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FieldFunctions.C File Reference

Detailed Description

Definition in file FieldFunctions.C.

#include "src/OpenFOAM/db/IOstreams/Pstreams/PstreamReduceOps.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/Field/FieldReuseFunctions.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/Field/FieldFunctionsM.C"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/Field/undefFieldFunctionsM.H"
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namespace  Foam

Namespace for OpenFOAM.


#define  TEMPLATE   template<class Type>
#define  TMP_UNARY_FUNCTION(ReturnType, Func)
#define  G_UNARY_FUNCTION(ReturnType, gFunc, Func, rFunc)
#define  PRODUCT_OPERATOR(product, Op, OpFunc)


template<class Type >
void  component (Field< typename Field< Type >::cmptType > &res, const UList< Type > &f, const direction d)
template<class Type >
void  T (Field< Type > &res, const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type , int r>
void  pow (Field< typename powProduct< Type, r >::type > &res, const UList< Type > &vf)
template<class Type , int r>
tmp< Field< typename
powProduct< Type, r >::type > >  
pow (const UList< Type > &f, typename powProduct< Type, r >::type)
template<class Type , int r>
tmp< Field< typename
powProduct< Type, r >::type > >  
pow (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf, typename powProduct< Type, r >::type)
template<class Type >
void  sqr (Field< typename outerProduct< Type, Type >::type > &res, const UList< Type > &vf)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename
outerProduct< Type, Type >
::type > >  
sqr (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename
outerProduct< Type, Type >
::type > >  
sqr (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf)
template<class Type >
void  magSqr (Field< scalar > &res, const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< scalar > >  magSqr (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< scalar > >  magSqr (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf)
template<class Type >
void  mag (Field< scalar > &res, const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< scalar > >  mag (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< scalar > >  mag (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf)
template<class Type >
void  cmptMax (Field< typename Field< Type >::cmptType > &res, const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename Field
< Type >::cmptType > >  
cmptMax (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename Field
< Type >::cmptType > >  
cmptMax (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf)
template<class Type >
void  cmptMin (Field< typename Field< Type >::cmptType > &res, const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename Field
< Type >::cmptType > >  
cmptMin (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename Field
< Type >::cmptType > >  
cmptMin (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf)
template<class Type >
void  cmptAv (Field< typename Field< Type >::cmptType > &res, const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename Field
< Type >::cmptType > >  
cmptAv (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< typename Field
< Type >::cmptType > >  
cmptAv (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf)
template<class Type >
void  cmptMag (Field< Type > &res, const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > >  cmptMag (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
tmp< Field< Type > >  cmptMag (const tmp< Field< Type > > &tf)
template<class Type >
Type  max (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
Type  min (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
Type  sum (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
scalar  sumProd (const UList< Type > &f1, const UList< Type > &f2)
template<class Type >
Type  sumCmptProd (const UList< Type > &f1, const UList< Type > &f2)
template<class Type >
scalar  sumSqr (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
scalar  sumMag (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
Type  sumCmptMag (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
Type  average (const UList< Type > &f)
template<class Type >
scalar  gSumProd (const UList< Type > &f1, const UList< Type > &f2)
template<class Type >
Type  gSumCmptProd (const UList< Type > &f1, const UList< Type > &f2)
template<class Type >
Type  gAverage (const UList< Type > &f)

Define Documentation

#define TEMPLATE   template<class Type>

Definition at line 29 of file FieldFunctions.C.

#define TMP_UNARY_FUNCTION (   ReturnType,
template<class Type>                                                          \
ReturnType Func(const tmp<Field<Type> >& tf1)                                 \
{                                                                             \
    ReturnType res = Func(tf1());                                             \
    tf1.clear();                                                              \
    return res;                                                               \

Definition at line 300 of file FieldFunctions.C.

#define G_UNARY_FUNCTION (   ReturnType,
template<class Type>                                                          \
ReturnType gFunc(const UList<Type>& f)                                        \
{                                                                             \
    ReturnType res = Func(f);                                                 \
    reduce(res, rFunc##Op<Type>());                                           \
    return res;                                                               \
}                                                                             \

Definition at line 467 of file FieldFunctions.C.

#define PRODUCT_OPERATOR (   product,

Definition at line 556 of file FieldFunctions.C.