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00001 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00002   =========                 |
00003   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
00004    \\    /   O peration     |
00005     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
00006      \\/     M anipulation  |
00007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00008 License
00009     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
00011     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00013     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00014     (at your option) any later version.
00016     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
00019     for more details.
00021     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00022     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
00024 Class
00025     Foam::mapPolyMesh
00027 Description
00028     Class containing mesh-to-mesh mapping information after a change
00029     in polyMesh topology.
00031     General:
00032         - pointMap/faceMap/cellMap: \n
00033           from current mesh back to previous mesh.
00034           (so to 'pull' the information onto the current mesh)
00035         - reversePointMap/faceMap/cellMap: \n
00036           from previous mesh to current. (so to 'push' information)
00038     In the topology change points/faces/cells
00039     - can be unchanged. (faces might be renumbered though)
00040     - can be removed (into nothing)
00041     - can be removed into/merged with existing same entity
00042       (so point merged with other point, face with other face, cell with
00043        other cell. Note that probably only cell with cell is relevant)
00044     - can be added from existing same 'master' entity
00045       (so point from point, face from face and cell from cell)
00046     - can be inflated: face out of edge or point,
00047         cell out of face, edge or point.
00048     - can be appended: added 'out of nothing'.
00050     All this information is nessecary to correctly map fields.
00052     @par points
00054     - unchanged:
00055         - pointMap[pointI] contains old point label
00056         - reversePointMap[oldPointI] contains new point label
00057     - removed:
00058         - reversePointMap[oldPointI] contains -1
00059     - merged into point:
00060         - reversePointMap[oldPointI] contains <-1 : -newPointI-2
00061         - pointMap[pointI] contains the old master point label
00062         - pointsFromPoints gives for pointI all the old point labels
00063           (including the old master point!)
00064     - added-from-same:
00065         - pointMap[pointI] contains the old master point label
00066     - appended:
00067         - pointMap[pointI] contains -1
00069     @par faces
00071     - unchanged:
00072         - faceMap[faceI] contains old face label
00073         - reverseFaceMap[oldFaceI] contains new face label
00074     - removed:
00075         - reverseFaceMap[oldFaceI] contains -1
00076     - merged into face:
00077         - reverseFaceMap[oldFaceI] contains <-1 : -newFaceI-2
00078         - faceMap[faceI] contains the old master face label
00079         - facesFromFaces gives for faceI all the old face labels
00080           (including the old master face!)
00081     - added-from-same:
00082         - faceMap[faceI] contains the old master face label
00083     - inflated-from-edge:
00084         - faceMap[faceI] contains -1
00085         - facesFromEdges contains an entry with
00086             - faceI
00087             - list of faces(*) on old mesh that connected to the old edge
00088     - inflated-from-point:
00089         - faceMap[faceI] contains -1
00090         - facesFromPoints contains an entry with
00091             - faceI
00092             - list of faces(*) on old mesh that connected to the old point
00093     - appended:
00094         - faceMap[faceI] contains -1
00096     Note (*) \n
00097        if the newly inflated face is a boundary face the list of faces will
00098        only be boundary faces; if the new face is an internal face they
00099        will only be internal faces.
00101     @par cells
00103     - unchanged:
00104         - cellMap[cellI] contains old cell label
00105         - reverseCellMap[oldCellI] contains new cell label
00106     - removed:
00107         - reverseCellMap[oldCellI] contains -1
00108     - merged into cell:
00109         - reverseCellMap[oldCellI] contains <-1 : -newCellI-2
00110         - cellMap[cellI] contains the old master cell label
00111         - cellsFromCells gives for cellI all the old cell labels
00112           (including the old master cell!)
00113     - added-from-same:
00114         - cellMap[cellI] contains the old master cell label
00115     - inflated-from-face:
00116         - cellMap[cellI] contains -1
00117         - cellsFromFaces contains an entry with
00118             - cellI
00119             - list of cells on old mesh that connected to the old face
00120     - inflated-from-edge:
00121         - cellMap[cellI] contains -1
00122         - cellsFromEdges contains an entry with
00123             - cellI
00124             - list of cells on old mesh that connected to the old edge
00125     - inflated-from-point:
00126         - cellMap[cellI] contains -1
00127         - cellsFromPoints contains an entry with
00128             - cellI
00129             - list of cells on old mesh that connected to the old point
00130     - appended:
00131         - cellMap[cellI] contains -1
00134 SourceFiles
00135     mapPolyMesh.C
00137 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00139 #ifndef mapPolyMesh_H
00140 #define mapPolyMesh_H
00142 #include <OpenFOAM/labelList.H>
00143 #include <OpenFOAM/objectMap.H>
00144 #include <OpenFOAM/pointField.H>
00145 #include <OpenFOAM/HashSet.H>
00146 #include <OpenFOAM/Map.H>
00148 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
00150 namespace Foam
00151 {
00153 class polyMesh;
00155 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
00156                            Class mapPolyMesh Declaration
00157 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00159 class mapPolyMesh
00160 :
00161     public refCount
00162 {
00163     // Private data
00165         //- Reference to polyMesh
00166         const polyMesh& mesh_;
00168         //- Number of old live points
00169         const label nOldPoints_;
00171         //- Number of old live faces
00172         const label nOldFaces_;
00174         //- Number of old live cells
00175         const label nOldCells_;
00177         //- Old point map.
