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stitchMesh.C File Reference

'Stitches' a mesh. More...

Detailed Description

'Stitches' a mesh.

Takes a mesh and two patches and merges the faces on the two patches (if geometrically possible) so the faces become internal.

Can do

  • 'perfect' match: faces and points on patches align exactly. Order might be different though.
  • 'integral' match: where the surfaces on both patches exactly match but the individual faces not
  • 'partial' match: where the non-overlapping part of the surface remains in the respective patch.
Is just a front-end to perfectInterface/slidingInterface.

Comparable to running a meshModifier of the form (if masterPatch is called "M" and slavePatch "S"):

couple { typeslidingInterface; masterFaceZoneName MSMasterZone slaveFaceZoneName MSSlaveZone cutPointZoneNameMSCutPointZone cutFaceZoneName MSCutFaceZone masterPatchName M; slavePatchName S; typeOfMatch partial or integral }

  • stitchMesh [OPTIONS] <masterPatch> <slavePatch>
Detailed description of argument.
Detailed description of argument.
The patches, vertices and face centres are perfectly aligned.
The surface overlap only partialy.
Overwrite existing data.
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Definition in file stitchMesh.C.

#include "src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/fvCFD.H"
#include "src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChanger/polyTopoChanger.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapPolyMesh.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/containers/Lists/ListOps/ListOps.H"
#include "src/dynamicMesh/slidingInterface/slidingInterface.H"
#include "src/dynamicMesh/perfectInterface/perfectInterface.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/db/IOobjectList/IOobjectList.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/fields/ReadFields/ReadFields.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/include/addRegionOption.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/include/setRootCase.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/include/createTime.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/include/createNamedMesh.H"
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