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Helper class which maintains intersections of (changing) mesh with (static) surfaces. More...

#include <autoMesh/meshRefinement.H>

Detailed Description

Helper class which maintains intersections of (changing) mesh with (static) surfaces.


  • per face any intersections of the cc-cc segment with any of the surfaces
Source files

Definition at line 77 of file meshRefinement.H.

Collaboration diagram for meshRefinement:

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  writeFlag { MESH = 1, SCALARLEVELS = 2, OBJINTERSECTIONS = 4 }

Enumeration for debug dumping.

enum  mapType { MASTERONLY = 1, KEEPALL = 2, REMOVE = 4 }

Enumeration for how the userdata is to be mapped upon refinement.


Public Member Functions

 ClassName ("meshRefinement")
 Runtime type information.
 meshRefinement (fvMesh &mesh, const scalar mergeDistance, const bool overwrite, const refinementSurfaces &, const shellSurfaces &)
 Construct from components.
const fvMesh &  mesh () const
 reference to mesh
fvMesh &  mesh ()
scalar  mergeDistance () const
bool  overwrite () const
 Overwrite the mesh?
const word &  oldInstance () const
 (points)instance of mesh upon construction
const refinementSurfaces &  surfaces () const
 reference to surface search engines
const shellSurfaces &  shells () const
 reference to refinement shells (regions)
const hexRef8 &  meshCutter () const
 reference to meshcutting engine
const labelList &  surfaceIndex () const
 per start-end edge the index of the surface hit
labelList &  surfaceIndex ()
const List< Tuple2< mapType,
labelList > > &  
userFaceData () const
 Additional face data that is maintained across.
List< Tuple2< mapType,
labelList > > &  
userFaceData ()
label  countHits () const
 Count number of intersections (local)
labelList  decomposeCombineRegions (const scalarField &cellWeights, const boolList &blockedFace, const List< labelPair > &explicitConnections, decompositionMethod &) const
 Helper function to get decomposition such that all connected.
autoPtr< mapDistributePolyMesh >  balance (const bool keepZoneFaces, const bool keepBaffles, const scalarField &cellWeights, decompositionMethod &decomposer, fvMeshDistribute &distributor)
 Redecompose according to cell count.
labelList  intersectedFaces () const
 Get faces with intersection.
labelList  intersectedPoints () const
 Get points on surfaces with intersection and boundary faces.
labelList  refineCandidates (const point &keepPoint, const scalar curvature, const PtrList< featureEdgeMesh > &featureMeshes, const labelList &featureLevels, const bool featureRefinement, const bool internalRefinement, const bool surfaceRefinement, const bool curvatureRefinement, const label maxGlobalCells, const label maxLocalCells) const
 Calculate list of cells to refine.
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  refine (const labelList &cellsToRefine)
 Refine some cells.
autoPtr< mapDistributePolyMesh >  refineAndBalance (const string &msg, decompositionMethod &decomposer, fvMeshDistribute &distributor, const labelList &cellsToRefine, const scalar maxLoadUnbalance)
 Refine some cells and rebalance.
autoPtr< mapDistributePolyMesh >  balanceAndRefine (const string &msg, decompositionMethod &decomposer, fvMeshDistribute &distributor, const labelList &cellsToRefine, const scalar maxLoadUnbalance)
 Balance before refining some cells.
void  baffleAndSplitMesh (const bool handleSnapProblems, const bool removeEdgeConnectedCells, const scalarField &perpendicularAngle, const bool mergeFreeStanding, const dictionary &motionDict, Time &runTime, const labelList &globalToPatch, const point &keepPoint)
 Split off unreachable areas of mesh.
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  splitMesh (const label nBufferLayers, const labelList &globalToPatch, const point &keepPoint)
 Split off (with optional buffer layers) unreachable areas.
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  dupNonManifoldPoints ()
 Find boundary points that connect to more than one cell.
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  createBaffles (const labelList &ownPatch, const labelList &neiPatch)
 Create baffle for every internal face where ownPatch != -1.
List< labelPair >  getDuplicateFaces (const labelList &testFaces) const
 Return a list of coupled face pairs, i.e. faces that.
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  mergeBaffles (const List< labelPair > &)
 Merge baffles. Gets pairs of faces.
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  zonify (const point &keepPoint, const bool allowFreeStandingZoneFaces)
 Put faces/cells into zones according to surface specification.
label  addMeshedPatch (const word &name, const word &type)
 Add patch originating from meshing. Update meshedPatches_.
labelList  meshedPatches () const
 Get patchIDs for patches added in addMeshedPatch.
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  splitMeshRegions (const point &keepPoint)
 Split mesh. Keep part containing point.
void  distribute (const mapDistributePolyMesh &)
 Update local numbering for mesh redistribution.
void  updateMesh (const mapPolyMesh &, const labelList &changedFaces)
 Update for external change to mesh. changedFaces are in new mesh.
void  storeData (const labelList &pointsToStore, const labelList &facesToStore, const labelList &cellsToStore)
 Signal points/face/cells for which to store data.
void  updateMesh (const mapPolyMesh &, const labelList &changedFaces, const Map< label > &pointsToRestore, const Map< label > &facesToRestore, const Map< label > &cellsToRestore)
 Update local numbering + undo.
label  mergePatchFaces (const scalar minCos, const scalar concaveCos, const labelList &patchIDs)
 Merge faces on the same patch (usually from exposing refinement)
autoPtr< mapPolyMesh >  mergeEdges (const scalar minCos)
 Remove points not used by any face or points used.
void  checkData ()
 Debugging: check that all faces still obey start()>end()
template<class T >
void  testSyncBoundaryFaceList (const scalar mergeDistance, const string &, const UList< T > &, const UList< T > &) const
 Compare two lists over all boundary faces.
void  printMeshInfo (const bool, const string &) const
 Print some mesh stats.
word  timeName () const
 Replacement for Time::timeName() : return oldInstance (if.
void  setInstance (const fileName &)
 Set instance of all local IOobjects.
bool  write () const
 Write mesh and all data.
void  dumpRefinementLevel () const
 Write refinement level as volScalarFields for postprocessing.
void  dumpIntersections (const fileName &prefix) const
 Debug: Write intersection information to OBJ format.
void  write (const label flag, const fileName &) const
 Do any one of above IO functions. flag is combination of.

