This is the complete list of members for
IOobject, including all inherited members.
AUTO_WRITE enum value | IOobject | |
BAD enum value | IOobject | |
bad() const | IOobject | [inline] |
caseName() const | IOobject | |
clone() const | IOobject | [inline] |
db() const | IOobject | |
fileNameComponents(const fileName &path, fileName &instance, fileName &local, word &name) | IOobject | [static] |
filePath() const | IOobject | |
getBannerString(bool noHint) | IOobject | [protected, static] |
good() const | IOobject | [inline] |
GOOD enum value | IOobject | |
headerClassName() const | IOobject | [inline] |
headerOk() | IOobject | |
info() const | IOobject | [inline] |
instance() const | IOobject | [inline] |
instance() | IOobject | [inline] |
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | IOobject | |
IOobject(const word &name, const fileName &instance, const fileName &local, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | IOobject | |
IOobject(const fileName &path, const objectRegistry ®istry, readOption r=NO_READ, writeOption w=NO_WRITE, bool registerObject=true) | IOobject | |
local() const | IOobject | [inline] |
MUST_READ enum value | IOobject | |
name() const | IOobject | [inline] |
NO_READ enum value | IOobject | |
NO_WRITE enum value | IOobject | |
note() | IOobject | [inline] |
note() const | IOobject | [inline] |
objectPath() const | IOobject | [inline] |
objectState enum name | IOobject | |
objectStream() | IOobject | [protected] |
operator=(const IOobject &) | IOobject | |
path() const | IOobject | |
path(const word &instance, const fileName &local="") const | IOobject | |
READ_IF_PRESENT enum value | IOobject | |
readHeader(Istream &) | IOobject | |
readOpt() const | IOobject | [inline] |
readOpt() | IOobject | [inline] |
readOption enum name | IOobject | |
registerObject() const | IOobject | [inline] |
rename(const word &newName) | IOobject | [inline, virtual] |
rootPath() const | IOobject | |
setBad(const string &) | IOobject | [protected] |
time() const | IOobject | |
TypeName("IOobject") | IOobject | |
writeBanner(Stream &os, bool noHint=false) | IOobject | [inline, static] |
writeDivider(Stream &os) | IOobject | [inline, static] |
writeEndDivider(Stream &os) | IOobject | [inline, static] |
writeHeader(Ostream &) const | IOobject | |
writeOpt() const | IOobject | [inline] |
writeOpt() | IOobject | [inline] |
writeOption enum name | IOobject | |
~IOobject() | IOobject | [virtual] |