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#include <lagrangian/Particle.H>

Detailed Description

template<class ParticleType>
class Foam::Particle< ParticleType >

Definition at line 75 of file Particle.H.

Inheritance diagram for Particle< ParticleType >:
Collaboration diagram for Particle< ParticleType >:

List of all members.


class  iNew
 Factory class to read-construct particles used for. More...
class  trackData
 Class used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function. More...

Public Member Functions

 TypeName ("Particle")
 Runtime type information.
 Particle (const Cloud< ParticleType > &, const vector &position, const label celli)
 Construct from components.
 Particle (const Cloud< ParticleType > &, Istream &, bool readFields=true)
 Construct from Istream.
 Particle (const Particle &p)
 Construct as a copy.
autoPtr< ParticleType >  clone () const
 Construct a clone.
virtual  ~Particle ()
bool  inCell () const
 Return true if particle is in cell.
bool  inCell (const vector &position, const label celli, const scalar stepFraction) const
 Return true if position is in cell i.
const vector &  position () const
 Return current particle position.
vector &  position ()
 Return current particle position.
label &  cell ()
 Return current cell particle is in.
label  cell () const
 Return current cell particle is in.
label  face () const
 Return current face particle is on otherwise -1.
const Cloud< ParticleType > &  cloud () const
 Return reference to the particle cloud.
bool  softImpact () const
 Return the impact model to be used, soft or hard (default).
scalar  currentTime () const
 Return the particle current time.
bool  onBoundary () const
 Is the particle on the boundary/(or outside the domain)?
label  patch (const label facei) const
 Which patch is particle on.
label  patchFace (const label patchi, const label facei) const
 Which face of this patch is this particle on.
scalar  wallImpactDistance (const vector &n) const
 The nearest distance to a wall that.
scalar &  stepFraction ()
 Return the fraction of time-step completed.
scalar  stepFraction () const
 Return the fraction of time-step completed.
label  origProc () const
 Return the originating processor id.
label  origId () const
 Return the particle id on originating processor.
template<class TrackData >
label  track (const vector &endPosition, TrackData &td)
 Track particle to end of trajectory.
label  track (const vector &endPosition)
 Calls the templated track with dummy TrackData.
template<class TrackData >
scalar  trackToFace (const vector &endPosition, TrackData &td)
 Track particle to a given position and returns 1.0 if the.
scalar  trackToFace (const vector &endPosition)
 Calls the templated trackToFace with dummy TrackData.
label  faceInterpolation () const
 Return the index of the face to be used in the interpolation.
void  write (Ostream &os, bool writeFields) const
 Write the particle data.

Static Public Member Functions

static void  readFields (Cloud< ParticleType > &c)
 Read the fields associated with the owner cloud.
static void  writeFields (const Cloud< ParticleType > &c)
 Write the fields associated with the owner cloud.

Static Public Attributes

static string  propHeader = "(Px Py Pz) cellI origProc origId"
 String representation of properties.

Protected Member Functions

scalar  lambda (const vector &from, const vector &to, const label facei, const scalar stepFraction) const
 Return the 'lambda' value for the position, p, on the face,.
scalar  lambda (const vector &from, const vector &to, const label facei) const
 Return the 'lambda' value for the position, p, on the face,.
void  findFaces (const vector &position, DynamicList< label > &faceList) const
 Find the faces between position and cell centre.
void  findFaces (const vector &position, const label celli, const scalar stepFraction, DynamicList< label > &faceList) const
 Find the faces between position and cell centre.
template<class TrackData >
bool  hitPatch (const polyPatch &, TrackData &td, const label patchI)
 Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a patch.
template<class TrackData >
void  hitWedgePatch (const wedgePolyPatch &, TrackData &td)
 Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wedgePatch.
template<class TrackData >
void  hitSymmetryPatch (const symmetryPolyPatch &, TrackData &td)
 Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a.
template<class TrackData >
void  hitCyclicPatch (const cyclicPolyPatch &, TrackData &td)
 Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a cyclicPatch.
template<class TrackData >
void  hitProcessorPatch (const processorPolyPatch &, TrackData &td)
 Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a.
template<class TrackData >
void  hitWallPatch (const wallPolyPatch &, TrackData &td)
 Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wallPatch.
template<class TrackData >
void  hitPatch (const polyPatch &, TrackData &td)
 Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a.
virtual void  transformPosition (const tensor &T)
 Transform the position the particle.
virtual void  transformProperties (const tensor &T)
 Transform the physical properties of the particle.
virtual void  transformProperties (const vector &separation)
 Transform the physical properties of the particle.
template<class TrackData >
void  prepareForParallelTransfer (const label patchi, TrackData &td)
 Convert global addressing to the processor patch.
template<class TrackData >
void  correctAfterParallelTransfer (const label patchi, TrackData &td)
 Convert processor patch addressing to the global equivalents.

