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boundBox Member List

This is the complete list of members for boundBox, including all inherited members.
avgDim() const boundBox [inline]
boundBox()boundBox [inline]
boundBox(const point &min, const point &max)boundBox [inline]
boundBox(const pointField &, const bool doReduce=true)boundBox
boundBox(const tmp< pointField > &, const bool doReduce=true)boundBox
boundBox(Istream &)boundBox
contains(const point &pt) const boundBox [inline]
containsInside(const point &pt) const boundBox [inline]
greatboundBox [static]
greatBoxboundBox [static]
invertedBoxboundBox [static]
mag() const boundBox [inline]
max() const boundBox [inline]
max()boundBox [inline]
maxDim() const boundBox [inline]
midpoint() const boundBox [inline]
min() const boundBox [inline]
min()boundBox [inline]
minDim() const boundBox [inline]
operator!=(const boundBox &a, const boundBox &b)boundBox [friend]
operator<<(Ostream &os, const boundBox &)boundBox [friend]
operator==(const boundBox &a, const boundBox &b)boundBox [friend]
operator>>(Istream &is, boundBox &)boundBox [friend]
overlaps(const boundBox &bb) const boundBox [inline]
span() const boundBox [inline]