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DsmcCloud< ParcelType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DsmcCloud< ParcelType >, including all inherited members.
addNewParcel(const vector &position, const vector &U, const scalar Ei, const label cellId, const label typeId)DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
addParticle(ParcelType *pPtr)Cloud< ParcelType >
append(link *)DLListBase
AUTO_WRITE enum valueIOobject
autoMap(const mapPolyMesh &)Cloud< ParcelType > [virtual]
BAD enum valueIOobject
bad() const IOobject [inline]
begin() constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
begin()Cloud< ParcelType > [inline]
binaryCollision() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
binaryCollision()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
boundaryFace(const label facei) constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
boundaryT() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
boundaryU() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
caseName() const IOobject
cbegin() constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
cellOccupancy() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
cend() constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
checkFieldIOobject(const Cloud< ParcelType > &c, const IOField< DataType > &data) constCloud< ParcelType >
checkIn(regIOobject &) const objectRegistry
checkOut(regIOobject &) const objectRegistry
clear()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
clearStorage()HashTable< regIOobject * >
clone() const IOobject [inline]
Cloud(const polyMesh &mesh, const IDLList< ParcelType > &particles)Cloud< ParcelType >
Cloud(const polyMesh &mesh, const word &cloudName, const IDLList< ParcelType > &particles)Cloud< ParcelType >
Cloud(const polyMesh &mesh, const bool checkClass=true)Cloud< ParcelType >
Cloud(const polyMesh &pMesh, const word &cloudName, const bool checkClass=true)Cloud< ParcelType >
cloud(const objectRegistry &, const word &cloudName="")cloud
cloudName() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
cloudPropertiesNameCloud< ParcelType > [static]
collisionSelectionRemainder()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
const_iterator typedefCloud< ParcelType >
Foam::const_reference typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::const_reference typedefUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
constProps() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
constProps(label typeId) const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
db() const IOobject
dbDir() const objectRegistry [inline, virtual]
defaultNamecloud [static]
deleteParticle(ParcelType &)Cloud< ParcelType >
DLListBase()DLListBase [inline]
DLListBase(link *)DLListBase [inline]
DsmcCloud(const word &cloudName, const fvMesh &mesh, bool readFields=true)DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
DsmcCloud(const word &cloudName, const fvMesh &mesh, const IOdictionary &dsmcInitialiseDict)DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
dsmcRhoN() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
dumpParticlePositions() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
Foam::empty() constHashTable< regIOobject * > [inline]
IDLList< ParcelType >::empty() const DLListBase [inline]
end() constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
end()Cloud< ParcelType > [inline]
equipartitionInternalEnergy(scalar temperature, scalar internalDegreesOfFreedom)DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
equipartitionLinearVelocity(scalar temperature, scalar mass)DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
Foam::erase(const iterator &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
Foam::erase(const word &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
Foam::erase(const UList< word > &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
Foam::erase(const HashTable< AnyType, word, AnyHash > &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::erase(ParcelType *p)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
eraseHead()ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
eventNo() const regIOobject [inline]
eventNo()regIOobject [inline]
evolve()DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
facePatch(const label facei) constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
fD() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
fDBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
fieldIOobject(const word &fieldName, const IOobject::readOption r) constCloud< ParcelType >
fileModificationSkewregIOobject [static]
fileNameComponents(const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name)IOobject [static]
filePath() const IOobject
find(const word &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
find(const word &) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
first()UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
first() constUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
found(const word &) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
foundObject(const word &name) const objectRegistry
getBannerString(bool noHint)IOobject [protected, static]
getEvent() const objectRegistry
getNewParticleID() constCloud< ParcelType >
GOOD enum valueIOobject
good() const IOobject [inline]
HashPtrTable classHashTable< regIOobject * > [friend]
HashTable(const label size=128)HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable(Istream &, const label size=128)HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
HashTable(const Xfer< HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > > &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
headerClassName() const IOobject [inline]
