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Pstreams Directory Reference

Directory dependency graph for src/OpenFOAM/db/IOstreams/Pstreams/:


file  combineGatherScatter.C [code]

Variant of gather, scatter. Normal gather uses:

  • construct null and read (>>) from Istream
  • binary operator and assignment operator to combine values.

file  gatherScatter.C [code]

Gather data from all processors onto single processor according to some communication schedule (usually linear-to-master or tree-to-master). The gathered data will be a single value constructed from the values on individual processors using a user-specified operator.

file  gatherScatterList.C [code]

Gather data from all processors onto single processor according to some communication schedule (usually linear-to-master or tree-to-master). The gathered data will be a list with element procID the data from processor procID. Before calling every processor should insert its value into Values[Pstream::myProcNo()]. Note: after gather every processor only knows its own data and that of the processors below it. Only the 'master' of the communication schedule holds a fully filled List. Use scatter to distribute the data.

file  IPstream.C [code]
file  IPstream.H [code]
file  IPstreamImpl.C [code]
file  IPstreamImpl.H [code]
file  OPstream.C [code]

Write primitive and binary block from OPstream.

file  OPstream.H [code]
file  OPstreamImpl.C [code]
file  OPstreamImpl.H [code]
file  Pstream.C [code]
file  Pstream.H [code]
file  PstreamCombineReduceOps.H [code]

Combination-Reduction operation for a parallel run. The information from all nodes is collected on the master node, combined using the given combination function and the result is broadcast to all nodes.

file  PstreamCommsStruct.C [code]
file  PstreamImpl.C [code]
file  PstreamImpl.H [code]
file  PstreamImplI.H [code]
file  PstreamReduceOps.H [code]
file  PstreamsPrint.C [code]

Prints out a description of the streams.