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polyDualMeshApp.C File Reference

Calculate the dual of a polyMesh. Adheres to all the feature and patch edges. More...

Detailed Description

Calculate the dual of a polyMesh. Adheres to all the feature and patch edges.

Detects any boundary edge > angle and creates multiple boundary faces for it. Normal behaviour is to have each point become a cell (1.5 behaviour)

  • polyDualMesh [OPTIONS] <feature angle [0-180]>
-concaveMultiCellsCreates multiple cells for each point on a concave edge. Might limit the amount of distortion on some meshes.
-splitAllFacesNormally only constructs a single face between two cells. This single face might be too distorted. splitAllFaces will create a single face for every original cell the face passes through. The mesh will thus have multiple faces inbetween two cells! (so is not strictly upper-triangular anymore - checkMesh will complain)
-doNotPreserveFaceZones,:By default all faceZones are preserved by marking all faces, edges and points on them as features. The -doNotPreserveFaceZones disables this behaviour.
Overwrite existing data.
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This is just a driver for meshDualiser. Substitute your own simpleMarkFeatures to have different behaviour.

Definition in file polyDualMeshApp.C.

#include "src/OpenFOAM/global/argList/argList.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/timeSelector.H"
#include "src/finiteVolume/fvMesh/fvMesh.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/primitives/mathematicalConstants/mathematicalConstants.H"
#include "src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapPolyMesh.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/primitives/Lists/PackedBoolList.H"
#include "src/meshTools/meshTools/meshTools.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/db/IOstreams/Fstreams/OFstream.H"
#include "applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/polyDualMesh/meshDualiser.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/fields/ReadFields/ReadFields.H"
#include "src/finiteVolume/fields/volFields/volFields.H"
#include "src/finiteVolume/fields/surfaceFields/surfaceFields.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/include/setRootCase.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/include/createTime.H"
#include "src/OpenFOAM/include/createMesh.H"
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