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PrimitivePatchAddressing.C File Reference

This function calculates the list of patch edges, defined on the list of points supporting the patch. The edges are ordered:

  • 0..nInternalEdges-1 : upper triangular order
  • nInternalEdges..: boundary edges (no particular order)

Detailed Description

This function calculates the list of patch edges, defined on the list of points supporting the patch. The edges are ordered:

  • 0..nInternalEdges-1 : upper triangular order
  • nInternalEdges..: boundary edges (no particular order)

Other patch addressing information is also calculated:

  • faceFaces with neighbour faces in ascending order
  • edgeFaces with ascending face order
  • faceEdges sorted according to edges of a face

Definition in file PrimitivePatchAddressing.C.

#include "src/OpenFOAM/meshes/primitiveMesh/PrimitivePatch_/PrimitivePatch_.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/containers/Lists/DynamicList/DynamicList.H"
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