00178         //  Contains the old point label for all new points.
00179         //  - for preserved points this is the old point label.
00180         //  - for added points this is the master point ID
00181         //  - for points added with no master, this is -1
00182         //  Size of the list equals the size of new points
00183         const labelList pointMap_;
00185         //- Points resulting from merging points
00186         const List<objectMap> pointsFromPointsMap_;
00188         //- Old face map.
00189         //  Contains a list of old face labels for every new face.
00190         //  Size of the list equals the number of new faces
00191         //  - for preserved faces this is the old face label.
00192         //  - for faces added from faces this is the master face ID
00193         //  - for faces added with no master, this is -1
00194         //  - for faces added from points or edges, this is -1
00195         const labelList faceMap_;
00197         //- Faces inflated from points
00198         const List<objectMap> facesFromPointsMap_;
00200         //- Faces inflated from edges
00201         const List<objectMap> facesFromEdgesMap_;
00203         //- Faces resulting from merging faces
00204         const List<objectMap> facesFromFacesMap_;
00206         //- Old cell map.
00207         //  Contains old cell label for all preserved cells.
00208         //  Size of the list equals the number or preserved cells
00209         const labelList cellMap_;
00211         //- Cells inflated from points
00212         const List<objectMap> cellsFromPointsMap_;
00214         //- Cells inflated from edges
00215         const List<objectMap> cellsFromEdgesMap_;
00217         //- Cells inflated from faces
00218         const List<objectMap> cellsFromFacesMap_;
00220         //- Cells resulting from merging cells
00221         const List<objectMap> cellsFromCellsMap_;
00223         //- Reverse point map
00224         const labelList reversePointMap_;
00226         //- Reverse face map
00227         const labelList reverseFaceMap_;
00229         //- Reverse cell map
00230         const labelList reverseCellMap_;
00232         //- Map of flipped face flux faces
00233         const labelHashSet flipFaceFlux_;
00235         //- Patch mesh point renumbering
00236         const labelListList patchPointMap_;
00238         //- Point zone renumbering
00239         //  For every preserved point in zone give the old position.
00240         //  For added points, the index is set to -1
00241         const labelListList pointZoneMap_;
00243         //- Face zone point renumbering
00244         //  For every preserved point in zone give the old position.
00245         //  For added points, the index is set to -1
00246         const labelListList faceZonePointMap_;
00248         //- Face zone face renumbering
00249         //  For every preserved face in zone give the old position.
00250         //  For added faces, the index is set to -1
00251         const labelListList faceZoneFaceMap_;
00253         //- Cell zone renumbering
00254         //  For every preserved cell in zone give the old position.
00255         //  For added cells, the index is set to -1
00256         const labelListList cellZoneMap_;
00258         //- Pre-motion point positions.