IDLList()IDLList< ParcelType > [inline]
IDLList(const ParcelType &a)IDLList< ParcelType > [inline]
IDLList(Istream &is, const INew &inewt)IDLList< ParcelType > [inline]
IDLList(Istream &is)IDLList< ParcelType > [inline]
IDLList(const IDLList< ParcelType > &idll, const CloneArg &cloneArg)IDLList< ParcelType > [inline]
iDof() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
iDofBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
ILList()ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
ILList(ParcelType *a)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
ILList(Istream &)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
ILList(const ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
ILList(const ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &lst, const CloneArg &cloneArg)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
ILList(Istream &, const INew &)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
inflowBoundary() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
inflowBoundary()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
info() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType >
Foam::insert(const word &, const regIOobject *&newElmt)HashTable< regIOobject * > [inline]
IDLList< ParcelType >::insert(link *)DLListBase
instance() const IOobject [inline]
instance()IOobject [inline]
internalE() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
internalEBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
internalEnergyOfSystem() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
internalFace(const label facei) constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)IOobject
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)IOobject
IOobject(const fileName &path, const objectRegistry &registry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true)IOobject
IOPosition classCloud< ParcelType > [friend]
iterator typedefCloud< ParcelType >
kbDsmcCloud< ParcelType > [static]
last()UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
last() constUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
linearKE() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
linearKEBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
linearKineticEnergyOfSystem() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
linearMomentumOfSystem() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
LListBase_const_iterator typedefUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
LListBase_iterator typedefUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
local() const IOobject [inline]
lookupClass() const objectRegistry
lookupObject(const word &name) const objectRegistry
massInjected() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
massInSystem() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
maxwellianAverageSpeed(scalar temperature, scalar mass) const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
maxwellianAverageSpeed(scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
maxwellianMostProbableSpeed(scalar temperature, scalar mass) const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
maxwellianMostProbableSpeed(scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
maxwellianRMSSpeed(scalar temperature, scalar mass) const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
maxwellianRMSSpeed(scalarField temperature, scalar mass) const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
mesh() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
modified() const objectRegistry [virtual]
momentum() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
momentumBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
move(TrackingData &td)Cloud< ParcelType >
MUST_READ enum valueIOobject
name() const IOobject [inline]
names() const objectRegistry
names(const word &className) const objectRegistry
names() const objectRegistry
NO_READ enum valueIOobject
NO_WRITE enum valueIOobject
note()IOobject [inline]
note() const IOobject [inline]
nParticle() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
objectPath() const IOobject [inline]
objectRegistry(const Time &db, const label nIoObjects=128)objectRegistry [explicit]
objectRegistry(const IOobject &io, const label nIoObjects=128)objectRegistry [explicit]
objectState enum nameIOobject
objectStream()IOobject [protected]
operator(Ostream &, const Cloud< ParcelType > &)Cloud< ParcelType > [friend]
Foam::cloud::operator(Ostream &, const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &)HashTable< regIOobject * > [friend]
IDLList< ParcelType >::operator(Ostream &, const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &)UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [friend]
Foam::operator!=(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::operator!=(const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) constUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
operator()(const word &)HashTable< regIOobject * > [inline]
Cloud< ParcelType >::Foam::regIOobject::operator=(const IOobject &)regIOobject
Cloud< ParcelType >::HashTable< regIOobject * >::operator=(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
Cloud< ParcelType >::operator=(const ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
Cloud< ParcelType >::UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >::operator=(const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &)UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
Foam::operator==(const HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::operator==(const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &) constUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
Foam::operator>>(Istream &, HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &)HashTable< regIOobject * > [friend]
