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readPISOControls.H File Reference

Detailed Description

Definition in file readPISOControls.H.

Go to the source code of this file.


int  nCorr (readInt(piso.lookup("nCorrectors")))


dictionary  piso = mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO")
int  nNonOrthCorr
bool  momentumPredictor
bool  transonic
int  nOuterCorr

Function Documentation

int nCorr ( readInt(piso.lookup("nCorrectors"))    )

Variable Documentation

dictionary piso = mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO")

Definition at line 1 of file readPISOControls.H.

Referenced by if().

Initial value:
        piso.lookupOrDefault<int>("nNonOrthogonalCorrectors", 0)

Definition at line 5 of file readPISOControls.H.

Initial value:
        piso.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("momentumPredictor", true)

Definition at line 8 of file readPISOControls.H.

bool transonic
Initial value:
        piso.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("transonic", false)

Definition at line 11 of file readPISOControls.H.

int nOuterCorr
Initial value:
        piso.lookupOrDefault<int>("nOuterCorrectors", 1)

Definition at line 14 of file readPISOControls.H.

Referenced by for(), and if().