00259         //  This specifies the correct way of blowing up zero-volume objects
00260         const pointField preMotionPoints_;
00262         //- List of the old patch sizes
00263         labelList oldPatchSizes_;
00265         //- List of the old patch start labels
00266         const labelList oldPatchStarts_;
00268         //- List of numbers of mesh points per old patch
00269         const labelList oldPatchNMeshPoints_;
00272     // Private Member Functions
00274         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
00275         mapPolyMesh(const mapPolyMesh&);
00277         //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
00278         void operator=(const mapPolyMesh&);
00281 public:
00283     // Constructors
00285         //- Construct from components
00286         mapPolyMesh
00287         (
00288             const polyMesh& mesh,
00289             const label nOldPoints,
00290             const label nOldFaces,
00291             const label nOldCells,
00292             const labelList& pointMap,
00293             const List<objectMap>& pointsFromPoints,
00294             const labelList& faceMap,
00295             const List<objectMap>& facesFromPoints,
00296             const List<objectMap>& facesFromEdges,
00297             const List<objectMap>& facesFromFaces,
00298             const labelList& cellMap,
00299             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromPoints,
00300             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromEdges,
00301             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromFaces,
00302             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromCells,
00303             const labelList& reversePointMap,
00304             const labelList& reverseFaceMap,
00305             const labelList& reverseCellMap,
00306             const labelHashSet& flipFaceFlux,
00307             const labelListList& patchPointMap,
00308             const labelListList& pointZoneMap,
00309             const labelListList& faceZonePointMap,
00310             const labelListList& faceZoneFaceMap,
00311             const labelListList& cellZoneMap,
00312             const pointField& preMotionPoints,
00313             const labelList& oldPatchStarts,
00314             const labelList& oldPatchNMeshPoints
00315         );
00317         //- Construct from components and optionally reuse storage
00318         mapPolyMesh
00319         (
00320             const polyMesh& mesh,
00321             const label nOldPoints,
00322             const label nOldFaces,
00323             const label nOldCells,
00324             labelList& pointMap,
00325             List<objectMap>& pointsFromPoints,
00326             labelList& faceMap,
00327             List<objectMap>& facesFromPoints,
00328             List<objectMap>& facesFromEdges,
00329             List<objectMap>& facesFromFaces,
00330             labelList& cellMap,
00331             List<objectMap>& cellsFromPoints,
00332             List<objectMap>& cellsFromEdges,
00333             List<objectMap>& cellsFromFaces,
00334             List<objectMap>& cellsFromCells,
00335             labelList& reversePointMap,
00336             labelList& reverseFaceMap,
00337             labelList& reverseCellMap,
00338             labelHashSet& flipFaceFlux,
00339             labelListList& patchPointMap,
00340             labelListList& pointZoneMap,
00341             labelListList& faceZonePointMap,
00342             labelListList& faceZoneFaceMap,
00343             labelListList& cellZoneMap,
00344             pointField& preMotionPoints,
00345             labelList& oldPatchStarts,
00346             labelList& oldPatchNMeshPoints,
00347             const bool reUse
00348         );
00350     // Member Functions
00352         // Access
00354             //- Return polyMesh
00355             const polyMesh& mesh() const
00356             {
00357                 return mesh_;
00358             }
00360             //- Number of old points
00361             label nOldPoints() const
00362             {
00363                 return nOldPoints_;
00364             }
00366             //- Number of old internal faces
00367             label nOldInternalFaces() const
00368             {
00369                 return oldPatchStarts_[0];
00370             }
00372             //- Number of old faces
00373             label nOldFaces() const
00374             {
00375                 return nOldFaces_;
00376             }
00378             //- Number of old cells
00379             label nOldCells() const
00380             {
00381                 return nOldCells_;
00382             }
00384             //- Old point map.
00385             //  Contains the old point label for all new points.
00386             //  For preserved points this is the old point label.
00387             //  For added points this is the master point ID
00388             const labelList& pointMap() const
00389             {
00390                 return pointMap_;
00391             }
00393             //- Points originating from points
00394             const List<objectMap>& pointsFromPointsMap() const
00395             {
00396                 return pointsFromPointsMap_;
00397             }
00399             //- Old face map.
00400             //  Contains a list of old face labels for every new face.
00401             //  Warning: this map contains invalid entries for new faces
00402             const labelList& faceMap() const
00403             {
00404                 return faceMap_;
00405             }
00407             //- Faces inflated from points
00408             const List<objectMap>& facesFromPointsMap() const
00409             {
00410                 return facesFromPointsMap_;
00411             }
00413             //- Faces inflated from edges
00414             const List<objectMap>& facesFromEdgesMap() const
00415             {
00416                 return facesFromEdgesMap_;
00417             }
00419             //- Faces originating from faces
00420             const List<objectMap>& facesFromFacesMap() const
00421             {
00422                 return facesFromFacesMap_;
00423             }
00425             //- Old cell map.
00426             //  Contains old cell label for all preserved cells.
00427             const labelList& cellMap() const
00428             {
00429                 return cellMap_;
00430             }
00432             //- Cells inflated from points
00433             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromPointsMap() const
00434             {
00435                 return cellsFromPointsMap_;
00436             }
00438             //- Cells inflated from edges
00439             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromEdgesMap() const
00440             {
00441                 return cellsFromEdgesMap_;
00442             }
00444             //- Cells inflated from faces
00445             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromFacesMap() const
00446             {
00447                 return cellsFromFacesMap_;
00448             }
00450             //- Cells originating from cells
00451             const List<objectMap>& cellsFromCellsMap() const
00452             {
00453                 return cellsFromCellsMap_;
00454             }
00457             // Reverse maps
00459                 //- Reverse point map
00460                 //  Contains new point label for all old and added points
00461                 const labelList& reversePointMap() const
00462                 {
00463                     return reversePointMap_;
00464                 }
00466                 //- If point is removed return point (on new mesh) it merged
00467                 //  into
00468                 label mergedPoint(const label oldPointI) const
00469                 {
00470                     label i = reversePointMap_[oldPointI];
00472                     if (i == -1)
00473                     {
00474                         return i;
00475                     }
00476                     else if (i < -1)
00477                     {
00478                         return -i-2;
00479                     }
00480                     else
00481                     {
00482                         FatalErrorIn("mergedPoint(const label) const")
00483                             << "old point label " << oldPointI
00484                             << " has reverseMap " << i << endl
00485                             << "Only call mergedPoint for removed points."
