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pointPatch Member List

This is the complete list of members for pointPatch, including all inherited members.
applyConstraint(const label pointi, pointConstraint &) const pointPatch [inline, virtual]
boundaryMesh() const pointPatch [inline]
calcGeometry()pointPatch [inline, protected, virtual]
coupled() const pointPatch [inline, virtual]
index() const =0pointPatch [pure virtual]
initGeometry()pointPatch [inline, protected, virtual]
initMovePoints(const pointField &)pointPatch [inline, protected, virtual]
initUpdateMesh()pointPatch [inline, protected, virtual]
localPoints() const =0pointPatch [pure virtual]
meshPoints() const =0pointPatch [pure virtual]
movePoints(const pointField &)pointPatch [inline, protected, virtual]
name() const =0pointPatch [pure virtual]
pointBoundaryMesh classpointPatch [friend]
pointNormals() const =0pointPatch [pure virtual]
pointPatch(const pointBoundaryMesh &bm)pointPatch [inline]
size() const =0pointPatch [pure virtual]
updateMesh()pointPatch [inline, protected, virtual]
~pointPatch()pointPatch [inline, virtual]