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mdTools Directory Reference

Directory dependency graph for src/lagrangian/molecularDynamics/molecule/mdTools/:


file  averageMDFields.H [code]
file  calculateAutoCorrelationFunctions.H [code]
file  calculateMDFields.H [code]
file  calculateTransportProperties.H [code]
file  createAutoCorrelationFunctions.H [code]
file  createMDFields.H [code]
file  createRefUnits.H [code]
file  md.H [code]
file  meanMomentumEnergyAndNMols.H [code]

Calculates and prints the mean momentum and energy in the system and the number of molecules.

file  resetMDFields.H [code]
file  temperatureAndPressure.H [code]

Accumulates values for temperature and pressure measurement, and calculates and outputs the average values at output times. Requires temperatureAndPressureVariables.H to be declared before the timeloop.

file  temperatureAndPressureVariables.H [code]

Provides accumulation variables for temperatureAndPressure.H.

file  temperatureEquilibration.H [code]

Applies temperature control to molecules.