IDLList< ParcelType >::operator>>(Istream &, ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [friend]
operator[](const word &)HashTable< regIOobject * > [inline]
operator[](const word &) constHashTable< regIOobject * > [inline]
ownedByRegistry() const regIOobject [inline]
parent() const objectRegistry [inline]
Particle classCloud< ParcelType > [friend]
particleProperties() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
particleType typedefCloud< ParcelType >
patchFace(const label patchi, const label facei) constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
path() const IOobject
path(const word &instance, const fileName &local="") const IOobject
pMesh() constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
prefixcloud [static]
printInfo(Ostream &) constHashTable< regIOobject * >
q() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
qBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
read()regIOobject [virtual]
READ_IF_PRESENT enum valueIOobject
readData(Istream &)regIOobject [virtual]
readFields()Cloud< ParcelType > [virtual]
readHeader(Istream &)IOobject
readIfModified()objectRegistry [virtual]
readOpt() const IOobject [inline]
readOpt()IOobject [inline]
readOption enum nameIOobject
readStream(const word &)regIOobject
Foam::reference typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::reference typedefUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
regIOobject(const IOobject &, const bool isTime=false)regIOobject
regIOobject(const regIOobject &)regIOobject
regIOobject(const regIOobject &, bool registerCopy)regIOobject
registerObject() const IOobject [inline]
release()regIOobject [inline]
remove(ParcelType *p)UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
remove(iterator &it)UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
Foam::DLListBase::remove(link *)DLListBase
removeHead()UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
rename(const word &newName)objectRegistry [virtual]
replace(link *oldLink, link *newLink)DLListBase
replace(iterator &oldIter, link *newLink)DLListBase [inline]
resize(const label newSize)HashTable< regIOobject * >
rhoM() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
rhoMBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
rhoN() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
rhoNBF()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
rndGen()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
rootPath() const IOobject
set(const word &, const regIOobject *&newElmt)HashTable< regIOobject * > [inline]
setBad(const string &)IOobject [protected]
sigmaTcRMax()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
size() constCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
Foam::size_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::size_type typedefUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
sortedToc() constHashTable< regIOobject * >
store()regIOobject [inline]
store(Type *)regIOobject [inline, static]
store(autoPtr< Type > &)regIOobject [inline, static]
subRegistry(const word &name) const objectRegistry
swapDown(link *)DLListBase
swapUp(link *)DLListBase
time() const objectRegistry [inline]
toc() constHashTable< regIOobject * >
Foam::transfer(HashTable< regIOobject *, word, string::hash > &)HashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::transfer(ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &)ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >::transfer(DLListBase &)DLListBase [inline]
typeIdList() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
Cloud< ParcelType >::TypeName("Cloud")Cloud< ParcelType >
Cloud< ParcelType >::Foam::cloud::TypeName("cloud")cloud
Cloud< ParcelType >::Foam::objectRegistry::TypeName("objectRegistry")objectRegistry
Cloud< ParcelType >::Foam::regIOobject::TypeName("regIOobject")regIOobject
Cloud< ParcelType >::Foam::IOobject::TypeName("IOobject")IOobject
UILList()UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
UILList(ParcelType *a)UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > [inline]
UILList(const UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType > &)UILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
upToDate(const word &) const regIOobject
upToDate(const word &, const word &) const regIOobject
upToDate(const word &, const word &, const word &) const regIOobject
upToDate(const word &, const word &, const word &, const word &) const regIOobject
Foam::value_type typedefHashTable< regIOobject * >
IDLList< ParcelType >::value_type typedefUILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
wallInteraction() const DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
wallInteraction()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [inline]
write() const regIOobject [virtual]
writeBanner(Stream &os, bool noHint=false)IOobject [inline, static]
writeData(Ostream &) const objectRegistry [inline, virtual]
writeDivider(Stream &os)IOobject [inline, static]
writeEndDivider(Stream &os)IOobject [inline, static]
writeFields() constCloud< ParcelType > [virtual]
writeHeader(Ostream &) const IOobject
writeObject(IOstream::streamFormat fmt, IOstream::versionNumber ver, IOstream::compressionType cmp) constCloud< ParcelType > [virtual]
writeOpt() const IOobject [inline]
writeOpt()IOobject [inline]
writeOption enum nameIOobject
writePositions() constCloud< ParcelType >
xfer()HashTable< regIOobject * > [inline]
~cloud()cloud [virtual]
~DLListBase()DLListBase [inline]
~DsmcBaseCloud()DsmcBaseCloud [virtual]
~DsmcCloud()DsmcCloud< ParcelType > [virtual]
~HashTable()HashTable< regIOobject * >
~ILList()ILList< DLListBase, ParcelType >
~IOobject()IOobject [virtual]
~objectRegistry()objectRegistry [virtual]
~regIOobject()regIOobject [virtual]