Static Public Member Functions

static autoPtr
< indirectPrimitivePatch >  
makePatch (const polyMesh &, const labelList &)
 Create patch from set of patches.
static tmp< pointVectorField >  makeDisplacementField (const pointMesh &pMesh, const labelList &adaptPatchIDs)
 Helper function to make a pointVectorField with correct.
static void  checkCoupledFaceZones (const polyMesh &)
 Helper function: check that face zones are synced.
static label  addPatch (fvMesh &, const word &name, const word &type)
 Helper:add patch to mesh. Update all registered fields.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum writeFlag

Enumeration for debug dumping.


Definition at line 85 of file meshRefinement.H.

enum mapType

Enumeration for how the userdata is to be mapped upon refinement.


maintain master only


have slaves (upon refinement) from master


set value to -1 any face that was refined

Definition at line 94 of file meshRefinement.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

meshRefinement ( fvMesh &   mesh,
const scalar   mergeDistance,
const bool   overwrite,
const refinementSurfaces &   surfaces,
const shellSurfaces &   shells  

Construct from components.

Definition at line 846 of file meshRefinement.C.

References Foam::identity().

Member Function Documentation

ClassName ( "meshRefinement"    )

Runtime type information.

const fvMesh& mesh (  ) const [inline]

reference to mesh

Definition at line 496 of file meshRefinement.H.

fvMesh& mesh (  ) [inline]

Definition at line 500 of file meshRefinement.H.

scalar mergeDistance (  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 505 of file meshRefinement.H.

bool overwrite (  ) const [inline]

Overwrite the mesh?

