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octreeDataFace Member List

This is the complete list of members for octreeDataFace, including all inherited members.
allBb() const octreeDataFace [inline]
calcNearest(const label index, const point &sample, point &nearest) const octreeDataFace
calcNearest(const label index, const linePointRef &ln, point &linePt, point &shapePt) const octreeDataFace
calcSign(const label index, const point &sample, vector &n) const octreeDataFace
contains(const label index, const point &sample) const octreeDataFace
findTightest(const label index, const point &sample, treeBoundBox &tightest) const octreeDataFace
getSampleType(const octree< octreeDataFace > &, const point &) const octreeDataFace
intersects(const label index, const point &start, const point &end, point &intersectionPoint) const octreeDataFace
mesh() const octreeDataFace [inline]
meshFaces() const octreeDataFace [inline]
octreeDataFace(const primitiveMesh &, const labelList &meshFaces, const treeBoundBoxList &)octreeDataFace
octreeDataFace(const primitiveMesh &, const labelList &meshFaces)octreeDataFace
octreeDataFace(const primitiveMesh &, const UList< const labelList * > &, const UList< const treeBoundBoxList * > &)octreeDataFace
octreeDataFace(const primitiveMesh &, const UList< const labelList * > &)octreeDataFace
octreeDataFace(const polyPatch &)octreeDataFace
octreeDataFace(const primitiveMesh &)octreeDataFace
octreeDataFace(const octreeDataFace &)octreeDataFace
overlaps(const label index, const treeBoundBox &sampleBb) const octreeDataFace
size() const octreeDataFace [inline]
write(Ostream &os, const label index) const octreeDataFace