Protected Attributes

const Cloud< ParticleType > &  cloud_
 Reference to the particle cloud.
vector  position_
 Position of particle.
label  celli_
 Index of the cell it is in.
label  facei_
 Face index if the particle is on a face otherwise -1.
scalar  stepFraction_
 Fraction of time-step completed.
label  origProc_
 Originating processor id.
label  origId_
 Local particle id on originating processor.


class  Cloud< ParticleType >
Ostream &  operator (Ostream &, const Particle< ParticleType > &)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Particle ( const Cloud< ParticleType > &   cloud,
const vector &   position,
const label   celli  

Construct from components.

Definition at line 168 of file Particle.C.

Referenced by Particle< BasicReactingParcel< ThermoType > >::clone().

Particle ( const Cloud< ParticleType > &   cloud,
Istream &   is,
bool   readFields = true  

Construct from Istream.

Definition at line 40 of file ParticleIO.C.

References IOstream::check(), IOstream::format(), and Istream::read().

Particle ( const Particle< ParticleType > &   p  )

Construct as a copy.

virtual ~Particle (  ) [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 343 of file Particle.H.

Member Function Documentation

Foam::scalar lambda ( const vector &   from,
const vector &   to,
const label   facei,
const scalar   stepFraction  
) const [inline, protected]

Return the 'lambda' value for the position, p, on the face,.

where, p = from + lamda*(to - from) for non-static meshes

Definition at line 32 of file ParticleI.H.

References b, beta(), polyMesh::boundaryMesh(), primitiveMesh::cellCentres(), cp, primitiveMesh::faceAreas(), primitiveMesh::faceCentres(), polyMesh::faces(), Foam::mag(), mesh, polyMesh::moving(), polyMesh::oldPoints(), p, and Foam::sqrt().

Foam::scalar lambda ( const vector &   from,
const vector &   to,
const label   facei  
) const [inline, protected]

Return the 'lambda' value for the position, p, on the face,.

where, p = from + lamda*(to - from) for static meshes

Definition at line 184 of file ParticleI.H.

References polyMesh::boundaryMesh(), primitiveMesh::cellCentres(), primitiveMesh::faceAreas(), primitiveMesh::faceCentres(), Foam::mag(), mesh, and p.

void findFaces ( const vector &   position,
DynamicList< label > &   faceList  
) const [protected]
void findFaces ( const vector &   position,
const label   celli,
const scalar   stepFraction,
DynamicList< label > &   faceList  
) const [protected]
bool hitPatch ( const polyPatch &   ,
TrackData &   td,
const label   patchI  
) [protected]
void hitWedgePatch ( const wedgePolyPatch &   wpp,
TrackData &   td  
) [protected]

Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wedgePatch.

Definition at line 442 of file Particle.C.

References polyPatch::faceAreas(), Foam::I, Foam::mag(), and polyPatch::whichFace().

void hitSymmetryPatch ( const symmetryPolyPatch &   spp,
TrackData &   td  
) [protected]

Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a.


Definition at line 457 of file Particle.C.

References polyPatch::faceAreas(), Foam::I, Foam::mag(), and polyPatch::whichFace().

void hitCyclicPatch ( const cyclicPolyPatch &   cpp,
TrackData &   td  
) [protected]
void transformPosition ( const tensor &   T  ) [protected, virtual]

Transform the position the particle.

according to the given transformation tensor

Definition at line 410 of file Particle.C.

References Foam::transform().

void transformProperties ( const vector &   separation  ) [protected, virtual]
void prepareForParallelTransfer ( const label   patchi,
TrackData &   td  
) [protected]

Convert global addressing to the processor patch.

local equivalents

Definition at line 92 of file Particle.C.

void correctAfterParallelTransfer ( const label   patchi,
TrackData &   td  
) [protected]

Convert processor patch addressing to the global equivalents.

and set the celli to the face-neighbour

Definition at line 105 of file Particle.C.

References polyPatch::faceCells(), coupledPolyPatch::forwardT(), coupledPolyPatch::parallel(), coupledPolyPatch::separated(), coupledPolyPatch::separation(), List< T >::size(), polyPatch::start(), and T.

TypeName ( "Particle< ParticleType >"    )

Runtime type information.

bool inCell (  ) const [inline]

Return true if particle is in cell.

Definition at line 238 of file ParticleI.H.

References List< T >::size().

bool inCell ( const vector &   position,
const label   celli,
const scalar   stepFraction  
) const [inline]

Return true if position is in cell i.

Definition at line 249 of file ParticleI.H.

References List< T >::size().

Foam::vector & position (  ) [inline]

Return current particle position.

Definition at line 300 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::position_.

Foam::label cell (  ) const [inline]

Return current cell particle is in.

Definition at line 307 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::celli_.

Foam::label face (  ) const [inline]

Return current face particle is on otherwise -1.

Definition at line 321 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::facei_.