Definition at line 511 of file meshRefinement.H.

const word& oldInstance (  ) const [inline]

(points)instance of mesh upon construction

Definition at line 517 of file meshRefinement.H.

const refinementSurfaces& surfaces (  ) const [inline]

reference to surface search engines

Definition at line 523 of file meshRefinement.H.

const shellSurfaces& shells (  ) const [inline]

reference to refinement shells (regions)

Definition at line 529 of file meshRefinement.H.

const hexRef8& meshCutter (  ) const [inline]

reference to meshcutting engine

Definition at line 535 of file meshRefinement.H.

const labelList& surfaceIndex (  ) const [inline]

per start-end edge the index of the surface hit

Definition at line 541 of file meshRefinement.H.

labelList& surfaceIndex (  ) [inline]

Definition at line 546 of file meshRefinement.H.

const List<Tuple2<mapType, labelList> >& userFaceData (  ) const [inline]

Additional face data that is maintained across.

topo changes. Every entry is a list over all faces. Bit of a hack. Additional flag to say whether to maintain master only (false) or increase set to account for face-from-face.

Definition at line 555 of file meshRefinement.H.

List<Tuple2<mapType, labelList> >& userFaceData (  ) [inline]

Definition at line 560 of file meshRefinement.H.

Foam::label countHits (  ) const

Count number of intersections (local)

Definition at line 930 of file meshRefinement.C.

References forAll, PackedList< nBits >::get(), and syncTools::getMasterFaces().

Foam::labelList decomposeCombineRegions ( const scalarField &   cellWeights,
const boolList &   blockedFace,
const List< labelPair > &   explicitConnections,
decompositionMethod &   decomposer  
) const

Helper function to get decomposition such that all connected.

regions get moved onto one processor. Used to prevent baffles straddling processor boundaries. explicitConnections is to keep pairs of non-coupled boundary faces together (e.g. to keep baffles together)

Definition at line 950 of file meshRefinement.C.

References decompositionMethod::decompose(), HashTable< T, label, Hash< label > >::end(), HashTable< T, Key, Hash >::end(), HashTable< T, Key, Hash >::find(), forAll, forAllConstIter, Pstream::mapCombineGather(), and Pstream::mapCombineScatter().

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapDistributePolyMesh > balance ( const bool   keepZoneFaces,
const bool   keepBaffles,
const scalarField &   cellWeights,
decompositionMethod &   decomposer,
fvMeshDistribute &   distributor  

Redecompose according to cell count.

keepZoneFaces : find all faceZones from zoned surfaces and keep owner and neighbour together keepBaffles : find all baffles and keep them together

Definition at line 1091 of file meshRefinement.C.

References fvMeshDistribute::countCells(), decompositionMethod::decompose(), fvMeshDistribute::distribute(), Foam::endl(), refinementSurfaces::faceZoneNames(), ZoneMesh< ZoneType, MeshType >::findZoneID(), forAll, Foam::identity(), Foam::Info, Pstream::listCombineGather(), Pstream::listCombineScatter(), Pstream::parRun(), Foam::Pout, Foam::reduce(), Foam::returnReduce(), List< T >::size(), and syncTools::syncFaceList().

Foam::labelList intersectedFaces (  ) const

Get faces with intersection.

Definition at line 1263 of file meshRefinement.C.

References forAll.

Foam::labelList intersectedPoints (  ) const

Get points on surfaces with intersection and boundary faces.

Definition at line 1290 of file meshRefinement.C.

References f(), and forAll.

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::indirectPrimitivePatch > makePatch ( const polyMesh &   mesh,
const labelList &   patchIDs  
) [static]
Foam::tmp< Foam::pointVectorField > makeDisplacementField ( const pointMesh &   pMesh,
const labelList &   adaptPatchIDs  
) [static]

Helper function to make a pointVectorField with correct.

bcs for mesh movement:

  • adaptPatchIDs : fixedValue
  • processor : calculated (so free to move)
  • cyclic/wedge/symmetry : slip
  • other : slip

Definition at line 1405 of file meshRefinement.C.

References IOobject::AUTO_WRITE, pointMesh::boundary(), Foam::dimLength, forAll, mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, PtrList< T >::size(), objectRegistry::time(), Time::timeName(), and Vector< Cmpt >::zero.

Referenced by autoLayerDriver::addLayers(), and autoSnapDriver::doSnap().

Foam::labelList refineCandidates ( const point &   keepPoint,
const scalar   curvature,
const PtrList< featureEdgeMesh > &   featureMeshes,
const labelList &   featureLevels,
const bool   featureRefinement,
const bool   internalRefinement,
const bool   surfaceRefinement,
const bool   curvatureRefinement,
const label   maxGlobalCells,
const label   maxLocalCells  
) const

Calculate list of cells to refine.

Disable refinement shortcut. nAllowRefine is per processor limit.

Definition at line 1048 of file meshRefinementRefine.C.

References Foam::endl(), forAll, Foam::Info, Pstream::nProcs(), and List< T >::setSize().

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapPolyMesh > refine ( const labelList &   cellsToRefine  )

Refine some cells.

Definition at line 1208 of file meshRefinementRefine.C.

References polyTopoChange::changeMesh().

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapDistributePolyMesh > refineAndBalance ( const string &   msg,
decompositionMethod &   decomposer,
fvMeshDistribute &   distributor,
const labelList &   cellsToRefine,
const scalar   maxLoadUnbalance  

Refine some cells and rebalance.

Definition at line 1251 of file meshRefinementRefine.C.

References Foam::endl(), Foam::Info, Foam::mag(), Pstream::nProcs(), Foam::Pout, Foam::returnReduce(), and timeName.

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapDistributePolyMesh > balanceAndRefine ( const string &   msg,
decompositionMethod &   decomposer,
fvMeshDistribute &   distributor,
const labelList &   cellsToRefine,
const scalar   maxLoadUnbalance  

Balance before refining some cells.

Definition at line 1351 of file meshRefinementRefine.C.

References Foam::endl(), forAll, Foam::Info, Foam::mag(), Pstream::nProcs(), Foam::Pout, Foam::returnReduce(), List< T >::size(), and timeName.

void baffleAndSplitMesh ( const bool   handleSnapProblems,
const bool   removeEdgeConnectedCells,
const scalarField &   perpendicularAngle,
const bool   mergeFreeStanding,
const dictionary &   motionDict,
Time &   runTime,
const labelList &   globalToPatch,
const point &   keepPoint  
Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapPolyMesh > splitMesh ( const label   nBufferLayers,
const labelList &   globalToPatch,
const point &   keepPoint  
Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapPolyMesh > dupNonManifoldPoints (  )

Find boundary points that connect to more than one cell.

region and split them.

Definition at line 1975 of file meshRefinementBaffles.C.

References polyTopoChange::changeMesh(), Foam::endl(), Foam::Info, localPointRegion::meshPointMap(), Foam::returnReduce(), duplicatePoints::setRefinement(), and HashTable< T, Key, Hash >::size().

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapPolyMesh > createBaffles ( const labelList &   ownPatch,
const labelList &   neiPatch  

Create baffle for every internal face where ownPatch != -1.

External faces get repatched according to ownPatch (neiPatch should be -1 for these)

Redo the intersections on the newly create baffle faces. Note that

this changes also the cell centre positions.

Definition at line 383 of file meshRefinementBaffles.C.

References Foam::abort(), polyTopoChange::changeMesh(), Foam::endl(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorIn, forAll, HashSet< Key, Hash >::insert(), List< T >::size(), faceSet::sync(), syncTools::syncFaceList(), and HashTable< T, Key, Hash >::toc().

Foam::label addPatch ( fvMesh &   mesh,
const word &   name,
const word &   type  
) [static]
Foam::label addMeshedPatch ( const word &   name,
const word &   type  

Add patch originating from meshing. Update meshedPatches_.

Definition at line 1729 of file meshRefinement.C.

References Foam::findIndex(), and Foam::name().

Foam::labelList meshedPatches (  ) const

Get patchIDs for patches added in addMeshedPatch.

Definition at line 1756 of file meshRefinement.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorIn, and forAll.

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapPolyMesh > splitMeshRegions ( const point &   keepPoint  )
void distribute ( const mapDistributePolyMesh &   map  )

Update local numbering for mesh redistribution.

Definition at line 1855 of file meshRefinement.C.

References autoPtr< T >::clear(), mapDistributePolyMesh::distributeFaceData(), E(), treeBoundBox::extend(), forAll, and autoPtr< T >::valid().

void updateMesh ( const mapPolyMesh &   map,
const labelList &   changedFaces  

Update for external change to mesh. changedFaces are in new mesh.

face labels.

Definition at line 1913 of file meshRefinement.C.

void storeData ( const labelList &   pointsToStore,
const labelList &   facesToStore,
const labelList &   cellsToStore  

Signal points/face/cells for which to store data.

Definition at line 1925 of file meshRefinement.C.

void updateMesh ( const mapPolyMesh &   map,
const labelList &   changedFaces,
const Map< label > &   pointsToRestore,
const Map< label > &   facesToRestore,
const Map< label > &   cellsToRestore  

Update local numbering + undo.

Data to restore given as new pointlabel + stored pointlabel (i.e. what was in pointsToStore)

Definition at line 1942 of file meshRefinement.C.

References mapPolyMesh::faceMap(), forAll, mapPolyMesh::reverseFaceMap(), List< T >::size(), and List< T >::transfer().

Foam::label mergePatchFaces ( const scalar   minCos,
const scalar   concaveCos,
const labelList &   patchIDs  

Merge faces on the same patch (usually from exposing refinement)

Returns global number of faces merged.

Definition at line 35 of file meshRefinementMerge.C.

References polyTopoChange::changeMesh(), polyPatch::coupled(), Foam::endl(), forAll, combineFaces::getMergeSets(), Foam::Info, patches, Foam::returnReduce(), combineFaces::setRefinement(), polyPatch::start(), and combineFaces::updateMesh().

Foam::autoPtr< Foam::mapPolyMesh > mergeEdges ( const scalar   minCos  )
void checkData (  )

Debugging: check that all faces still obey start()>end()

Definition at line 251 of file meshRefinement.C.

References Foam::endl(), localPointRegion::findDuplicateFaces(), forAll, Foam::identity(), Foam::Pout, syncTools::swapBoundaryFaceList(), and WarningIn.

void testSyncBoundaryFaceList ( const scalar   mergeDistance,
const string &   msg,
const UList< T > &   faceData,
const UList< T > &   syncedFaceData  
) const

Compare two lists over all boundary faces.

Definition at line 63 of file meshRefinementTemplates.C.

References Foam::abort(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorIn, forAll, Foam::mag(), patchIdentifier::name(), patches, UList< T >::size(), polyPatch::start(), and Foam::T().

void printMeshInfo ( const bool   debug,
const string &   msg  
) const
Foam::word timeName (  ) const

Replacement for Time::timeName() : return oldInstance (if.

Return either time().constant() or oldInstance.


Definition at line 2123 of file meshRefinement.C.

Referenced by autoHexMeshDriver::writeMesh().

void setInstance ( const fileName &   inst  )

Set instance of all local IOobjects.

Definition at line 441 of file meshRefinement.C.

void dumpRefinementLevel (  ) const

Write refinement level as volScalarFields for postprocessing.

Definition at line 2136 of file meshRefinement.C.

References IOobject::AUTO_WRITE, Foam::dimless, forAll, MeshObject< polyMesh, pointMesh >::New(), timeName, and regIOobject::write().

void dumpIntersections ( const fileName &   prefix  ) const

Debug: Write intersection information to OBJ format.

Definition at line 2192 of file meshRefinement.C.

References Foam::endl(), forAll, OFstream::name(), Foam::nl, Foam::Pout, List< T >::size(), Foam::system(), and Foam::meshTools::writeOBJ().

void write ( const label   flag,
const fileName &   prefix  
) const

Do any one of above IO functions. flag is combination of.

writeFlag values.

Definition at line 2272 of file meshRefinement.C.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: