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cellModel Member List

This is the complete list of members for cellModel, including all inherited members.
cellModel(Istream &)cellModel
centre(const labelList &pointLabels, const pointField &points) const cellModel
clone() const cellModel [inline]
edges(const labelList &pointLabels) const cellModel [inline]
faces(const labelList &pointLabels) const cellModel [inline]
index() const cellModel [inline]
info() const cellModel [inline]
mag(const labelList &pointLabels, const pointField &points) const cellModel
modelFaces() const cellModel [inline]
name() const cellModel [inline]
nEdges() const cellModel [inline]
New(Istream &is)cellModel [inline, static]
nFaces() const cellModel [inline]
nPoints() const cellModel [inline]
operator!=(const cellModel &, const cellModel &)cellModel [friend]
operator<<(Ostream &, const cellModel &)cellModel [friend]
operator==(const cellModel &, const cellModel &)cellModel [friend]
writeData(Ostream &os) const cellModel [inline]