Referenced by meshSearch::findCell().

const Foam::Cloud< ParticleType > & cloud (  ) const [inline]

Return reference to the particle cloud.

Definition at line 286 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::cloud_.

bool softImpact (  ) const [inline]

Return the impact model to be used, soft or hard (default).

Definition at line 363 of file ParticleI.H.

Foam::scalar currentTime (  ) const [inline]

Return the particle current time.

Definition at line 370 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::cloud_, and Particle< ParticleType >::stepFraction_.

bool onBoundary (  ) const [inline]

Is the particle on the boundary/(or outside the domain)?

Definition at line 328 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::cloud_, and Particle< ParticleType >::facei_.

Referenced by meshSearch::findCell().

Foam::label patch ( const label   facei  ) const [inline]

Which patch is particle on.

Definition at line 379 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::cloud_.

Referenced by reflectParcel::wallTreatment().

Foam::label patchFace ( const label   patchi,
const label   facei  
) const [inline]

Which face of this patch is this particle on.

Definition at line 387 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::cloud_.

Referenced by reflectParcel::wallTreatment().

Foam::scalar wallImpactDistance ( const vector &   n  ) const [inline]
Foam::scalar & stepFraction (  ) [inline]

Return the fraction of time-step completed.

Definition at line 335 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::stepFraction_.

Referenced by spray::inject(), and reflectParcel::wallTreatment().

Foam::scalar stepFraction (  ) const [inline]

Return the fraction of time-step completed.

Definition at line 342 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::stepFraction_.

Foam::label origProc (  ) const [inline]

Return the originating processor id.

Definition at line 349 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::origProc_.

Foam::label origId (  ) const [inline]

Return the particle id on originating processor.

Definition at line 356 of file ParticleI.H.

References Particle< ParticleType >::origId_.

Foam::label track ( const vector &   endPosition,
TrackData &   td  

Track particle to end of trajectory.

or until it hits the boundary. On entry 'stepFraction()' should be set to the fraction of the time-step at which the tracking starts and on exit it contains the fraction of the time-step completed. Returns the boundary face index if the track stops at the boundary, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 202 of file Particle.C.

Referenced by meshSearch::findCell().

Foam::label track ( const vector &   endPosition  )

Calls the templated track with dummy TrackData.

Reimplemented in ExactParticle< ParticleType >, and ExactParticle< trackedParticle >.

Definition at line 221 of file Particle.C.

Foam::scalar trackToFace ( const vector &   endPosition,
TrackData &   td  

Track particle to a given position and returns 1.0 if the.

trajectory is completed without hitting a face otherwise stops at the face and returns the fraction of the trajectory completed. on entry 'stepFraction()' should be set to the fraction of the time-step at which the tracking starts.

Definition at line 230 of file Particle.C.

References Foam::abort(), polyMesh::boundaryMesh(), primitiveMesh::cellCentres(), UList< T >::empty(), polyMesh::faceNeighbour(), polyMesh::faceOwner(), Foam::FatalError, FatalErrorIn, forAll, mesh, Foam::nl, p, and List< T >::size().

Foam::scalar trackToFace ( const vector &   endPosition  )

Calls the templated trackToFace with dummy TrackData.

Reimplemented in ExactParticle< ParticleType >, and ExactParticle< trackedParticle >.

Definition at line 401 of file Particle.C.

void write ( Ostream &   os,
bool   writeFields  
) const

Write the particle data.

Definition at line 172 of file ParticleIO.C.

References IOstream::check(), IOstream::format(), and Ostream::write().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Cloud< ParticleType > [friend]

Reimplemented in ExactParticle< ParticleType >, and ExactParticle< trackedParticle >.

Definition at line 270 of file Particle.H.

Ostream& operator ( Ostream &   ,
const Particle< ParticleType > &    
) [friend]

Member Data Documentation

vector position_ [protected]

Position of particle.

Definition at line 118 of file Particle.H.

Referenced by Particle< ParticleType >::position().

label celli_ [protected]

Index of the cell it is in.

Definition at line 121 of file Particle.H.

Referenced by Particle< ParticleType >::cell().

label facei_ [protected]

Face index if the particle is on a face otherwise -1.

Definition at line 124 of file Particle.H.

Referenced by Particle< ParticleType >::face(), Particle< ParticleType >::faceInterpolation(), and Particle< ParticleType >::onBoundary().

scalar stepFraction_ [protected]

Fraction of time-step completed.

Definition at line 127 of file Particle.H.

Referenced by Particle< ParticleType >::currentTime(), and Particle< ParticleType >::stepFraction().

label origProc_ [protected]

Originating processor id.

Definition at line 130 of file Particle.H.

Referenced by Particle< ParticleType >::origProc().

label origId_ [protected]

Local particle id on originating processor.

Definition at line 133 of file Particle.H.

Referenced by Particle< ParticleType >::origId().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: