFvsPatchField< Type >Foam::wedgeFvsPatchField
wedgeMatcherA cellMatcher for wedge cells
wedgePointPatchWedge front and back plane patch
wedgePointPatchField< Type >Wedge front and back plane patch field
wedgePolyPatchWedge front and back plane patch
weighted< Type >Interpolation scheme class using weights looked-up from the objectRegistry
WenYuH, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 86-87, p. 40
wideBandAbsorptionEmissionWideBandAbsorptionEmission radiation absorption and emission coefficients for continuous phase
wideBandDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarFieldRadiation temperature specified
wordA class for handling words, derived from string
wordReA wordRe is a word, but can also have a regular expression for matching words
wordReListMatcherA wrapper for matching a List of wordRe
writeFunsVarious functions for collecting and writing binary data
writer< Type >Base class for graphics format writing. Entry points are

  • write(..).
    Write to an Ostream a table of points with corresponding values.
  • write(scalar/vector/sphericalTensor/symmTensor/tensor).
    Write single scalar/vector/sphericalTensor/symmTensor/tensor. Default is to write space separated components
graph::writerAbstract base class for a graph writer
writeRegisteredObjectTakes over the writing of registered IO objects
WRLsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of writing VRML97 (wrl) format
WRLsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the WRLsurfaceFormat
X3DsurfaceFormat< Face >Provide a means of writing x3d format
X3DsurfaceFormatCoreInternal class used by the X3DsurfaceFormat
Xfer< T >A simple container for copying or transferring objects of type <T>
XiEqModelBase-class for all XiEq models used by the b-XiEq combustion model. The available models are : basicXiSubXiEq.H Gulder.H instabilityXiEq.H SCOPEBlendXiEq.H SCOPEXiEq.H
XiGModelBase-class for all Xi generation models used by the b-Xi combustion model. See Technical Report SH/RE/01R for details on the PDR modelling. For details on the use of XiGModel see XiModel.H. The model available is instabilityG.H
XiModelBase-class for all Xi models used by the b-Xi combustion model. See Technical Report SH/RE/01R for details on the PDR modelling
xmgraceSetWriter< Type >
xmgrGraphOutput and agr file for xmgrace (
zeroA class representing the concept of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects that are known to be zero at compile-time
zeroFieldA class representing the concept of a field of 0 used to avoid unnecessary manipulations for objects which are known to be zero at compile-time
zeroGradientFvPatchField< Type >Foam::zeroGradientFvPatchField
zeroGradientPointPatchField< Type >Foam::zeroGradientPointPatchField
ZoneID< ZoneType >A class that holds the data needed to identify a zone in a dynamic mesh
ZoneMesh< ZoneType, MeshType >List of mesh zones
zoneToCellA topoSetSource to select faces based on cellZone
zoneToFaceA topoSetSource to select faces based on faceZone
zoneToPointA topoSetSource to select points based on pointZone