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autoHexMeshDriver Directory Reference

Directory dependency graph for src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/:


directory  layerParameters
directory  pointData
directory  refinementParameters
directory  snapParameters


file  autoHexMeshDriver.C [code]
file  autoHexMeshDriver.H [code]
file  autoLayerDriver.C [code]

All to do with adding cell layers.

file  autoLayerDriver.H [code]
file  autoLayerDriverShrink.C [code]

Shrinking mesh (part of adding cell layers)

file  autoLayerDriverTemplates.C [code]
file  autoRefineDriver.C [code]
file  autoRefineDriver.H [code]
file  autoSnapDriver.C [code]

All to do with snapping to the surface.

file  autoSnapDriver.H [code]