00486                             << abort(FatalError);
00487                         return -1;
00488                     }
00489                 }
00491                 //- Reverse face map
00492                 //  Contains new face label for all old and added faces
00493                 const labelList& reverseFaceMap() const
00494                 {
00495                     return reverseFaceMap_;
00496                 }
00498                 //- If face is removed return face (on new mesh) it merged into
00499                 label mergedFace(const label oldFaceI) const
00500                 {
00501                     label i = reverseFaceMap_[oldFaceI];
00503                     if (i == -1)
00504                     {
00505                         return i;
00506                     }
00507                     else if (i < -1)
00508                     {
00509                         return -i-2;
00510                     }
00511                     else
00512                     {
00513                         FatalErrorIn("mergedFace(const label) const")
00514                             << "old face label " << oldFaceI
00515                             << " has reverseMap " << i << endl
00516                             << "Only call mergedFace for removed faces."
00517                             << abort(FatalError);
00518                         return -1;
00519                     }
00520                 }
00522                 //- Reverse cell map
00523                 //  Contains new cell label for all old and added cells
00524                 const labelList& reverseCellMap() const
00525                 {
00526                     return reverseCellMap_;
00527                 }
00529                 //- If cell is removed return cell (on new mesh) it merged into
00530                 label mergedCell(const label oldCellI) const
00531                 {
00532                     label i = reverseCellMap_[oldCellI];
00534                     if (i == -1)
00535                     {
00536                         return i;
00537                     }
00538                     else if (i < -1)
00539                     {
00540                         return -i-2;
00541                     }
00542                     else
00543                     {
00544                         FatalErrorIn("mergedCell(const label) const")
00545                             << "old cell label " << oldCellI
00546                             << " has reverseMap " << i << endl
00547                             << "Only call mergedCell for removed cells."
00548                             << abort(FatalError);
00549                         return -1;
00550                     }
00551                 }
00553                 //- Map of flipped face flux faces
00554                 const labelHashSet& flipFaceFlux() const
00555                 {
00556                     return flipFaceFlux_;
00557                 }
00559                 //- Patch point renumbering
00560                 //  For every preserved point on a patch give the old position.
00561                 //  For added points, the index is set to -1
00562                 const labelListList& patchPointMap() const
00563                 {
00564                     return patchPointMap_;
00565                 }
00568             // Zone mapping
00570                 //- Point zone renumbering
00571                 //  For every preserved point in zone give the old position.
00572                 //  For added points, the index is set to -1
00573                 const labelListList& pointZoneMap() const
00574                 {
00575                     return pointZoneMap_;
00576                 }
00578                 //- Face zone point renumbering
00579                 //  For every preserved point in zone give the old position.
00580                 //  For added points, the index is set to -1
00581                 const labelListList& faceZonePointMap() const
00582                 {
00583                     return faceZonePointMap_;
00584                 }
00586                 //- Face zone face renumbering
00587                 //  For every preserved face in zone give the old position.
00588                 //  For added faces, the index is set to -1
00589                 const labelListList& faceZoneFaceMap() const
00590                 {
00591                     return faceZoneFaceMap_;
00592                 }
00594                 //- Cell zone renumbering
00595                 //  For every preserved cell in zone give the old position.
00596                 //  For added cells, the index is set to -1
00597                 const labelListList& cellZoneMap() const
00598                 {
00599                     return cellZoneMap_;
00600                 }
00602             //- Pre-motion point positions.
00603             //  This specifies the correct way of blowing up
00604             //  zero-volume objects
00605             const pointField& preMotionPoints() const
00606             {
00607                 return preMotionPoints_;
00608             }
00610             //- Has valid preMotionPoints?
00611             bool hasMotionPoints() const
00612             {
00613                 return preMotionPoints_.size() > 0;
00614             }
00617             //- Return list of the old patch sizes
00618             const labelList& oldPatchSizes() const
00619             {
00620                 return oldPatchSizes_;
00621             }
00623             //- Return list of the old patch start labels
00624             const labelList& oldPatchStarts() const
00625             {
00626                 return oldPatchStarts_;
00627             }
00629             //- Return numbers of mesh points per old patch
00630             const labelList& oldPatchNMeshPoints() const
00631             {
00632                 return oldPatchNMeshPoints_;
00633             }
00634 };
00637 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
00639 } // End namespace Foam
00641 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
00643 #endif
00645 // ************************ vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et: ************************ //
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