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indexedOctree< Type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for indexedOctree< Type >, including all inherited members.
bb() const indexedOctree< Type > [inline]
clone() const indexedOctree< Type > [inline]
contents() const indexedOctree< Type > [inline]
findBox(const treeBoundBox &bb) const indexedOctree< Type >
findLine(const point &start, const point &end) const indexedOctree< Type >
findLineAny(const point &start, const point &end) const indexedOctree< Type >
findNearest(const point &sample, const scalar nearestDistSqr) const indexedOctree< Type >
findNearest(const label nodeI, const point &, scalar &nearestDistSqr, label &nearestShapeI, point &nearestPoint) const indexedOctree< Type >
findNearest(const linePointRef &ln, treeBoundBox &tightest, point &linePoint) const indexedOctree< Type >
findNode(const label nodeI, const point &) const indexedOctree< Type >
getContent(const labelBits i)indexedOctree< Type > [inline, static]
getNode(const labelBits i)indexedOctree< Type > [inline, static]
getOctant(const labelBits i)indexedOctree< Type > [inline, static]
getSide(const vector &outsideNormal, const vector &vec)indexedOctree< Type > [static]
getVolumeType(const point &) const indexedOctree< Type >
indexedOctree(const Type &shapes)indexedOctree< Type >
indexedOctree(const Type &shapes, const List< node > &nodes, const labelListList &contents)indexedOctree< Type >
indexedOctree(const Type &shapes, const treeBoundBox &bb, const label maxLevels, const scalar maxLeafRatio, const scalar maxDuplicity)indexedOctree< Type >
indexedOctree(const Type &shapes, Istream &is)indexedOctree< Type >
INSIDE enum valueindexedOctree< Type >
isContent(const labelBits i)indexedOctree< Type > [inline, static]
isEmpty(const labelBits i)indexedOctree< Type > [inline, static]
isNode(const labelBits i)indexedOctree< Type > [inline, static]
MIXED enum valueindexedOctree< Type >
nodes() const indexedOctree< Type > [inline]
operator(Ostream &, const indexedOctree< Type > &)indexedOctree< Type > [friend]
OUTSIDE enum valueindexedOctree< Type >
overlaps(const point &bbMin, const point &bbMax, const scalar nearestDistSqr, const point &sample)indexedOctree< Type > [static]
perturbTol()indexedOctree< Type > [static]
print(prefixOSstream &, const bool printContents, const label) const indexedOctree< Type >
shapes() const indexedOctree< Type > [inline]
UNKNOWN enum valueindexedOctree< Type >
volumeType enum nameindexedOctree< Type >
write(Ostream &os) const indexedOctree< Type >